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In 21 century people should to be ready for everything and they need to

know technique so should be able to use it for good. We cannot understand the
future so never say ,,never” .
I disagree with this opinion that distance learning can’t change face to face
learning and I have some arguments to prove my idea.
The first reason why I think so is that humans need to ready for new
challenges and want to develop. For example, if children and also teacher get
involved in distance learning it will help them to discover new skills and
abillites. In addition, students will study how use computer for their develop.
furthermore, students will learn independence and taking responsibility.
The second reason why I suppose is that we don’t know what will happen
tomorrow so we can’t judge future. For instance, nowadays we have to study
distance,but early no one whould think so. Moreover, it is possible that
students will not able to go to school due to a certain problems , in this case
distance learning is good autcome.
In conclusion, I absolutli disagree with is idea that distance learning can’t
change face to face learning due to my reason mentioned above

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