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The follows should be completed as best you before Wednesday's class.

2. Speaking Part 1: Study - I have provided some sample language for reference but you need
to produce your own answers.

1.     Do you study or work?

·      I’m a finance & accounting university student in Binh Doung province, which is situated
40km north of HCMC.

·      I’m a student (here) at VGU, and my bachaelor degree is in computer science.

Ans : I am currently study in Computer Science major at VGU university, which is located at the
south of HCMC.

2. Are you happy with your   course/subjects?

DIScontent, DISsatisfied, delighted, pleased                                                              + with

over the moon, not too happy with, a bit miffed with, a bit pissed off about,    + about

Yes, definitely. I find Computer or Math courses exciting, which have interesting concepts I have
never learned before.

3. Do you find your   studies/subjects/course    difficult/easy?

easy                                                    difficult

quite simple                                                 tricky    

easy as pie                                       hard = taxing           
like taking candy from a baby                 complicated
Yes, I do. Most of my subjects quite complicated and time-consuming to understand new
concepts or apply in coursework.
 4. What will you do when you finish your studies?

After graduating from my bachelor's program, I intend to find a software engineering position
in a big tech company. This job requires me a solid background in the technology field.
After I graduate from my bachelor program, I plan/intend to…..

I’d hope to find employment     in/ with    an accounting firm  such as ….….

5. Do you prefer to study alone or with others?

Well, for me, It's would be better to study as a group. It will be beneficial to review my
understand and keep motivated when working in a group.

It depends on what I’m studying.

If I’m …… then I certainly like to learn by myself.

However, If I’m …… then it’s better to work as a group.

6. Do you spend more time studying now than you didin the past?

Well, I’d say that ….

I don’t remember exactly how much time I spent studying in secondary school, but I’d guess I
spend more time study now. Because I usually have homework until midnight to finish in my

I suppose I spend

3. Speaking Part 2 - make plenty of notes for your answer and time yourself (it should be at
least 90 seconds).
                                 - make sure you include my suggestions in your answer (i.e. opening,
closing, recommendations, etc.)
Describe a famous piece of art you know and like.

- what it
- where you saw / heard it
- who created it

and explain why you like it.

To be honest, I am not a big fan of art because I find them quite challenging to understand.
However, there is a painting that is famous worldwide impressed me to remember it. It is a
painting portrait named Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vince, who is a talented Italian artist.

To the best of my recollection, I saw this picture when I was ten years old. Actually, I didn’t see it
in person but in a channel program on my television. The original painting was displayed in an
exhibition in Paris and now is own’s by The government of France. It has been described as the
best known, the most written about, and the most visited art globally. This artwork paint about
a woman, who is called Mona Lisa, 220 / 5000

Kết quả dịch

The painting is a half-portrait and shows a woman whose facial features are often described
as enigmatic. It is perhaps the most famous painting ever stolen and recovered to the Louvre.

4. Speaking Part 3: Art - review your answers on Word and improve them.

That it for now, have a nice weekend.


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