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Emergency - 비상시의 - a serious situation that needs fast action

on fire - 불타고 - burning

address - 주소를 지정 - where someone lives
near - 가까운 - close, not far
across - 건너편 - from one side to another
hurry - 빨리 가요. - quickly
poor - in bad condition (불쌍한, 가련한)
dangerous - 위험한 - not safe
leave - 떠나다 - to go away
right away - 즉시 - right now
1. Don’t drive too fast. That is ___________________.
2. My house is just _____________ my school. I just need to cross the street.
3. _______________! We need to go now! We’re late.
4. The building is ______________. Now, many firefighters are there to stop the fire.
5. I ________________ my house at 8:30 in the morning to go to school.
6. Please call the ambulance. It’s an ______________ situation.
7. You need to go here _________________. We need to be in the airport at 5:30 p.m.

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