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Party Games

The Five Senses

Pass the Orange

The most well known of adult party game ideas here. You’ll need two
oranges and plenty of space.
 Break into two lines, each with varying
head heights. The first players are given an orange to hold between
their chin and neck
 On ‘Go!’, the orange is passed down each
respective line, from the chin of one person to the chin of their
 No hands are allowed to touch the orange
during its passage. Unless it drops. In this case, the orange is
passed back to the first player and their whole line starts again.
 To win, the last player with the orange
must transfer it back to the first, via their chin.

Never Have I Ever

To play, get everyone seated and holding up ten fingers.
One person says something that she’s never done in her life, but suspects
some players have, by saying “Never have I ever [the something]" – for
example, “Never have I ever drunk tequila".
Everyone who has drunk tequila must lower a finger.
The last player with fingers still raised wins. Everyone gets to share their
stories afterwards.
Shoe Game
To wind up your icebreaker games for small groups, a simple game for
As guests arrive at your party, ask each one to take off one of their shoes.
Gather these into a pile.
 Now hand everyone a shoe that isn’t their
own. Send them off to find the owner of their “new” shoe and learn
something about them.

Who’s Phone Is It?

Who Is My Partner

Pick one name for each person playing and stick that name on each
person's back or forehead. Each person gets 20 "yes or no" questions to
find out who they are. This game is really funny as each person starts
recounting what they know about themselves before asking their next

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