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Weekly reflection (Oct 4th to Oct 8th)

This week left me leaving with a lot of things I need to think about and improve upon.

My organizational skills were certainly lacking – I have never considered myself to be a good

planner and this week quite frankly whooped my butt as a result. There is no doubt in my mind I

have a passion for teaching. I love coming to school everyday and seeing the kids; it really is the

best part of my day. However, upon reflecting on my passion with Phil, he brought up a really

good point. What is stopping me from becoming more organized and prepared when I know that

it would improve my practices as a teacher? Time is an easy answer to go for, everybody could

always use a little bit more time. But if time were really the issue, why would I not sacrifice

things that are taking time away from what I perceive to be the most important thing in my life

right now? Perhaps its not a matter of time, but rather what I chose to spend my time on that is

making the preparedness lacking. It has really made me question my priorities and orient my

thinking differently. Perhaps that’s the issue, that I have never seen the value of preparedness

and therefore prioritized it is a result. A lot of the challenges I have been having lately are

symptoms of this larger issue – Taking time to correct this and thinking about what I do more

critically is going to be key moving forward.

On a brighter note, the field trip went as well as I could have hoped. I was really proud of

all of the kids; they took their time and really did their best to identify as many species as they

possibly could around the bird sanctuary. 73 kids were a lot to handle and keep track of, but I

think that the students for the most part really enjoyed it. When this happens, it really does make

having to jump through all of the administrative hoops required worth it. Long day though – after

running around the bird sanctuary all day and doing parent teacher interviews after, my head hit

the pillow and I was out. Didn’t even have the energy to get out of my clothes.

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