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Panda Eats

4653 Clairton Blvd Pittsburgh, PA 15236


Immediate Release

Wanna know a secret? A tasty Sushi always needs a panda

Pittsburgh, PA September 29th- Ever since Reshma T was a kid she always loved rice and seaweed. She loved mixing them
together and one day she found out those two things combined are called sushi, ever since that day she always wanted to be a
sushi chef or to own a sushi restaurant. Get ready because in 3..2..1! This Entrepreneurs dream has come true! Come to Panda
eats open on September 29th, 3 pm, Don't be late!

The sushi restaurant is located at 4653 Clairton Blvd Pittsburgh,Pa 15236 will officially be open on September 29th, with a prep
rally at 3 pm. The rally will include free drinks and deserts purchased with every meal, free jewelry and for special contest
winners a free macbook pro.

Reshma T has been a sushi lover since she was a kid, Her restaurant proposal and main dish has gotten her lots of money for her
restaurant. For more information please visit or come to the rally! The choice is up to you but remember
The Pandas Secret!

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