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el yhedron WANS NTE SUPIER NERDES ARTICLE COLLECTION Encounters by Jeff Grubb Panic in the New York Subway! The Seorpion™ has taken over an IRT subway indoned car which now rests om an a ack beneath 7th Av passengers have been ch fleeing down the tunnel to the nearby platform. One passenger remains ety of asa hostage — Publisher J. Jonah Jame son™, Scorpion has delivered an ultima: tum: Spider-Man™ must show up sithiny the hour or Jameson will die! ray to get pictures ofthe story. Peter's nterest in the crisis is revealed as the young photographer dashes into a closet to change into the Amazing Spider-Man, and swings off for his rendezvous with the Scorpion, ‘The characters Spider-Man Real name: Peter Parker, photographer Fighting: Remarkable Scorpion’s tail: is made of Incredible material. When it hits, it does Amazing (50 points) damage. The tail also contains projector that does Remarkable Agility: Amazing Strength: Incredible I. Jonah Jameson Endurance: Incredible Fighting: Poor Reason: Excellent Intuition: Amazing Payehe: Incredible Health: 160 Karma: 110 Popularity: 40 Poor 4/20 Agility: Typical Swrength: Typical Endurance: ‘Typical Reason: Typical Intuition: Typical Payehe: Typical Health: 22 Karma: 18 Resources: Excellent (20 Popularity: 38 (Rema Resources 500%) ks to normal le) ean Agility faces. Spider sense: Whenever Spider Man is placed in immediate danger, he must Intuition FEAT. If he makes the BEAT, he is warned in time to react. Web-shoot J. Jonah Jameson is a hard-news journal: ist who has raised himself up from being a is present position as Daily Bugle. As pub- jways had a prejudice eer uper-powered heroes, and partic Scorpion sal name MacDonald “Mac” ng: Remarkable Agility: Incredible Strength: Incredible Endurance: Incredible Typical Intuition: Typical Psyche: Good Health; 150 Karma: 22 Reason Scorpion can climb any surface he ean p on, either by wedging his, no small cracks oF creat attack ie to it Inoue 18. Live ai Side rack Saetack ularly against Spider-Man (though Jonah pays Spidey’s alter ego, Peter Parker, for photos of Spider-Man's exploits). self centered egotist who subjects his employ: ees to long ha public to overblown accounts of his own agus and his reading ‘exploits, Jonah still feels he has his finger ‘on the pulse of a great city ‘The battle Use the map provided, showing a section of the subway, The nearest entrance is 5 areas away, and comes up outside the Keash Mall on side one of the boxed game map. Scorpion and Jameson are in the ce ler of the stopped cat: Scorpion has spent the past 45 minutes threatening Jameson and reminding the publisher of his guilt in the Scorpion’s y in Spider-Man's career, Jonah paid for super-powered agents 0 creation, Ea bbe ereated. Mac Gargan was one such agent, intent on defeating Spider-Man The transformation gave Gargan the proportional abilities of a Scorpion, and hhe was fitted with a wicked tal as ‘weapon, The transform: drove Scorpion mad, Scorpion hates both POLYHEDRON Jameson, who funded the experiment, and Spider-Man, his original target. When Spider-Man gets close enough, he ean see Scorpion and Jameson in the car, If Spider-Man does not make himself known to Scorpion (sho is lost in his own. ‘memories and hatred), Seorpion will decide by the third round that Spidey is not coming and will start thrashing son, Scorpion will not use his full strength st Jameson, but will cause 10 points fof damage per round. Jameson will try 0 dodge Scorpion’s thrashing tail ‘Once Spider-Man makes it known that rer by attacking Scorpion, calling out, or creating a distur bance in the tunnel), Scorpion will ignore Jameson and concentrate on smashing the he is on the scene (ci wall-erawler, Jameson has no love for Spider-Man, and will ty to lee the area. He will up by a 10-man SWAT team carrying thine guns and grenades. The 1m seven rounds later, backed eam has been briefed on how ‘dangerous the two combatants are, an will open fire on both Scorpion and Spi der-Man if the two are locked in combat Finally, Scorpion has shorted out the power in the two side tracks. The north- fern two tracks are carrying a live charge. Any character who is slammed into on: these areas must make an Agility FEAT. ‘oF land on the third rail, taking 80 points (of damage and will b 5 rounds, Should this happen to Spide Man, Scorpion will leave him for dead, and the web-slinger will be rescued by the SWA of ‘unconscious for Aftermath IfSpider-Man defeats