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Medication Use Evaluation: Pharmacist Rubric for

Performance Improvement
John Fanikos,1,* Kathryn L. Jenkins,2 Gregory Piazza,2 Jean Connors,3 and Samuel Z. Goldhaber2
Department of Pharmacy, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; 2Cardiovascular Division,
Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts;
Hematology Division, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts

Despite rigorous expert review, medications often fall into routine use with unrecognized and
unwanted complications. Use of some medications remains controversial because information to
support efficacy is conflicting, scant, or nonexistent. Medication use evaluation (MUE) is a perfor-
mance improvement tool that can be used when there is uncertainty regarding whether a medica-
tion will be beneficial. It is particularly useful when limited evidence is available on how best to
choose between two or more medications. MUEs can analyze the process of medication prescribing,
preparation, dispensing, administration, and monitoring. MUEs can be part of a structured or man-
dated multidisciplinary quality management program that focuses on evaluating medication effec-
tiveness and improving patient safety. Successful MUE programs have a structure in place to
support completion of rapid-cycle data collection, analysis, and intervention that supports practice
KEY WORDS medication use evaluation, drug utilization, target drug program, drug therapy manage-
ment guidelines.
(Pharmacotherapy 2014;34(12 Pt 2):5S–13S) doi: 10.1002/phar.1506

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration laboratory results (e.g., erythropoietin and
(FDA) approves medications for clinician pre- hemoglobin level).5, 6 Medications may also fall
scribing with the intent of ensuring that the into routine use outside of their FDA-approved
agents marketed are safe, effective, and ulti- indications, only to be later shown to offer no
mately improve patient health. Despite rigorous value for those indications compared with
review by expert physicians, statisticians, chem- current treatments (e.g., N-acetylcysteine or fe-
ists, pharmacologists, and other scientists, the noldopam for prevention of contrast medium–
FDA can approve medications that have unrec- induced nephropathy).7 Some combinations of
ognized and unwanted complications. Medica- medications give rise to lethal adverse drug
tions have been marketed with reported events (e.g., terfenadine and macrolide antibiot-
increased risk of adverse effects (e.g., rofecoxib ics).8 Other agents (e.g., anticoagulants, antibiot-
and myocardial infarction),1 no overall improved ics) have required support structures to ensure
survival (e.g., bevacizumab and metastatic breast optimal outcomes.9, 10 Finally, agents exist
cancer),2, 3 marginal symptomatic benefit (e.g., whose use remains controversial (e.g., albumin
nesiritide and dyspnea improvement in decom- use in fluid resuscitation, intravenous immune
pensated heart failure),4 or the need to target globulin use for immunologic conditions)
because information to support efficacy is con-
flicting, scant, or nonexistent.11, 12
*Address for correspondence: John Fanikos, Pharmacy
Department, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis Professional societies, government, regulatory,
Street, Boston, MA 02115; e-mail: benevolent, and not-for-profit entities have devel-
Ó 2014 Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. oped clinical practice guidelines and position
6S Supplement to PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 34, Number 12, 2014

