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Japan's Princess Mako: The woman who gave up royal status to marry

26 October 2021

Princess Mako and Kei Komuro


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The couple met at university in 2012

When Mako, then a Japanese princess, announced her engagement to former classmate Kei Komuro in
2017, she said he had won over her heart with "his bright smiles like the sun".

The two had met five years earlier when they were both university students, and shared their plans to
wed the following year. It meant the princess would become an ordinary citizen, as female imperial
family members forfeit their royal status upon marriage to a commoner.

Their smiles won over a country where the imperial family is closely scrutinised and its members are
expected to be a guardian of traditions. The intense media coverage was mostly positive.

But that quickly changed.

Two months later, the first reports emerged about an alleged money dispute between Mr Komuro's
mother and her former fiancé, who claimed mother and son had failed to repay a debt to him. Some
questioned whether Mr Kumoro could struggle financially in the future.

Public perception soured. With the official explanation that the couple needed more time to arrange
their ceremony, their wedding ended up postponed.

Princess Mako speaking with her father, mother and sister before leaving her home


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Then-Princess Mako speaking with her father, mother and sister before leaving for her wedding

The former princess, who is now known as Mako Komuro, is the first child of the current emperor's
younger brother, Prince Akishino, and his wife, Princess Kiko. Born on 23 October 1991, she initially
followed royal tradition and attended the elite Gakushuin school, where members of the imperial family
usually study.

But she broke with custom by leaving the institution for her university studies. Ms Mako attended
Tokyo's International Christian University, where she studied art and cultural heritage, and spent a year
at the University of Edinburgh. Later, she earned a master's degree at the University of Leicester, an
experience she said was "wonderful".

People close to Ms Mako described her as an independent and friendly woman who had pursued a
career while performing imperial duties, a profile by Japan's Kyodo news agency said.

She first met Mr Komuro, who was also born in 1991, at a meeting of students planning to go abroad in
2012. His humble origins meant that tabloids spent a long time digging dirt on his family. Amid the
scandal in 2018, he moved to New York to study law at Fordham University, and the couple reportedly
kept in touch through the internet.
He only came back to Japan last September, a return that was not without controversy. Mr Komuro was
dressed casually and sporting a ponytail, which for many was another proof that he was not fit to marry
the then-princess.

Finally, in October, the couple got married. Ms Mako skipped the usual rites associated with a royal
wedding, and turned down a traditional payment of about $1.3m (£940,000) given to a female member
of the imperial family upon their departure from the household.

It was another break from tradition, as Ms Mako became the first woman to do so.

Questions over Mr Komuro's finances remain, despite him saying that the money at the centre of the
reports - about $35,000 - had been a gift not a loan but that he would pay a settlement. At least one
protest was held at their wedding day, which included placards saying "Protect our household" and "The
imperial family is the soul of Japan".

The excessive press coverage as well as the relentless attacks on social media have had an impact on Ms
Mako's mental health, and she is now suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the
Imperial Household Agency.

At a news conference alongside her new husband after their low-key wedding, Ms Mako said the
"incorrect" reports about Mr Komuro had caused her "great fear, stress and sadness".

"Kei is irreplaceable for me," she said. "For us, marriage is a necessary choice to live while cherishing our

Mr Komuro, who cut off the ponytail before the wedding, vowed to protect and support his wife. "I love
Mako," he said. "I want to spend the only life I have with the one I love."

The couple are expected to move to the US, where Mr Komuro works as a lawyer. The move has drawn
comparisons with British royals Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, earning the newlyweds the nickname
"Japan's Harry and Meghan".
Ms Mako is expected to remain in Tokyo for some time preparing for the move, according to Reuters
news agency. This includes applying for the first passport of her life.

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