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Yes, I like to be informed about what is happening in my country.

It's very interesting that someone your age likes politics because usually people don't like to
talk about that subject. I would like to know more about what you think, can I ask you some

Yes, of course.

Ok, lets beging, From what age can you vote in the elections?

Well, voting is mandatory for people 18 years old and older and voluntary for 16 and 17 year
olds, although the truth is that some people do not vote and prefer to pay the fine.

Who won the last election?

The last elections Guillermo Lasso won with a 5 percent advantage.

Why did they win?

He won because of the popularity he was gaining in the electoral campaign, trying to reach the
vote of young people through social networks, with an alliance with another political party.

What did they promise?

Of all the campaign proposals I remember that he promised vaccination to all Ecuadorians,
lower interest rates in banks, more benefits and opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to
do their own business, among many proposals that were liked by the people.

Would you ever consider becoming a politician?

The truth is that no, it is a world very corrupted by corruption and even if you try to become an
honest politician there will always be people who will force you if you do not want to get hurt
and sometimes to the family. I think that being a politician is to think twice before engaging in
that, at least in Ecuador.

How often are elections held in your country?

They are held every four years to elect the new government of the country and likewise for the
mayoralties and others have the same lapse of time.

Have you ever voted?

Yes, I have voted a few times to choose political representatives such as assembly members,
presidents or mayors.

Who did you vote for?

Yes, I have voted for who I thought was the best option, but I prefer not to say for which

Your questions were interesting but I would also like to know what you think about politics,
can I ask you some questions?

By all means Kevin.

Do men or women make better politicians?

What the ratio men to women in your country?

I believe that while a person has a university title and is friendly, he or she can assume any
position independently of whether is a man or a woman.

There are more women than men in the country according to various statistics.

Is the current government popular? Why or why not?

When will the next elections be held?

The current government is demonstrating that it is capable of fulfilling its proposals and that is
the reason it is popular. I believe that the next elections will be held in 2025.

Do you think the government is doing a good job?

Why or why not?

I believe that the current government is doing a great job, especially with regard to vakcines
because of the situation we are living in. It has made it possible for vakcines to reach more
places and for people my age to get vakcineited without having to wait a long time.

What makes a good politician?


A good politician is able to demonstrate that he or she is a person worthy of the position, will
avoid corruption and will be frank with all people.

Thank you very much for your time, see you later.

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