statements based on available evidence and expert

opinion. Similarly, disease state management Medication Use Evaluation Objectives and
programs have been identified as a tool to Methodology
improve the care of chronic health conditions For health care systems, MUEs can be part of
while reducing costs. Results have been unre- a structured or mandated multidisciplinary qual-
markable, with only modest improvements in ity management program. The Joint Commission
quality of care measures and little impact on utili- emphasizes the need for hospitals to develop a
zation and cost savings.13, 14 Yet despite standards safe and effective medication management sys-
intended to ensure trustworthy, quality, and reli- tem.25 For the individual practitioner, an MUE
able guidelines, problems have emerged.15 These may represent a simple criteria-based bedside
include poor compliance with development stan- review of a medication’s performance in a spe-
dards,16 outdated guidelines, limited external cific patient care unit or population. The stimu-
review, conflict of interest concerns, and recom- lus to complete an MUE usually rises from a
mendations that are so narrowly focused, they clinical question or operational concern
may actually produce undesirable effects in (Table 1). MUE objectives typically attempt to
patients with comorbidities.17 evaluate medication effectiveness; improve
The current generation of pharmacists has patient safety, or avoid medication misadventure
been charged with taking responsibility for med- including adverse drug events; standardize ther-
ication use outcomes by evaluating the effective- apy to reduce variation; optimize therapy; meet
ness, safety, and affordability of each medication federal, local, regulatory, professional, or accred-
prescribed.18, 19 In addition, pharmacists are itation standards; or minimize costs.
accountable for performing quality reviews of Although various management methods have
medication use in hospitals and health care sys- been popularized over the last 40 years, they are
tems patient populations.20 all based on or analogous to the scientific
Medication use evaluation (MUE) is a perfor- method (Table 2).26–28 The Plan-Do-Study-Act
mance improvement tool that can be used when (PDSA) method is most commonly used and
there is uncertainty over whether a medication provides a framework for problem solving.
will be beneficial, if a limited evidence base is Although PDSA supplies the structure, it does
available for a choice between two or more not specifically identify the ideal intervention,
medications,21 as well as for analyzing the pro- best data collection methods, or end points. Fur-
cess of medication prescribing, preparation, dis- thermore, PDSA is intended to be applied in
pensing, administration, and monitoring. In this repetitive, rapidly completed cycles, coupled
article, we review the development and applica- with action steps that continuously introduce
tion of MUE and provide case examples of change. However, some MUEs may facilitate
success. marginal change but also identify additional
opportunities or problems, generating new pro-
Medication Use Evaluation Definition ject cycles. This contrasts with clinical trials that
enroll large numbers of patients, have a long
An MUE can be defined as a focused effort to duration of surveillance, and take a long period
evaluate medication use processes or medication of time to complete.
treatment response, with a goal of optimizing
patient outcomes.21 MUE, synonymous with
“target drug” or “drug use” programs, also fits Medication Use Evaluation Logistics
into disease state management programs that
look to improve outcomes in patients with Support
chronic illnesses.22, 23 Performance or quality Organizations must have a support structure
improvement concepts and methodologies focus in place to ensure successful completion of
on measuring a process or outcome, and then MUEs and implementation of change. Organiza-
making modifications to improve efficiencies or tional administration and leadership must
effectiveness.24 Because it entails the collection acknowledge that MUE work is important,
of data, it becomes a formal evidence-based establish authority for the initiation, and remove
analysis that provides an opportunity to deter- obstacles as they arise. Numerous stakeholders
mine what is working well and where there is are involved in medication use, and many will
an opportunity for change. have an interest in the design and the results.
Table 1. Objectives for Completing a Medication Use Evaluation
Clinical or operational
question Description Objective Example
Effectiveness of a therapy or Evaluate medication for therapeutic response or in Evaluate Therapeutic substitution of patient response to tbo-
alternative therapy comparison with another agent or intervention effectiveness filgrastim vs filgrastim
Clinical equipoise Evaluation of patient response compared with case Use of albumin vs crystalloids in extrapleural
reports, conflicting evidence, or absence of evidence pneumonectomy
Follow-up response Durability of treatment, signs of treatment failure Return of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms in patients
treated with infliximab
Off-label medication use Evaluate outcomes of treatment Intravenous immune globulin use in multiple sclerosis
Toxicity Identify incidence or magnitude of an adverse reaction Improve patient Incidence of major bleeding in patients with pulmonary
safety embolism treated with thrombolytic therapy
Narrow therapeutic index Incidence of event in relation to laboratory monitoring Incidence of intracranial hemorrhage in patients with
both within and outside of therapeutic range atrial fibrillation treated with warfarin
High-alert medications Medications commonly implicated in medication errors Surveillance of errors associated with insulin therapy
or sentinel events
Patient population Identify characteristics of patients receiving or failing to Standardize Hospitalized patients > 65 years old receiving
management receive a medication therapy to pneumococcal vaccination
Medication process analysis Evaluate a medication process step: prescribing, reduce variation Adherence to prescribed pharmacologic venous
preparation, dispensing, administration thromboembolism prophylaxis in high-risk patients
Monitoring or laboratory Determine the impact of a laboratory test on medication Appropriateness of clinical response to vancomycin
testing use use trough concentration
Institutional benchmark Comparison with practices at other facilities Immunosuppressant use in solid organ transplantation
Patient satisfaction Subjective patient evaluation of treatment Pain control after surgery
Disease or treatment Comparison of local practice to national or local Time to first antibiotic dose in the emergency
guideline hospital guideline department in patients with septic shock
Optimization Identifying optimal dose Optimize drug Determining optimal anesthetic gas flow rates for
therapy general anesthesia
Regulatory requirements Adherence to federal and state legislation Meet quality or Documentation of narcotic administration and
regulatory subsequent waste

