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Support Animals

Emotional support or emotional support dogs are those dogs that help people with
emotional problems and that give them, as their name implies, emotional support
or support when they feel insecure in a specific context.
However, emotional support does not need to come exclusively from a dog, so the
correct term is Emotional Support Animal or its acronym in English E.S.A
(Emotional Support Animal). Besides dogs, there are all kinds of animals that can
help their owners in stressful situations. There are from pigs, cats, ducks and even
In countries like the United States, these animals are allowed to be close to their
owners in any situation that may cause the owner stress, such as an airplane flight,
the office or even school.
The most frequently asked question when it comes to these animals is whether
they need to have any special training. The answer is that there is no "special
training", however, they do need to have training to obey the basic commands of
their owner because part of the joke is that you can take them with you to help you
and not to make you spend more stress if they pee mid-flight or if they bite
someone in the office.

Valeria Bolaños

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