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Vic Joseph T.

Ibero 11-ABM


The earth has been made as home for all its creatures- humans, animals and the plants.
All living things rely on the natural resource of the planet. It has given us life until our last
breath, consuming oxygen, food, and water. Still by knowing this fact, we intend to forget about
how important our home is. We are overcome with other matters like money, greed and power
which would lead us sacrificing our valuable resources.

The world is in constant change, we continue to adapt, evolve and innovate toward
achieving the best possible way of living. With all the change that is happening, we could say
that it only benefits humanity. When can we see that our activities have detrimental effects to the
environment and its beings. New problems arise each day namely water pollution, air pollution,
climate change, over population and many more. They are in need to be addressed and created a
permanent solution to. These problems severely affect our way of living and the health of each
one of us. These problems don’t get solved overnight, as advocates of God’s creation, we human
being should lead this change and is capable of changing this world a much cleaner and healthy
place to live in for the next generations to come and appreciate.

This world is our only home, we humans are the highest of the beings that is responsible
for what happens next for years to come. We are its caretakers and protector but we seem to be
the ones causing harm rather than good. Our acts that poison the earth must change and that
change must start from ourselves. Challenging one another to be disciplined enough and lessen
the harm we cause. We start by doing simple acts like: avoiding use of single used plastics, use
the public transportation, segregating our trash and start to recycle. These are simple things at
first but if everyone starts to practice them it could spark a change in the world.

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