Evaluate job/task Completion of patient education standards Percentage of patients receiving medication discharge
performance education
Value analysis Comparison of treatment costs, drug vs drug, or drug vs Minimize costs Treatment costs of dexmedetomidine vs midazolam for
response sedation in mechanically ventilated patients
8S Supplement to PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 34, Number 12, 2014
Table 2. Medication Use Evaluation Methodologies
Step Scientific PDSA DMAIC SDCA
1 Construct a Plan: plan the test Define: define the problem Standardize: identify process or
hypothesis or observation or process treatment, and substitute or
insert a new one
2 Test the hypothesis Do: try the test on Measure: collect information Do: collect data on outcomes
by completing an a small scale or on performance
experiment sample
3 Analyze the data Study: study and Analyze: study and analyze Check: evaluate outcomes
and draw analyze the data the data and the results
a conclusion and the results
4 Communicate Act: make the process Improve and control: Act: continue, revert to existing
the results permanent or study intervene with change treatment, or institute a new one
the adjustments or maintain existing process
DMAIC = define, measure, analyze, improve, control; PDSA = plan, do, study, act; SDCA = standardize, do, check, act.

MUE results should always provide a next point for MUEs. Once a clinical or operational
actionable step, intervention, or change. Because question has been poised, the measurement vari-
clinical information flows in numerous locations, ables and end points must be decided. It is
multidisciplinary collaboration, defined responsi- important to distinguish between measured vari-
bilities, and accountability are important for ables, which may constitute a combined end
access to data and critical for communication of point, and the end point, which is a clinically
results and effecting change (Figure 1). relevant outcome. For example, the dose of an
opioid is a measured variable, whereas the
change in opioid dose or consumption is an end
Data and Data Collection
point. Similarly, a pain score is a measured vari-
Treatment algorithms, critical pathways, care able, and the change in pain score is an end
plans, and disease-based guidelines for drug use point. Measured variables can be quantitative or
are often established and serve as a good starting qualitative. Qualitative variables can be simpli-

Specialists Consult Clinicians

Treatment path
For tailoring Accountable for communicated
treatment and treatment and
difficult cases coordination
path change

Treatment path & goals of care

Disease- Documentation
specific Treatment path
training Regular visits accepted

Urgent visit Accountable for data
acute care Feedback

Treatment path & goals

Patient Payer

Accountable for Approval of

home care Treatment path accepted payments and
prior authorization
education and training
Figure 1. Stakeholders, roles, and responsibilities in medication use.

fied to a binary format (e.g., 0 = absent, adequate supply, relevant, accessible, reproduc-
1 = present) to indicate the presence of a char- ible, and agreed upon by clinical definitions
acteristic or comorbidity. Surrogate end points, among the MUE participants is important. For
events that substitute for or correlate to a clini- these reasons, objective measures (e.g., viral
cal end point, are often used in MUEs to ensure load, swollen joint count, walking distance) are
an adequate number of events, shorten the data preferable to subjective measures (e.g., fatigue,
collection period, and still reflect clinical effi- pain, breathlessness). A data collection plan that
cacy.29 Continuous data—variables measured on outlines who will collect measurements, where
a continuum or scale—can be recorded as information will be collected from, and when it
numeric values or converted into a group, cate- will be collected adds precision and consistency
gorical data, to be made more meaningful. to the MUE design. Poor documentation is a
Data collection requires time, effort, and labor common pitfall of MUEs (Table 4). In clinical
expense, and it may be inconvenient for trials, paper-based case report forms are used for
patients. It should never obstruct patient care. recording information. Electronic data collection
With the introduction of electronic health programs (e.g., REDCap, OpenClinica, Study-
records, clinicians can perform more sophisti- Maker) are being introduced to enhance data
cated longitudinal MUEs. However, information quality with standards being developed.30 Data
is now located in various software programs and are typically recorded in binary format. MUEs
numerous locations, and may create additional can mirror these approaches with a paper-based
problems (Table 3). Choosing measured vari- data collection tool or by creating an electronic
ables and end points that are available in format with database management software

