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Skill 3

Question 1 of 15

1. The speed traveling when it leaves a track

Will affect the distance between the animal’s


a. That an animal which is

b. Which an animal is

c. At which an animal is

d. Which an animal

2. Government economic analysts are

Concerned about____to the economy if prices

Were to rise so quickly that they devalue the

Money supply.

a. That it could happen

b. What could happen

c. Could it happen

d. Is what happens

3. A fluorescent lamp contains ____ glows with

White light when electricity passes through it.

a. A glass tube that it.

b. A tube is made of glass
c. A glass tube that
d. A glass tube
4. Koala never drinks water because it gets

All the liquid that_ from the leaves of

Eucalyptus trees.

a. It needs is
b. it needs
c. needing it
d. the need for it

5. Fink was a colorful American

Frontiersman whose adventures ____ of

Numerous folktales and legends.

a. serve the basis

b. As the basis serving
c. The basis to serve
d. Served as a basis

6.When the Hubble space Telescope focused

For ten days on a dark patch of sky the size of

A grain of sand, what initially appeared to be

Empty space__ thousands of distant


a. turning out to be filled with

b. it turned out to be failled
c. turned out to be failled with
d. and it turned out to fill


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