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Based on the video I've watched at (youtube channel) with a title "How is
Wealth Created, Savings and Investments. Wealth does not fastly come into our lives, it
undergo with a process and plan to have the best result. Be wise in spending money so that you
will not suffer at the end, like saying " my efforts was useless, my money easily gone".

As a student If I want to be riched, a wealthy person and have a business I must be responsible,
wise and creative to spend my money to avoid sufferrings. Every success starts with a failure,
risked, mistakes and challenges. It's not that easy to have a wealthy and happy life. That's why
following the process and doing the stated plan will guide me to my success.

But the most important thing is don't feed yourself with money, feed yourself to help those
who really needs help. Wealth is their to enjoy life but not to make you arrogant. Acording to
Albert Einstein " Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

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