Seorpion, he gains 40 Karma points. If Spider-Man turns Scorpion over to the police, he gets an ‘additional 30 points. If Jameson is injured, Spider-Man loses 30 points (and gets a blistering editorial in the Bugle). If Jameson is killed, Spider-Man loses all of his Karma points. If Spider-Man fi the SWAT team, he loses 20 Karm points, If Spider-Man must be rescued by the SWAT team, he loses 30 Karm points for a public defeat. If Spider-Man ye fight, he gets 10, gets any pictures of Karma points. RemarKaste, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING by Steve Winter Face Front, Marvelites! It's here! You've heard about it ‘You've read about it! You've waited for it! Now you ean play it! The rumors have been running around for months, and now to rest. The MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ ne is finished. By the time you read this, you Role-Playing could be marching down to the local hobby shop or book store and buying the ever-lovin’ thing for your very own. ‘What? You haven't snagged one yet? You want to know what's init for you? Perk up your ears, fans. Your hard-earned money ‘of comic book culture buys you a colossus cornueupi © 8 16-page Battle Book with basie rules for fighting and © a 48-page Campa in Book with extensive rules for super-hero campaigns © 25 full-color, two sided, die-cut counters a 214+ 33 inch full-color, double-sided map © a 16-page adventure, “Day of the Octopus,” and ‘s00 10-sided dice So what, you say? We've seen it all before, you say? Nay, 1 say! You haven’t seen anything like MARVEL SUPER HER guys.” But talk is cheap, and so is type. You want proof, so here itis: a guided tour through the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game box. Let's find out what goes into a Marvel Super Hero™ character We're not talking about Albedo-Man and Captain Competen These are the big boys: Spider-Man”, C ™ ES™ game before, not from TSR or from “those other the Fantastic Four™, You don’t start the game by rolling dice and generating statistics, you take a hero that you already know and love and start learning to play the game The first thing to learn is, what is this hero guy? Heroes have seven abilities: Fight i, Agility, Suengih, Endurance, Reason, Intuition, and Psyche. Or FASER ing measures how well the hero ean fight. Captain America, for as we like to call it, Fight- example, is a figh tic as your average, beautiful nightclub singer. Agility and Strength are just what they sound like: physical coordi physical strength, Endurance measures how well the h up under strain, how quickly he recovers from wounds ng. fury, whereas Dazzler is about as puis 7 stands nd how resistant his system is to poisons and nasty environments. Reason measures smarts, but i also measures familiarity with technical ‘equipment and the ability to think logically. Intaition is a sort of sixth sense, as well as wits and common sense (some heroes arc just mote in tune with the cosmos than others). And finally, Payche is like willpower, but it also measures the hero's capacity to deal with magic, either by resisting its effects or wielding it himsel, Instead of assigning a number to cach of these abilities, MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ game uses ranks. Each ability is rnked Feeble, Poor, Typical, Good, Excellent, Re Monstrous, or Unearthly. No mor arkable, Incredible, Amazin, bor T'm going to pick him up with my Strength, which is 53." Ho Took the Judge in the eye and announe T'm picking him up with my Amazing Strength and abate through the wall!” Each rank has a number, too. Rank numbers help how much damage a hero can dish out and how much um, Now you ea Issue #18, take, among other things ‘The seven basic abilities don’t change during the game, unless something awful happens. Besides them, a hero has four other variable abilities: Health, Karma, Resources, anc! Popularity. A hero's Health equals the sum of is Fighting, Agility ‘and Endurance rank numbers. His Karma (which ‘4 minute; cool your jets) starts out equal o the sum of his Rea- son, Intuition, and Psyche rank numbers. Resources represent ‘money, credit, possessions, and other material wealth. Popularity is just what it sounds like, The publie’s opinion of a hero tends to 0 up and down, and has an important impact on how effective a hero can be, But wait, you say? Isn't this “MARVEL SUPER HEROES™" role-playing game? What about the “Super” part? Each hero has several super powers, explained in detail on his character