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hello, my name is Selenay and in this video I Will talk about our indispensable sense organ. The eye.

Let us begin with what is an organ? An organ is the. group of tissues that perform a certain task or a
set of tasks in biology. This Word comes from the Latin word organum which means a tool. Living
creatures have many organs, such as lungs, kidneys, brain, eyes. And one of them is the eye. The eye
is located in the eye orbit and allows us to see the vision. Briefly, it helps us to understand our

Now I will talk about the structure of the eye in a nutshell. .İt is spherical and situated in the orbital
cavity. There are three layers of the eye. These are the sclera, choroid layer, and retina. Let’s begin
with the sclera. The sclera is the white outer layer of the eyeball. This layer is white and fibrous in
structure. Not only protects the eye from external influences, but also makes the eye chamber a
complete dark place. The choroid is the middle layer of tissue in the wall of the eye. It’s found
between the sclera ) and the retina.This thin layer of tissue is made up almost entirely of blood
vessels. These blood vessels supply oxygen and nutrients to the outer part of the retina. In short, it
keeps the retina healthy and functioning. Retina is the Light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the
eye. İt consists of nerves. İt contains millions of cells that recieve and organize visiual in formation.
Retina sends this information to brain thorough optic nerve which enables us to see.

Animals have eye too. However . Unlike humans, there are animals with various forms of eyes. For
example, the eyes of flies can distinguish movement and colors. In addition, the eyes of birds of prey
cover a wider field of vision, as they are located on both sides of the head. Some animals, on the
other hand, are colorblind. For example, worms and snails are able to distinguish only darkness and

But we are likely to face with various eye diseases. Some of these diseases are caused by genetic
nature the others are acquired later. Some of These diseases are : myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism,
pressing blindness and color blindness.Lets begin with myopia which I have.People who have this eye
disease cannot see far. They are supposed to wear glasses. People with hyperopia eye problem see
the nearby object blurred. Astigmatism can also be defined as blurred vision. Presbytery, on the
other hand, is especially common in older people. Blurred vision is a condition that Individuals with
these eye are also supposed to wear glasses. Just like me. Finally let’s have a look at color blindness,
this disease is inherited. Such patients can not distinguish colors. It's red and yesil.

So what should we do to maintain our eye health? We must take care of eye cleanliness. We should
pay attention to the medications we use for our eyes. We should pay attention to this trace. We
should not strain our eyes too much with light. In any other case, we should contact our doctor

Yeah, that was my presentation. And ı want to say even if we don’t have an eye problem we
sometimes can be blind.

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