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Timothy Montes appears to be an expert in creative writing, as seen by his work "Of
Fish, Flies, Dogs, and Women," which contains more than one theory.

The text-dependent method is described as how people employ their imagination and
creativity to compose their work and how they apply writing styles that appeal to
readers. We'll look at why Timothy Montes used simple terms and a few odd words in
this narrative.

We'll apply a text-dependent question to go back and see if any questions need to be
clarified, such as "But tell me, Mana Biben, why does fish attract so many flies?" so we
can analyze, reflect, and come up with an answer.

The story's theme, which is the love and courage of every woman and mother, lends
itself to a feminist viewpoint. Carlson and Ray claim that "Feminist theory explores both
inequality in gender relations and the constitution of gender. It is best understood as
both an intellectual and a normative project. " This theory will be utilized to show how
misogyny affects women, as well as how males perceive women as objects, and how
judging society is when it comes to women, , which leads to the majority of people
belittling women.

The reader-response approach focuses on the audience's reaction and what they
experienced while reading the author's work. We'd want to inform the author what we
did while reading the narrative and afterward. We'd like to share our thoughts on the
story and our interpretation of it. We're also open to uncovering the underlying meaning,
given the story's use of symbolism.

Carlson, J. Ray, R. (2020). Feminist Theory. Retrieved from

Carnevale, J. Text-Dependent Writing Responses: Use & Examples. Retrieved from

Lumen. Reader-Response Criticism In Brief. Retrieved from

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