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Subject: Motivation letter To The Rector of the University of International Business and Economics In the constant concem of my professional training in the very important field of economics, | have opted for your great university of intemational renown, which is not to be praised and whose merits are known to all the Guineans who have stayed there, | obtained my bachelor's degree in Logistics and Transport, session 2017 with honors, my wish is to obtain a Master's degree ai the University of International Business and Economics. I would like to specialize as a senior business manager, because nowadays and in my country Guinea few women know this sector. | would like to learn in your university, a pioneer in the management of small and medium-sized companies. | would come back to launch the Guinean woman into a new sphere in Guinea, | would train several of my comrades. This iraining will allow me to free their initiatives in management, business and especially in the relationship of our ambitions. In the spirit that my request will be of interest to you, please accept, Mr. Rector, the expression of my highest consideration Ajicha DIALLO

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