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Jelou mai neim is bibiana mendoza in tudeis video ai wil tok abau a rili inportan

topic in tudeis world ‘de rol of tecnoloyi in de actualiti’ so a fiu tings da ai wilt ok
abau ar de importans of tecnologi, son of de mor importan mailstons in tecnoloyi
divelopmens en auer corent situeichon en jau wi arm or bon dan never tu dis kain
of divaises wit no foder adu lets bigen.
Guel wi quenat dinai de fact of jau ol de tecnoloyical divelopments en
innoveichions plei a big rol in auer deili rutin en in auer laif in lleneral. Dis laif wi ar
curenly enyoin is ol bicos ol dis tecnoloyical Advantech wi jab meikin os eibol tu
complit auer tasks isier faster berer en in a mor convinien wei.
Tecnoloyi meid revoluchionari cheinches tu auer laif as jiuman populeichion gruw
wi ar very mach awer da wich cain of plants tu grow in various claimets en
condichions dis is posibol bicos of tecnoloyi encheismens wi ol jab nau acses tu
informeichon jau wi can impru agricultur bust fud producchion incris fud suplai
risols in meiking overall laif berer for evriguan.
A topic da is kain of common is wich tecnoloyical divelopment is berer? Which
guan jas meid a biger impac in menkain? Iven if it is very dificul tu comper eni
tecnoloyi in rispec of mor ifec en impac dan di oder oltoug wi ken certainly aprichiei
medical breiktrugs da tecnoloyi jas broug op in auer laivs laik vakcins transplants
en niu antibaiorics. Taims jab revoluchionais en de world jas bicon faster.
Invenchion of telefon is yet anoder important mailston in tecnoloyi divelopmen
bifore invenchion of telefon it teiks deis or monts tu pas informeichion from guan
pleis tu anoder postal servis guas auer onli sours of comiuniqueichon wit tecnoloyi
advansmen evritin is yos a click awei nau wi ken contac isili eniguan from eniwer
cherin tougs en informeichion at a mosh faster espi dan ever bifor.
In auer actuality wi as sosaieti ar experimentin a worlwai pandemic so wi jab sofer
sontin da guas estrench tu auer estail of laif de cuarentin wi culdent du moch mor
dan estei in auer joms so we estar to si son cheinches a stronger bon grou wit auer
tecnoloyical divaises as we estar tu ius den deili en for meni auers olso escul sofer
in de wei da clases estarte ti bi virtual sontin rili niu for mos of os so as a
concluchion ol ai ken sei is da we mos riciv ol dis cheinches wit open arms en trait
u onderesten da if wi ius it in de correct wei ol dei gon tu bring os is going tu bi an
isier fster en berer laif.
Tenks for yur atenchion

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