Table 3. Data Variables, Sources, and Potential Problems

Measurement Example Source Problems
Patient Age, sex, height, weight, ethnic Direct measure, medical record, Recorded often and in multiple
characteristics origin office visit, emergency locations, conflicting values
department notes
Comorbidities Diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Objective laboratory test, invasive Transfers from another facility
atherosclerosis, heart failure, procedure, standardized criteria
Physiologic Blood pressure, blood glucose Direct measure, medical record, Recorded often and in multiple
measurement level, temperature, tidal office visit note, laboratory locations, conflicting values
volume report, point-of-care testing
Health states Alive, deceased, cause of Medical record, Social Security Absence of information, database
death, illness present or Death Index, CDC National updates, lost to follow-up
absent Death Index
Anatomic Size, location, volume Imaging studies, procedure Poor image quality, requires
results, biopsy results expert interpretation
Clinical events Myocardial infarction, Objective test, imaging study, Multiple clinical definitions,
bleeding, stroke, vomiting scoring system severity scoring systems vary,
episodes canceled tests, ambiguous test
Care delivery Medication administration, Nursing records, pharmacy Inaccuracy, missing information,
medication commencement, records, procedure report omitted values, poor
invasive procedure documentation
Symptoms Pain, nausea, diarrhea Patient assessment, medical Patient access, poor
record documentation, unrecognized
Physical Walking distance, stair climb, Patient reporting, diaries, Patient access, accuracy
function, orientation calendars
daily activities
Resource use Hospital admissions, length of Medical record, respiratory Encounters outside of hospital or
stay, intensive care unit days, records, finance/billing systems system, access to records
ventilation days, expense
Timing Event onset, event conclusion Patient reporting, medical records, Inaccuracy, missing details,
pharmacy records omitted values
Patient surveys Satisfaction, opinions Patient or family reporting Patient access, poor historian
CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
10S Supplement to PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 34, Number 12, 2014
Table 4. Characteristics of Successful Medication Use Evaluations
Characteristic Definition
Organization Project leader, definition of roles and responsibilities for data collection, analysis, presentation,
Communication Clear message of benefits and improvements, emphasis on importance, timely and effective
communication by organization leaders
Documentation Well-designed data collection tool, relevant, accurate, verifiable measures, processes, and process
Participation Active clinician participation including meeting attendance, data review, early adopter of change,
communicator of benefits
Follow-through Commitment to project and process, methodical attention to detail, adjustments in the face of
obstacles or problems
Access Access to data through end user applications and software packages, retrievable data
Seamless MUE tasks are integrated into routine patient care
Resourced Appropriate, motivated clinician participants with protected MUE time
MUE = Medication use evaluation.

(e.g., Access, FoxPro, dBase). Data collection organization is another common pitfall of MUEs.
tools should be tested to ensure that variables Successful programs incorporate the available
and end points are feasible and collectively pro- infrastructure, information systems, and profes-
vide an answer to the clinical question or opera- sional staff, and they rely heavily on education,
tional concern. communication, and monitoring information.
Those contributing to the MUE should be sup-
ported with literature review and background
knowledge. Once the objectives, variables, end
MUE requires effective project management points, and data plan are communicated and
and implementation planning (Figure 2). It is agreed upon, a timeline with milestones should
not a task or responsibility of a single individual be established with predefined meetings for pro-
or department and is best accomplished gress reports. Because MUEs involve protected
with small multidisciplinary groups. Lack of health information, institutional review board

Communication Resources
IRB approval Labor
Literature review
Medical staff Professional staff
Guideline established committees
Expert opinion
Inservices Oral, written, electronic
Benchmark colleagues
assessment Statisticians
Operational design Information System
Automatic Monitoring
Screening and reports
Attention flags Surveillance: constant vs. high
vs. low intensity Care paths, order sets,
Real-time feedback (80%
compliance) Computer alerts
Promotion, incentives, “Smart” interventions
Outcome: clinical, economic,
process indicators

Figure 2. Medication use evaluation implementation planning. IRB = institutional review board.

approval or waiver is warranted. Labor resources

direct thrombin inhibitor use

Review discharge medications,
Evaluate efficacy and safety of

Evaluate efficacy and safety of

identify methods to improve
intervene and stop extended
must be identified for data collection. Although

Action step, intervention

Change laboratory report of

prophylaxis, evaluate HIT
patient education module

qualitative to quantitative
pharmacy, nursing, or medical students may be

Design pharmacist-driven

management guideline;
VTE prophylaxis after
readily available, their depth of knowledge may

antibody levels from

Develop internal HIT

diagnostic accuracy
not be sufficient to interpret data elements, or
they may not understand the processes, medica-

tions, or conditions being evaluated. If they are

enlisted, they should be supervised and data col-
lection verified. Information systems and com-
puter support can be used for patient screening
and reporting. The monitoring requirements will

patients rarely informed about VTE and often

vary based on the labor resources, measurement,

IgG-specific assay associated with a lower rate

increased thrombosis risk; better assays may
heparin than low-molecular-weight heparin
and end point frequencies.

