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División Académica de Ciencias

de la salud
Ingles basico
Producto integrador
Unidad 2

Profesor (a):
Silveria De la Cruz López
Liliana Méndez López

Jalapa ,Tabasco ero del 2021

The family is the first school of social human virtues, which all societies need;

through the family people are introduced into civil society. It is therefore necessary

for parents to consider the importance of the family in the formation of future citizens,

who direct the destiny of the country, considering that education is an artisanal,

personalized process, where one is educated one by one; it cannot be done

industrially, so it can only be done within the family. We will also develop important

aspects related to the formation of the family, the importance of spreading values to

our children, the importance of a family to create good men and women, the types of

family, among others. "The character of a child depends largely on the effective and

intellectual stimulation of the first three years of life." Under this premise, the

research that we present below will allow us to propose that the family is the greatest

influence on the development of children, and that they are also significantly

influenced by other members of the family.

The family is a group of people united by kinship ties, whether by blood, marriage or

adoption, who live together for an indefinite period of time. It constitutes the basic unit

of society. In this family nucleus the most basic needs of people are satisfied, such

as: eating, sleeping, feeding, etc. In addition, love, affection, protection are lavished

and children are prepared for adult life, collaborating with their integration into

society. The family is the natural and fundamental element of society and has the

right to the protection of society and the state. The family supposes a deep internal

unity of two human groups: parents and children who are constituted as a community

from the man-woman unit. Every authentic family has a "spiritual realm" that

conditions family relationships: common home, blood ties, reciprocal affection, moral

ties that configure it as a "unit of human and social balance." The family is the

irreplaceable place to form the complete man-woman, to configure and develop the

individuality and originality of the human being. The family union assures its

members emotional, social and economic stability. It is there where you learn early to

dialogue, to listen, to know and develop your rights and duties as a human

person.the extended or consanguineous family: It consists of more than one nuclear

unit as long as they coexist under the same roof, extends beyond two generations

and is based on the blood ties of a large number of people, including parents,

children, grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews, cousins, and so on; For example,

the triple-generation family includes parents, their married or unmarried children, in-

laws, and grandchildren. The single-parent family: It is that family that is constituted

by only one of the parents and their children. This can have different origins, either

because the parents have separated and the children are in the care of one of the

parents, usually the mother who most of the time assumes the upbringing of their


The Family is the basis of civil society, only in the family can people be properly

raised, educated and receive the formation of their character that will make them

good men and good citizens. The family is the basis of society and it is intended to

form good men and women with principles and values. People by nature have always

sought well-being through human development, beginning this objective from the

moment of conception and then systematically reinforced within the family, as long as

it is healthy. As a consequence of the political turmoil and fanaticism in recent years,

much violence has occurred within the family. Parents and children as enemies;

brothers who do not speak; Entire families, which traditionally were very close, are

today radicalized and placed at opposite ends of this great battle. In conclusion we

can say that the family is the most important thing that every human being has, the

best that GOD has given us, and above all the goodness and understanding that we

find in it, of course when we know how to take care of it and respect it first and

foremost because in Sometimes we think that the family we have is not the right one,

that they don't know how to understand us, but you are wrong because the family we

have is the best of all. TAKE CARE OF YOUR FAMILY AND VALUE IT MUCH.

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