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The COVID-19 pandemic means that many of us are staying at home and sitting down more than we
usually do. It’s hard for a lot of us to do the sort of exercise we normally do. It’s even harder for
people who don’t usually do a lot of physical exercise.

But at a time like this, it’s very important for people of all ages and abilities to be as active as possible
and to have some fun at the same time.


In a one whole sheet of bond paper, paste one picture of physical activities that you do during this
pandemic. And answer the following in a paragraph form:

1.) What activity did you do during this pandemic?

2.) Why do you think that this activity makes you active and healthy body?
3.) How to take care of one’s physical and mental during this pandemic?


Name: Jessie E. Lobreza Jr. Course/YR DHRT 1 st Year



1. Many people's activities have been impacted by the coronavirus disease (COVID-
19) pandemic. Festivals, concerts, and other events have been canceled due to
public health restrictions induced by the COVID-19 epidemic. Many trips and
huge gatherings have been canceled or postponed. Despite the effects of the
COVID-19 epidemic, there is still enough of entertainment to be enjoyed. In fact,
looking for enjoyable activities like exercise is a good idea. The activity that have
done during the pandemic is walking, jogging, running, and hiking and it helps me
a lot to maintain my healthy body.

2. Since province of Compostela have a lot of parks and big open places mostly I do
is jogging or running because both is a popular form of physical activity and also it
doesn’t cost a lot to take part and I can run at any time that suits me. In fact
running or jogging offers many health benefits, this activities can help to build
strong bones, as it is a weight bearing exercise, strengthen our muscle and also
improve cardiovascular fitness. In addition both are forms of aerobic exercise.
Aerobic means ‘with oxygen’- the term aerobic exercise means any physical
activity that produces energy by combining oxygen with blood glucose or body fat.

3. We may be experiencing increased anxiety and tension while staying at home to

safeguard our family and community during the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
pandemic. Our daily lives are substantially different than they were a few weeks
ago, and resting may seem more difficult today than it was before COVID-19
engulfed our lives.
Everyone has been affected in some manner, and it is now more crucial than ever
to take care of our mental health.
Make contact with those we care about. Connecting with our loved ones is easier
than ever in these digital times. Taking the time to talk with the people we care
about, whether it's over the phone or via video chat, can bring comfort and joy
despite the physical distance between us. Talk to people we trust about our
anxieties and how we're feeling; we could discover that they're in the same boat
as we. Talking it out can be beneficial for both of us.

In Conclusion as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the most important things to

do is to take care of our self and those around us. If we’re not fully vaccinated,
practice precautions such as washing our hands often, not touching our face,
avoiding close contact of less than 6 feet (2 meters) with others and wearing a
mask when we’re in a crowded area or at a large gathering. Further mask
guidance differs depending on whether we are fully vaccinated or unvaccinated.
These steps are especially important for those with a higher risk of serious illness
from COVID-19.
At the same time, well-being also includes doing things that make life worth living.
With the right information, we can make thoughtful choices about ways to bring a
sense of normalcy and joy to your life during the COVID-19 pandemic

SUBMITTED BY: _____Jessie E. Lobreza Jr.____

Date Submitted: _____09/02/21____

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