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Florencia Caquetá

October 1st, 2021


Language academy 

I am writing in connection with the job advertiseent for a English Teacher, published on the
website the Friday, 1st October 2021. I should like to apply for the employment because I
believe that I am a person with a vocation for the care, attention and training of children,
youth and adults. committed to their cognitive and emotional development, in a continuous
learning and teamwork disposition.

The skills I have as a teacher are cognitive, social and physical, including the empathy,
assertive communication and knowledge of technologies with application in the classroom.
Also I can to handling problems and conflicts inside the classroom. I can work as a team,
actively listen and motivate my students. in addition, I have the ability to make decisions
autonomously and responsibly. I have critical thinking and creative to teach my classes and
achieves the learnings. I have the ability of design pedagogical projects and I have the skill
crate to new teaching strategies than are going to help to get better the grades and my
promote values my students.

Best regards.

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