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<About Love>

By Anton Checkov
A young boy with big dreams goes to his first day of college.

[Alyohin on stage, reading pamphlet]

[Nikanor enters from the side approaching Alyohin]

<prop; Tas gunung and topi and pamphlet>

Joh: Hi! Is your name Alyohin?

Dw: Yes I am, and you are?

Joh: My name is Nikanor. Were going to be roomates for college!

[Alyohin and Nikanor shake hands]

Dw: Oh great! Nice to meet you then. What are you majoring in?

Joh: Oh, I’m majoring in Culinary because I want to become a cook and
hopefully open up a restaurant with my girlfriend when we graduate.

Dw: wow really? Is she studying here too?

Joh: Oh, no. she’s studying hospitality in the university next door. What are
majoring in?

Dw: I’m majoring in Law. I Really want to become a judge. I’m determined to
work hard to pay off my fathers debt, because he spent so much on my

Joh: That’s so cool. Im sure you can reach your dreams, man.

Bell rings
Joh: I think we can go to our dorm room now, let’s go!

[Nikanor puts arm around Alyohin dragging him off stage]

[Out to Left]
After years of studying and working hard, Alyohin and Nikanor finally graduates.
They decided to keep being roomates while they start their work life.

One day at their shared apartment..

[Alyohin and Nikanor on stage]

[Alyohin and Nikanor sits side by side. Alyohin is reading a book when Nikanor
starts a conversation]

<prop; Two chairs>

Joh: I need your advice man

Dw : about what?

Joh: what if I want to propose to my girlfriend?

Dw: oh, do you think you’re both ready?

Joh: I mean I know that I’m ready, I already have a job as a cook and I can
provide my family


Dw: okay but what about her? Have you ask her about things like this?

[Press words]

Joh: I haven’t asked her yet but I’m sure she’s ready.


Dw: you don’t know what’s really on her mind

[with a sigh]

Joh: But (Pause) I really want to!


Dw: Yeah, but-

[ Get cuts off By Nikanor]

Joh: Whatever I’m gonna do it anyways.

[Nikanor storms off, Out of stage]

At Palageya’s House

[Nikanor calls Palageya]

[Palageya on stage]

Ash: hello?

Joh: are you at home?

Ash: yes, why?

Joh: open the door

[Palageya opens door]

[Nikanor gets down on one knee and pulls out ring]

Ash: what the hell are you doing?

[Yells in confusion]

Joh: why? don’t you want to marry me?

[Yells in confusion]

Ash: no, why should we?

Joh: what is that suppose to mean? I want to live with you, a man and a
woman should married before they live together under one roof


Ash: but you know we’re not ready, we don’t have to get married to live

Joh: so you’re saying no?

Ash: yea because your reason doesn’t make sense

[Nikanor throws the ring and storms out. Off stage]

[Palageya Sighs and Out stage]

In a bar near Palageya’s House

[Bartender on stage]

<Prop 2 tables, 1 chair, drinks, bottle, glasses, money>

[Nikanor walks in]

[Nikanor slams hand on table]

Joh: bartender give me your strongest drink.

Ver: woa are you sure?

[Surprised, stops shaking drink]

Joh: of course I am.

Ver: okay then.

[Shakes head]

[Gives drink in glass]

here you go.

must be a hell of a problem, huh?

Joh: mind your own business.

[Yells annoyed]

Alkohol.mp3 ~~

Joh: here’s your money

[Slams money on table]

[drunk, slur words]

also I’m taking this.

[Takes an alcohol bottle]

[Drinks while walking away, unsteadily]

ver: okay thanks.

but be careful man you’re really drunk right now.

[Yelling as a warning]

joh: yea yea whatever

[Slurred, waving the bartender off]

[Nikanor Out]

A drunk Nikanor finds himself on the way to Palageya’s House, and in he goes

[Palageya On Stage]

[Nikanor storms in, a drink in hand]

Joh: Palageya!

[Throws Drink]

[Approaches Palageya]

[Gets Belt]

<Just as KDRT scene about to happen>

Freeze Scene

[Narrator In]

[Prop, 18 SIGN]

The following scene includes violence suitable only for ages 18 and over. Due to the
unsuitability of the scene for the audience member present, the following scene will
not be shown. Thank you for your understanding.

[Narrator 1 & 2 Out, Narrator 3 Stay]

And So, Nikanor and Palageya’s relationship went downhill from there. Nikanor
was feeling down all week.

[Nikanor on stage]

[Alyohin in]

[Prop; 2 Chairs, Briefcase]

dw: hey man you feeling better?

[Pats Nikanor’s head]

Joh: yea I guess


Dw: I have to go out of town for my new job as a judge

[stands up, shows briefcase and outfit]

Joh: oh yea I forgot you got a new job goodluck man

[Shake hand]

Dw: thanks man, try to straighten things up

Joh: bye

[Alyohin Out stage]

And so, Alyohin went out to his new job out of town, finally pursuing his dream
career in law.

After his first day at work..

[Alyohin on Stage]

[Luganovich approaches]

<prop; Briefcase, 2 Blazers, cane>

Ver: oh so here is our new member

[Hand on Alyohin’s shoulder]

Dw: hello bos

[Gives hand]

Ver: don’t call me that way, just call me luganovich

[Shakes hand]

Dw: oh okay sir

Ver: I see that you are bright young lad aren’t you? What about coming to my
house for dinner tonight?

