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1. Verify the order with the

patient’s chart
2. Determine whether the
patient has allergies
3. Perform hand hygiene
4. Check the medications color,
clarity and expiration date. If
the medication has expired,
return it to the pharmacy and
obtain a new vial
5. Choose equipment
appropriate to the prescribed
medication and injection site.
a. Patient’s medication
administration record
b. Prescribed medication
c. Sterile syringe and needle of
appropriate size and gauge (self-
sheathing needle is
d. Alcohol pads
e. Optional: gauze pad, 1”tape,
ice, filter needle, gloves
6. Prepare a syringe with the
prescribed amount using sterile
7. Perform hand hygiene
8. Confirm the patient’s identity
using at least two patient
9. Explain the procedure to the
patient and provide privacy
10. Put on gloves, if needed
11. Select an appropriate
injection site
12. Position and drape the
patient appropriately
13. Clean the injection site with
an alcohol pad using a circular
motion outward, allow the skin
to dry, and keep the pad for later
14. Displace the skin and
subcutaneous tissue of the
injection site by pulling the skin
laterally, and position the
syringe at a 90-degree angle.
Tell the patient to expect a
needle stick
15. Insert the needle quickly and
smoothly deep into the muscle
at a 90-degree angle. Aspirate
for blood return if appropriate.
16. If no blood appears, inject
the medication slowly
17. If blood appears, stop the
injection and prepare a new
syringe with the medication and
inject into another site
18. Withdraw the needle slowly
19. Release the displaced skin
and subcutaneous tissue
20. Cover the site with an
alcohol pad and apply gentle
21. Inspect the site for signs of
bleeding or bruising. Apply
pressure or ice as needed
22. Discard all equipment
according to standard
precautions and facility policy.
23. Remove and discard your
gloves, if worn, and perform
hand hygiene
24. Document the procedure

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