extended prophylaxis beyond discharge is

85% of prescribed doses administered, but

90% of prescribed doses administered, but

inhibitor prescribing significantly altered

Extended prophylaxis was not effective in
medically ill patients; adverse effects are

Higher levels of antibody associated with

Once MUE results are analyzed and estab-

of positive test results; direct thrombin

HIT more common with unfractionated
lished, this cycle repeats with a focus on change.
Results are translated into local guidelines and
practice and care changes. The benefits and

Lesson learned
improvements are communicated to medical
staff committees for approval and then broad-
casted through existing channels. Regular meet-

refused injections
ings, newsletters, and electronic mail are
effective ways to reach those who are impacted.


It is important for professional staff and local
and external experts to be engaged in promoting
the practice change. Information systems can be

recruited to change critical or care pathways,

HIT = heparin-induced thrombocytopenia; IgG = immunoglobulin G; VTE = venous thromboembolism.

generate prescribing alerts, or intercept and
change prescribing practices. Labor resources adverse effects, VTE

Patient diagnosed as
Rates of thrombosis
Percentage of doses

Percentage of doses

now shift from data collection to performance

Bleeding episodes,
End point

mortality, cost
monitoring, with real-time feedback and recog-
HIT Incidence,


HIT positive
nition for those with ideal performance. Finally,
to freeze the new practices, as it were, any final

changes should be automated. Those drifting

from the new practices should be notified with
Table 5. Medication Use Evaluation Model: Anticoagulant Safety

discussion and education steps initiated or antiplatelet factor

Agents prescribed,

4 antibody levels
Identify cause and
Variable measure

exclusions granted.


HIT incidence
dose, and


Medication Use Evaluation Models



There are good examples of MUE work. In

2008, the Joint Commission initiated perfor-
mance measures to prevent deep vein thrombo-
Evaluate clinical and economic

sis by ensuring the use of appropriate venous

What is our compliance with

Is extended VTE prophylaxis

Evaluate heparin–antiplatelet

antiplatelet factor 4 assays

factor 4 antibody levels in

thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis (Table 5)31.

improve VTE prophylaxis

Evaluate different heparin–

VTE prophylaxis orders?
Clinical question

In this first-cycle MUE, the participants mea-

Does patient education

sured whether VTE prophylaxis, once pre-

safe and effective?

outcomes of HIT

scribed, was actually administered.32 They found

suspected HIT

that although 90% of prescribed pharmacologic


prophylaxis was administered, patients fre-

quently refused parenteral doses. Cycle 2
followed with a pharmacist-driven intervention
to educate patients on VTE and the reasons for
the injections.33 Although prophylaxis rates
Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Cycle 3

Cycle 4

Cycle 5

Cycle 6

improved, new concerns were raised about

extending pharmacologic VTE prophylaxis after
12S Supplement to PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 34, Number 12, 2014

discharge in medical patients, where limited evi- deficiencies. Although sufficient labor resources
dence exists.34 Cycle 3 found that extended VTE may never be allocated to a single site, small
prophylaxis was not effective, and heparin- patient enrollment at a large number of sites
induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) emerged as a will lead to a number of events or end points
concerning adverse effect.35 In cycle 4, HIT that can be statistically meaningful. Rapid PDSA
diagnosis and management was explored,36 lead- cycle quality improvement efforts have become
ing to an assessment and change in the diagnos- embedded or are emerging in most health care
tic assay that was then evaluated in cycle 5.37, 38 organizations and serve as the model rubric of
A diverse group (pharmacists, physicians, support.
nurses, laboratory staff) participated in this
MUE, and each cycle led to a follow-up cycle,
all with continuous measurements and practice
changes. MUEs provide much needed information to
answer clinical questions, improve operational
processes, and optimize medication use. Success-
Future Opportunities
ful MUEs are built on multidisciplinary partici-
FDA labeling and package inserts may take pation and organization, with continuous cycles
decades to reflect changes in indications and of intervention and change. More opportunities
dosing recommendations for use in routine prac- remain to improve MUE vigor, which should be
tice. Furthermore, clinical trials are often not a focus of clinicians moving forward.
large enough and exclude patients for whom the
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