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Basic concepts/Terminology

DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION – is an equation containing derivatives or differential.

example: =12 x and y +2xy'-y=
Classification of Differential Equations

Ordinary Differential Equations – is only involved one independent variable and therefore containing only ordinary derivatives.

Partial Differential Equations – involves two or more independent variables.

In the equation

d2i di 1
L 2
+ R + i=Eω cos cos ωt
dt dt C

i is the dependent variable, t is the independent variable, and L, R, C, E, and ω are called parameters.

Order of Differential Equations – is the order of the highest ordered derivative which appears in the differential equation.

Degree of Differential Equations – is the power to which the highest order derivative is raised when the differential coefficients are free
from radicals and fractions.


Identify the independent variables, dependent variables, and the parameters in the equations given below.

1. =cos cos x
d2 y 2
2. +k y=0
d x2
3. ( x 2 + y 2 ) dx−2 xy dy =0
du 2 d 2 u d 2 u
=h ( +
d x2 d y2 )
df df
5. x + y =nf
dx dy
Types of Solutions

General Solution – is a solution to a differential equation that contains one or more arbitrary constants of integration.

Particular Solution – if it is obtain from the general solution by specifying the values of the arbitrary constants.

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