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Fanuc Controller

Bar feeder of Fedek manual

Some fedek manuals explains than F1 means "Alarm display ON/OFF", some
other F1 means "Shortest length". I think than FEDEK has probably different
softwares and different meanings of parameters F1 to F8.
I think F1 means "Shortest length". because this barfeeder works since a long
time with the the following parameters:
F1 = 50
F3 = 23
F4 = 5
F5 = 1060
F6 = 1100
F7 = 1145
F8 = 1595

This means the same.

OVERHAUL Shortest length 0 means no bar was load, no alarm anyway.
Shortest in case larger than F3, that will means you can at least turning a
OF workpiece which do not need to alarm.

PROCESS Actually, their manual did not describe F1 set up with relation with alarm but
generally set 1 for it general shorter than F3 as their software requirement. 2009/3/13

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