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Muhammad Fauzan (19058) A

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

A. Activity 1
1. Conversation for situation C
2. Conversation for situation A
3. Conversation for situation B
B. Activity 2
 Dialog 1
Yono : Hi, Makoto. How’re you doing
Makoto: Fine, thanks. And you?
Yono : Good, How is your wife
Makoto: She’s just fine. We have just had a baby
Yono : Well, congratulations
Makoto: Thank you. And how is your family
Yono : They’re fine. Let’s get together one of these days
Makoto: Great idea. Well, I’ve got to go
Yono : Okay, Regards to your wife
Makoto: Thank you. See you
 Dialog 2
Raina : Hey, Rajiv! Long time no see
Rajiv : Well, Hi Raina. How’re things going
Raina : Oh so-so. What are you doing these days
Rajiv : Not too good. I just got back from india. My father passed away last month.
Raina : I’m sorry to hear that. My condolences.
Rajiv : Thank you. Well, how about you ? Still with Marion and Russeis?
Raina : Yes. Ah, there’s my cab. It was nice seeing you. Rajiv. Take care.
Rajiv : You too.

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