information card, highlighted by a full-color illustration ‘of the hero. Like abilities, each super power has a rank, from Feeble to Unearthly OK, you've gor your hero, you know everything there iso know about him, and you're itching to start playing. How does this thing work? A fair question! ‘When heroes do the things that make them heroes, they are performing When Spider-Man shoots a web and snags a grenade out of the 1's: Functions of Exceptional Ability or ‘Talent. air, that's a FEAT! When the Thing rips up a concrete abut- ment, that’s a FEAT! When Reed Richards pours a glass of milk, that’s not a FEAT (unless he’s pouring with his eyes closed), So Spider-Man shoots his web at the grenade that’s looping its ‘way toward the mayor's car — what happens next? The player rolls percentile dice and consults (fanfare of trumpets) the Uni- versal Table! “The Universal Table is an exquisite little invention that does everything, with no moving parts, The 10 ability ranks are listed across the top, plus three extras: Shift 0, Shifi X, and Class 1000. Dice roll ranges are listed down the left side. The player cross- indexes his dice roll with the character's ability rank, and the table gives him a color: white, green, yellow, oF red. The color tells the player what happens: nothing, something, something real good, or something tremendous. Irplayers want, it can be as simple as that, On the other hand, ifplayers want, it can be a lot more detailed. ‘The Battle Effects Table gives specific effects for specific actions, depending on what color came up on the Universal Table. For example, when Cap: tain America throws his mighty shield, he could miss his target entirely hit it, it itexactly the way he wanted to (Bull’s-eye!), or hit i so hard he almost kills it, When Cap punches a bad gus, he ‘might just fan the air, oF it the villain in the jaw, oF knock him down, or knack him into the next county. It's fast, it's flashy, and best of al, it’s fun! Everything players and judges need to play wall-smashing, head-bashing, villain-thrashing Marvel® battles is ‘on one handy table. And for those who complain that dice play too big a part in role-playing games, we proudly introduce Karma, Karma is ike ‘cosmic brownie points; when the universe likes you, you can’t be stopped. But when the universe has other matters to think about watch out! Players can use their characters” Karma to raise or lower their FEAT dice rolls. Once Karma is used, it's gone, Jack Characters get it back by doing what they're supposed to, in the cosmic order of things: heroes by being heroie, and villains by being villainous. But beware the day when the Karma dries up even super powers won't help when Lady Luck turns her back, ‘Bus wait! ‘There's more! That's just the First book! Sixteen pages! There's sill a 48-page Campaign Book full of advanced rules, optional rules, campaign rules, vehicle rules, and lots of POLYHEDRON other nifty stuff ‘The Campaign Book starts out with more information on heroes: what they can do, and how various heroes compare to ‘each other. Then it launches into devails about money, finances, jobs, and publie opinion. Let's face it, part of what makes Mar vvel® Gomies great is that Marvel® heroes live in the real world, ‘with real cares, They face problems in their personal lives that are as compelling and time-consuming as their public lives: prob: lems with money, jobs, friends, relatives, loved ones. Add to that the average citizen of Manhattan, who owes a huge debt of grati- tude to his superpowered protectors, but can be pretty stingy when it comes to acknowledging that debt. Hence, MARVEI SUPER HEROES™ game goes into areas that have been ignored in the past, hecause there's more to a super hero than meets the eye. What else is in store? Well, there's magic, courtesy of Earth's Soreerer Supreme, Doctor Strange™; vehicles magnificent and ‘mundane; inventions and electro-mechanical devices to amaze the most jaded technophile; background infor dimensions, animals, NPCs, the lave, and trials; world from the bad guys’ perspective; and some tips for the game Judge on how to manage his players and his campaign that'll just knock your socks off! Last, but not least, is “The Origin Of... 2” Sure, this is the MARVEL SUPER HEROES" game, and Marvel's® heroes are as exciting as they come, but some peaple like to branch out, 0 ed tezritory: The last ten pages of the book ‘explain how new, original heroes are created, and how any of the heroes from Marvel® Comics, past or