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Nature of Research

Investigation on how societies work are comprehend in three ways: (1)

Experience (2) Reasoning (3) Research.

Experience involves drawing upon individual accumulated body of

knowledge and skills derived from encounter with facts, events and the


Reasoning – it consists of three types namely deductive, inductive and the

combination of both. Deductive reasoning is developed by Aristotle based on

syllogism – a-prior or self-evident proposal (Eg. All tall people are drivers; Ade is

a driver; conclusion, Ade is tall).

Inductive reasoning

Inductive reasoning was developed because of the short coming of deductive

reasoning. Inductive reasoning is the study of a number of individual cases that

could be based on hypothesis and later to a generalisation.

The inductive method was later followed by inductive – deductive method,

this combined Aristotalian deduction with scientific method. Inspite of the

weakness of both deductive and inductive reasoning, they still contributed to the

development of science in three ways:

- The suggestion of hypothesis

- Logical development of the hypothesis

- The classification and interpretation of scientific findings and their synthesis

into a conceptual framework

The inductive and deductive methods are thus based on opinion, experience

and speculations.

The third method is research, which goes beyond opinion, experience and

speculations. It involves the accumulation of data and interpretation of data.

Then what is research?

Research is a systemic investigation of a specific phenomenon directed at

either the discovery of new facts or critical exposition of existing knowledge, in

other words, research can be defined as investigation undertaken in order to

discover new facts or get additional information.

Research is also define as a process of systemic inquiry that entails

collection of data, documentation of critical information and analysis and

interpretation of that data/information in accordance with suitable methodologies

set by specific professional field or academic discipline.

Characteristic of Research

There are three characteristics listed by Ijiri (1975)

- Novelty – breaking new ground such as making discovery, e.g. discovery of

vaccine for covid-19; discovering of how to deal with insecurity in Nigeria,

such discovery can tagged novel because they are problems that need

immediate solution.

- Defendable – research must be defendable and with facts to support the new

discovery. For instance, scientists are defending the efficacy of Covid-19

vaccine for use. That is why it is being reproduced for world use.

- Availability – it must be available, after discovery of Covid-19 vaccine, it is

made available for the world use.

Qualities of a good Research

Rose 1974 identified certain qualities of a good research as follows:

- Thoroughness – very obvious in scientific research but not be overlooked in

written research. Examine all aspects of a problem in order to arrive at a


- Exactness – no room for carelessness or hasty conclusions careful attention

to details and mental alertness in analysis.

- Honesty – dishonesty creeps into research either through omission or

commission in form of falsification or plagiarism.

Criteria of good Research

1) The purpose of the research must be clearly defined and common concepts


2) The research procedure use should be described in sufficient details to

permit further research in the area in future

3) The procedural design of the research should be carefully planned to yield

result that are as objective as possible.

4) The research should report with complete frankness.

5) The analysis of data should be sufficiently adequate to reveal its significance

and methods of analysis used should be appropriate.

6) Conclusions should be defined to those justified by the data of the research

and limited to those for which the data provided on adequate basis.

7) Greater confidence is warranted if the researcher is experienced, has a good

reputation in research and is a person of integrity.

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