Dw: oh it would be an honor sir

Ver: let’s get going then

[Guides Alyohin out with a hand on his shoulder]

And so, Alyohin Goes to Luganovich’s House. Fortunately, They arrive just in time
for Dinner.

<prop; 3 tables, 4 chairs, tray, 3 sets of eating utensils, table cloth>

Ver: welcome to my house

[opens hands wide]

[Takes of Blazer, Alyohin follows suit]

my wife is probably making dinner. Go make yourself at home, I’m going

to wash up first.

[Luganovich Out]

Dw: okay sir

Alyohin decides to wonder around Luganovich’s house.

[Anna On Stage]

[Alyohin wander around]

[Anna turns facing Alyohin]

Hello I love you .mp3 ~~

[Alyohin tersepona]

Tas: hello are you okay?

[clicks fingers in front of Alyohin’s face]

Dw: oh yea yea.

are you a maid here or something?

Tas: what? No. I’m luganovich wife, and you are?

Dw: what really? But you’re so young

Tas: hahaha I get that a lot , but

he is very wealthy tho you know? <whispers>

Dw: oh I’m-

[Gets cut off by Luganovich]

Ver: oh I see you’ve met each other, this is my wife Anna.

[Hand on Anna’s Shoulder]

honey, this is my new collague alyohin,

the one I’ve been talking about.

Tas: oh I see. So, dinner ?

[Brings tray to table]

[Dinner scene]

and Twas the night Anna and Alyohin first met. Little did they know, this was the
start of a complicated love story. Alyohin and Anna started to fall in love with each
other, but they were both in a place where they cannot confess their feelings.

But it was hard for them to stay apart from each other but it was actually harder
for them to be together yet not saying anything. It was so mentally challenging,
that both sides started showing signs of mental illness.

[Telphone ring]

[Anna on stage]

Tas: hello

Dw: hey how are you? We haven’t call each other for a while

Tas: yea I know ther’s just a lot of stuff in my mind right now

Dw: about us?

Tas: mostly

Dw: why?

Tas: nothing really

Dw: it’s not like you’re cheating or something haha.. ha…


[Awkward pause]
[Door slam]

Tas: oh luganovich is home! Ttyl!

[Hurried Actions]

Ver: who are you talking to just now?


Tas: nobody, I’m going to make dinner

[Anna Storms out suspiciously]

Ver: hmmm… something’s weird.

[ Crossed hand, strokes chin ]

Luganovich slowly catches on on the personality changes of his wife.

[Anna and Luganovich on stage]

[Anna is cooking]

[Luganovich sits, reading newspaper]

<prop; newspaper, tray and plate>

[Anna walks and drops tray of food]

Ver: what’s wrong with you lately , you’ve been all over the place, is there
something you want to tell me?


Tas: no no no. don’t. let’s just not talk about this.

[Yells angrily]

[Crouches down to clean up the mess]

[Luganovich approaches Anna,

crouches down, pats her shoulder]

Ver: maybe you should go see a therapist

[Leads Anna off stage with both hands on shoulder]

Meanwhile, Alyohin also seems to be a little off. And his best friend Nikanor starts
to catch on.

<prop; off taplak meja>

Joh: you seem down lately

Dw: what? Really?

Joh: anyone can see that

Dw: well I have a girl that I really love but I supposed to love her

Joh: why?

Dw: I can’t tell you.

Joh: maybe you should just tell her, it’s better to do and know than keep

Dw: maybe when the time’s right, I will.

Joh: that’s good I don’t like seeing you depressed.

While Alyohin gets advice from his bestfriend, with the reccomendation of her
husband, Anna seeks help to a therapist.

As: It’s probably already obvious, but the tests proves it to be 100% true. Mrs.
Luganovich. Right now, you mental health is very unstable. Signs of stress
and depression are very evident. This could be caused by all your
personal problems that we talked about earlier.

An: Is it very bad?

As: You can never say any mental illness matter less or more, because at the
end of the day mental illness is still a disease and all diseases need to be
treated. Now, for cases like these, being in the situation you are in, with
the state you are in right now, there’s not going to be any changes if you
stay where you are right now. Especially the only mental support you can
get are from the people who are actually the cause of your problems.

An: So, your suggestion is?

As: If you really want to get better, I suggest you go to a rehab center. I really
recommend the one in Crimea, a lot of good doctors that I guarantee will
take good care of you.
An: Crimea? That’s across the country.

As: Correct. But that’s what you’ll have to do to get better.

So, with the recommendation of her doctor, Anna sets off to Crimea, Leaving on
train, accompanied by her husband who has other appointments at city near

[All cast minus Alyohin On stage]

<Prop; suitcase>

Tas: Bye Everybody! This is going to be the last you’ll be seeing me in a while.

[Choruses of goodbyes]

Ver: C’mon honey we better get going

Tas: Um okay, you go ahead first

[Tries to look for Alyohin, but then gives up]

[Alyohin comes in running]

Dw: Anna! Wait!

Tas: Alyohin what are you doing?

Dw: No, What are you doing? Where are you going?

Tas: Alyohin,



Gotta go my own way.mp3 ~~

Dw: But I love you.

Tas: I know, I love you too.

I have to leave now.

Dw: But-

Tas: If you truly love me, you would let me go.

[Train sounds]

Tas: Bye, maybe we will see eachother again.

Dw: Maybe.

[Anna Out]

And So that was the story of Alyohin’s first love, his boss’s wife who until now he
has never seen or heard of ever again.

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