present, can be brought into the game. And since everyone will ask if I don’t just blurt it out, is: there are 60, count “em, 60 powers, in 10 eatego- ries. But that isn't really accurate, because a lot of those are general powers that could manifest themselves in lots of way An doesn't wake up one morning with super powers that he understands fully and controls perfectly. Heroes discover their capabilities and limits on the job, and so de Marvel Super Heroes" characters. The game describes pretty specifically what is possible, but only experience (and some negotiation between Judge and player) reveals the true extent of a super power And, of course, we wouldn't give you this titanic treasury ‘without including a mind-boggling tale of action and suspense, in the Mighty Marvel Manner! We proudly present “Day of the Octopus,” a 16-page adventure starring everybody's favorite nemesis, Doc Ock! This time, the ever-nasty doctor is unleashing his 30-foot menace, the Octodroid, on the unsuspecting inhabit- ants of the Big Apple. Players can take the parts of Spider-Man, Captain America, the Fantastic Fous, Captain Marvel”, or Wolverine to save the city that never sleeps from a nightmare of destruction! And the on other a look at the plenty more where that came from! The second and third adventure modules —~ "Breeder Bombs” starring the Uncanny X-Men™, and "Time Trap” starring the Mighty nilable as you read this, o wil be shortly LUPER HEROES™ Judge's Sereen and Heroes Guide to New York i another goodie to ask for at your friendly, neighborhood hobby shop. In the works or onthe drawing board are adventure modules featuring Daredevil, the Fantastic For Apa Flight, dhe Hull and the whole cast and erew of Mar vels® SECRET WARS" epic. Keep your eves open, te bel ers, because you won't want to miss one spine-tingling, pilse-pouning moment @ MARVEL SUPER HEROES, SECRET WARS, and all Marvel characters are {adem ofthe Maree! Comies Gro, MARNK\. ey MHQ; Can you make up a DC character for the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Game? MHA: No, Under our agreement with Marvel Comics Group we have permission touse the many minions of the Marvel Universe™., Those that belong to other companies such as DC or First are their property and outside both our legal rights And the scope of the game. (Of course, if you want to ereate heroes from other areas for your own personal use, that's OK. Just don’t tll us.) POLYHEDRON MHQ; Can you create your own charac: ters forthe game? MHA: Check Chapter 4, “The Orgin of in the campaign book for guidcines MHQ: Do you regain Health all at once, or jont alte at atime? MHA: The amount of alt you regain i dependent om your Endurance, Tn general Health evry day, unles otherwise specied inthe adventure, This usualy taken alla nce, while the character is resting MHQ: Are character sheets available for the game? MHA Nota this time. You have permis sion to photocopy the character shec pro ‘ied in the Catpaign book (page 47) for your use inthe ame, Character sheets may become available ater. MHQ: How do you determine how many points of damage you do with body trans formation into energy forms, orice, ete? MHA: In general, your character can do up to the ability rank ofthe body transform tion power. An energy creature of Unearthly ability could do up to Unearthly dlamage to somone he is Gighting direc ody transformation dacs NOT give you ch.) Specific heroes ofthe Marvel Universe, such as leman™, are exceptions tothe rale. The effec oftheir tlie are listed. MHQ: How do you get the iasues of Marvel Comies pertaining to the origins a all the comic book herocs snd villains ever created? MHA! That’ a tall order In the past year Marvel has put out the Official Handbook ofthe Marl Universe, a 13-par comic book devoted to nothing BUT the heroes and villsine ofthe Mareel Universe OHOTMU, as itn called, ithe bass for many of cur awn jogerane of how strong! fastpoweral the heroes are. These comics may be available though your local iret fale come merchant, but io, know that the folk at Mighty Marvel are curently wor on an expanded second src of he book, tobe released tht spring. MHQ: On Table 27 in your Campaign Book, you show the minimum number of powers tbe two(¢hree for altered humans). However, your character eards for the Thing” and Captain America” show them as having one power each, where they should have tree for being altered humans, Do they combine there three power rolls into one, big power? Or is there another reason? MHA" The