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Student Bullies Opinion


Student bullies should be expelled.

What is your opinion?
What is the opinion of other people in your class
On the issue?
Do you agree or disagree with the opinion?

Write one short paragraph about your stance and

Give reason and evidence to support your opinion


I’m absolutely certain that student bullies shouldn’t be expelled. this is not because I
sided with the student bullies. I still have the grip that Feeling safe at school is important, and
bullying completely destroys everything. but apart from removing the student bully, I'm sure
there are still inventive ways to solve this issue. We all know that we can't control bullying,
but we can overcome this and find a solution. When you remove one bully, there's no
guarantee that another won't pop up, right? also, i'm sure that if we expelled student who're
bullying others from one school, it will just winds up at another school. it seems to me that
the best solution comes from the efforts and awareness of the teachers who are indeed
responsible for guiding their students. the school created a special class to provide guidance
to students to expand their awareness and perspective of bullying. I think the school could
also set up a counseling unit for students so that they can express their feelings freely but
with privacy. Schools should also invest some time and energy into learning why people turn
to bullying in the first place. That way, they could work on those root causes more, which
might lead to less bullying too. from this method, I believe it can reduce the level of bullying
without having to expelled students. Many of my classmates agree that student bullying
cannot be overcome simply by expelling students from school, but must be overcome and
resolved together. They feel that expelling student bullies is just a short-term solution that is
centered on students who bully and it is not efficient to reduce and even suppresses avoid. I
totally agree with my friend’s opinion. from the case, many schools expel bully students in
order to create school security, but on the one hand, bullied students transfer to other schools,
may even continue their bullying actions. Therefore, to reduce the level of bullying for school
safety, there needs to be a commitment and joint effort from all parties

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