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What’s the Comparison of DNA and RNA?

DNA or Deoxyribonucleic Acid is a double-stranded

structured nucleic acid compared to the RNA or Ribonucleic
Acid which is considered as a single-stranded nucleic acid. The
DNA is known for its helix shape that makes it easier to be
compared to the RNA which is just half of the size of DNA.
Each of them contains the following: nitrogenous bases,
phosphate groups, and carbon sugar which will be explained in
the next sentences. DNA contains the sugar deoxyribose which
is an alternate to phosphate groups that helps to form the
backbone. This DNA has a thymine base one of the four bases
of nucleic acid. The DNA in our body can replicate and last for a
longer time. On the one hand, RNA has multiple structures such
as the mRNA, tRNA, and RNA and it contains the sugar ribose
with the same purpose and function just like the sugar
deoxyribose that’s in the DNA. RNA has the uracil base which
is known as the compound of living tissue. RNA is shorter than
DNA and does not last for a long time.
Now, maybe you are wondering what is really the function
of RNA and DNA in our bodies. DNA serves as the
“encyclopedia” of the cells about their genetic information while
RNA copies every single one of them and carries if they are
needed by the cells.

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