reason i that Ben, Cap and all the rest are nat created by any randor-oll system, They are real members ofthe Marvel Univers, and rather han make thee abilities jive withthe system, we tailor the system tft their pectic ails. Ben Grimm has several neat abilities, bu only tone "Power® (his body armor) beeause i his book he has jst that. The same applies {0 Cap and ie shiek MHQ: As a judge, can I make up new powers? Iam trying to design the Hell- fire Club” but I can’t find any power resembling Sebastian Shaw's” MHI: As judge you may create any power you see fit for use in the game, as long as it does not imbalance the system or make it less enjoyable forthe players. Many Marvel characters, like Sebastian Shaw, ha ‘unique abilities that are beyond the bonds of randomly created heroes, Shaw, by the way, has the ability 0 con vert kinetic energy into physical strength, and Health. Whenever he is physically attacked (slugfest, charging, coneussive rays), that damage is immediately added to his Health. His Health can reach 400 in this manner, He may redirect energy into an attack, inflicting up to Unearthly damage in fone round. The energy dissapates in 10 rounds, but all damage is taken off the excess amount first, then his own Health. Shaw can be hut by energy attacks and by ‘wrestling. (Nighterawler™ once gave him a run for his money) (Note: The above was taken from the first draft of “Project: Wideawake”, a roster of ‘Marvel's Merry Mutants, available in stores near you!) MHQ; In your Campaign Book, you say that Nighterawler has both a Typical strength and an Excellent strength. The Official Handbook of the Marvel Uni verse, on the other hand, says he ean lift 250 Ibs., which isa little above what you call Typical, MHA: This is what you call a “Gremlin ‘or “Typo”. Nightcrawler's Strength is only ‘ypieal, even though itis listed in two places in those booklets. The OHOTMU lists his ability as 250 Ibs, 0 we rounded down in this case, as letting him left 400 Ibs ‘was out of line. MHQ; Wolverine’s* claws are described as doing Excellent damage, but I have seen him cut through Amazing materials in the X-MEN". This would mean that he would have had to make a RED feat to accomplish these tasks (a bit harder than Thad imagined). MHA: That's a problem I recently addressed in one of the “Marvel-Philes", a series of articles in Dragon® Magazine devoted to the Game. Wolverine does Excel- lent damage with his claws, but the Claws are made of Unearthly material. I its a ‘question of his claws against a material such s cee place, use the Unearthly value for ccuting through. If it’s against a target with Health, use the Excellent damage. Note that Logan” could shred the armor of a Sentinel” or villain in a batdle-suit one round, then go after the man the second, Okay? MHQ: Would unique weapons shift wo columns for damage, or just for hitting? MHA: Unique weapons generally give a ‘worcolumn shift to hit ONLY. Damage is dictated by the weapon, of by the user's Strength RAMPAGE by Roger E. Moore A number of members have written to con plain about the lack of articles on the MARVEL SUPER HEROES" Game in the Newszine, and some of their letters were published in the Ist issue. Never one to lee a ‘challenge yo unanswered, Roger Moore wrote another MSH encounter, which was approved by Marvel Comics Group for publication, HQ shamelessly stole the sce pari and used i for toumaments at Glathri= on and at Origins, where it was well neceived, and now we present “Raz page” for your enjoyment. (Now how about few articles from the rest of the MSH fans? We can’t let Roger have all the glory...) It scems to me that the most dificult thing about the MARVEL SUPER HEROES Game is designing a scenario that will chal Tenge the most powerful heroes, such as ‘Thor™, the Hulk, or Hercules”. Afterall to send someone like Thor against ordinary criminals (or even most extraordinary ones) ‘would be nothing more than an exercise in ‘overkill. Characters like Thor tend to tunbalance most scenarios, which is proba- bly wity the rules and modules frequently suggest that sich powerful characters be tused only as NPCs, ‘On the other hand, it should be possible ta give the players who are fond of brawny characters 4 in for their money DRAGON? Magazine (Issue #88) gave Thor some bad-guy competition in the form of the vil Loki™ and Ulik™, Certainly something can be cooked up for poor litle Hulk and Hercules, to Rampaging characters “This scenario is designed for four players. “Two will play