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Baluran National Park

INDONESIA has the widest expanse of savanna on the island of Java, namely the Baluran
National Park in East Java. If you visit here, you will definitely feel like you are in Africa.
Located at the eastern tip of Java Island; Situbondo and Banyuwangi, Baluran National Park
(TNB) is one of the five oldest national parks in Indonesia. If you prefer to safari to Baluran National
Park, there are some cottages designed in Madurese style and operated by Environmental Education
You can enjoy the amazing scenery of the forest and do the safari activities in the wildlife and
feel the magic of the forest. If you like to observe the tropical forest vegetation, the park is a heaven for
many species of trees, plants and flowers such as pecan nut trees, Maja, Gadung, Java tamarind trees and
mount Widara.
Baluran National Park is a representative of dry forest ecosystems on the island of Java,
consisting of savanna vegetation types, mangrove forests, seasonal forests, coastal forests, lower
mountain forests, swamp forests, and forests that are always green throughout the year. If you are a
photography lover, you should come here during the dry season, in June-july-August, because the water
in the forest is dry, and the grass is yellow.

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