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Replace the infinitives in brackets by the present tense or the present continous tense:

1. You usually walk quite slow.

2. Why are you walking so fast today?
3. Cuckoos do not build nests.
4. They use the nests of other birds.
5. Do you understand the rule?
6. The sun sets late in summer.
7. I don’t/know what she wants.
8. You can’t have the book now because Johnny is reading it.
9. Look, snow is still falling.
10. It often rains in November.
11. She always buys lottery tickets but she is seldom winning.
12. Who is making that terrible noise? It’s my son.
13. What are you looking for? I am looking for my spectacles.
14. Switch on the light. It is getting dark.
15. Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.
16. They meet twice a week.
17. Where is Peter? He is preparing for his lessons. He usually prepares for them at that time.
18. He is just seeing his friend off.
19. Somebody is knocking at the door.
20. Can you hear what I am saying?
21. They are asking for you on the telephone.
22. How do you feel?

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