villains, one wil play a hero, and one will play a "sometimes hero” (the Hulk, of course). The referee can control ‘other minor characters, such as crowds police and National Guardsmen. The Feferee may also wish to add other minor Marvel Super Heroes™ or Marvel Super Villains™ to the conflict ‘Complete character sheets for all four characters have been printed on the back Imailer cover, which may be detached for Referee’s Information Things would have worked out very differ: ently if Mary MacPherran (Titania), hiding out in her Denver apartment and feeling particularly depressed and upset ‘over a number of personal problems, had ot flipped on her television set. The First show she saw was a live interview from New York with Hercules, The mighty Avenger™ was discussing his role as a hero and was happily elaborating on some of his past exploits, Hercules was his usual charming, muscle flexing, storytelling elf. He easly sole the show from the commentator, along with the hearts of many women in the TV audience Ofcourse, the show had the opposite effect ‘on Titania, who became progressively angrier and more embittered as Hereules bragged on his conquests and displayed his awesome musculature. Focusing her rage ‘on Hercules, Titania pounded her TV set into atoms, dug her costume out of her closet, and picked up a one-way bus ticket to New York City Unbeknownst to anyone, the Abornination™ had managed to break free from his imprisonment by the U.S. govern ment at about this satne tn Acareless technician with a loud mouth had ribbed him once too often about his many losses to the Hulk, and the Abomination’s anger agave him the strength and motivation to scape (and to send the technician to an emergency room). Knowing that he is pub liely regarded as & loser and a coward, the Abomination now wants to make one last bid to regain his status as one of the mighty — ithe ean overcome his terror and cow- ardice Hearing that the Hulk has arrived in [New York City, the Abomination has made his own way there and issued publie chal: lenges for the Hull to come and meet his watch. The scenario starts as the Hulk closes in on his old enemy —as Titania ‘unaware of the brewing storm, hunts the streets of the city for Hercules, Hereules is the only major hero in the area atthe ‘moment who can intercept the Hulk and Abomination to prevent their bat, using either words or force Starting Pla} Take the players aside one by one and briefly acquaint them sith the events whieh led up to each character's appearance on the Using the map of New York City pro: vided with the basic MARVEL SUPER HEROES Game boxed set, the referee may place cisilians, police, National Guard funits, and assorted vehicles in the streets before the scenario starts, The player of the Abomination should place him near the ‘cemter of the map. The Hulk begins the scenario at any spot within a three-area radius of the Abomination. Hercules starts the scenario at any area on the border ofthe map, heading forthe scene of the ight. ‘Ticania will arrive anywhere on the edge of the map at a run, seo rounds ater the start fof the seenario, ready to pound the Greek warrior into submission Notes on Conducting Play sain circumstances may cause the Hulk ‘experience an immediate adrenaline surge, oF even to attack targets other than the Abomination. For example, anyone who defeats Abomination betore the Hulk can {do so will immediately be attacked by the Hulk, who will beat Shift X Strength and Amazing Fighting (effective at once — regaruless of previous scores — unless Strength is already at Class 1000), Tf attacked by more than one hero or villain at atime, the Hulk will grow angrier, His Strength will rise to Shift X, and his Fighting will become Incredible. If attacked hy three (or more) heracs or villains, the ‘ulk's Fighting ability will rise to Amazing HW the Hulk is already at Shift X Steength and Amazing Fighting and is then reduce half of his original Health points, there is 425% chance every round therealver that hii Strength will jump to Class 1000, at which point he will atempe to bash every fone in sight the Abomination’s Health is reduced «© ‘one-quarter of the initial score, he must take a Psyche FEAT roll or succumb to his fear of the Hulk's wrath. If he cannot then talk the Holk out of attacking bitn (by directing his attention to either Hercules or Titania’), then he wil lee by the fastest help cover his excape Hercules™ must make a Reason FEAT roll to recognize Titania, If successful, he will