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Nama anggota kelompok :

Zalva ayu ramadhani ( G2A018064 )

Muhammad maulana reza ( G2A019128 )

Meita lulu fatmawati (G2A019130 )

“ Text Description “


Blood is a fluid found in all living things that functions to send substances and oxygen needed by
body tissues, transport chemicals from metabolism, and also as a defense against viruses or bacteria.
(General Classification)

Blood is a suspension of cells and cytoplasmic fragments in a fluid called plasma. Overall blood can
be considered as a connective tissue in a broad sense, because it basically consists of cellular
elements and intercellular substances in the form of plasma. (Description)

Human blood is red, ranging from bright red when it is rich in oxygen to dark red when it is deprived
of oxygen. The red color of blood is due to hemoglobin, a respiratory protein, which is present in
erythrocytes and contains iron in the form of heme, which is where oxygen molecules bind.
( Description)

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