recall her by other Avengers” who have returned from the Secret Wars Rampage Goals and Karma Awards: In addition to the usual Karma awards as described in the ( jk, the char acters have the opp ‘earn a tional Karma point peciic th for each below ‘The Abomination” the fists of the Hull any of h nan attemp the Hulk down before joining battle. The desire for vengeance and his awful f the Hull’s powers. He has no such fear of the others, though he dishkes Hercules greatly and ¢ he challenges him othing for Titania unless na awards rounds by himself +100 For defeating the Hulk otherwise 50 For defeating Hercules or Titania 50 For running aveay from the Hulk 30 Hereules Initially, Hercules wishes only to preven the Hulk and the Al feom com pletely destroying part of New York City He may use any means desired to a plish ci inns 1. He kn hot get farther help for the tim ne would prefer not to let the two wear each sther down before interfering, since this would ensure the de ity blocks in the pr Hercules might find Titania quite attrac ive, and in any ease, he wil probably Karma Awards For stopping the Hulk/Abomination Fight within 10 r 100 For captur the other three per character ing Hulk and Abomination 3 rounds or longer without POLYHEDRON The Hulk, from the moment he lays eyes fon che Abomination, will want to attack his ‘old enemy at once. Te c wny other hero or villain, tn cer tries 1 interfere i his Fight ith cutting 2 highway of For defeating the Abo nching more than to beat nd make her ible, Sham out of Hercule dely known as ing the Greek hero in ‘way toward improving her battered self: image. If Hereules belitles her fighting bility and strength, it will only make her more determined to beat him. But if he praises her fighting skills and power, she less inclined to be vicious, although desperately wants to beat hin in a she's fight, Ifshe loses the fight, she will ‘even more depressed and dispirited with ether the Hulk o but if she defeats Here tempted to add to h defeat one ofthe «wo green titans — or both ‘of them, if possible Karma Awards For defeating Hercules within 10 rounds by herself +100 For defeating Hercules otherwise +50 For defeating either the Hulk o Abomination +50 a5 A MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Game Scenario ae ae < a —> = é x Ge > Goa J RSS eC . Ms ~ 4, i y Mo JANate- 2 ee a> LOSES ww" “FB le SA _ GZ! ye C= Yer NS The “Rampage!” MARVEL SUPER HEROES" module in POLYHEDRON” Newszine #25 was an excellent answer to those Tie Believers who wonder what in the world could possibly chal lenge the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe™. Ah, but ‘what about the world’s most powerful heroines? They should have powerful foes, too — and here they are She-Rampage Characters This scenario is devised for six characters, all of whom will fight NPCs controlled by the judge. Optionally, certain NPCs may be controlled by an astistant judge or another player. All player cha ncters are Marvel Super Heroes” and should cooperate on the adventure in order to succeed, Note: Previously published statistics for some characters have been altered for this adventure. The Strength rating for She-Hulk™ hhas been increased to Monstrous to reflect the success of her recer body-building efforts (Fantastic Four™ comics). She ean now lift up 1075 tons, New material has been added to the information on She-Hulk, Spider-Woman”, Valkyrie", and Tigra™. Thundra™ ‘appears here forthe first time, and a brand new Marvel Super Hero has been introduced for this adventure: Lucky Penny Complete character sheets forall six player characters are given ‘on the center pages, which may be detached and eut apart for use in this adventure and other MARVEL SUPER HEROES games. Each character sheet inchides an update of the character's recent scivaied leading up ob the opening of te Sonar. Referee’s Background Information History On an akematesiatare Earth, there i country called Machus, in shih ie men have enslaved all women, At one time, th Machians began a war with a country knoven as Am nother alternate Earth, where the women had enalaved all the ten. The intervention of the Fantastic Four” ended the war, though i¢didn’t end the hard feelings between individuals of the two worlds, Intense espionage activity has gone on for a numb years now between Machu ane! Amazonia, though the to 0 Fave succeseully av nd another war 0 The military high command of Machus was very disturbed to 1m of the existence of super-women like Thundra on Amazo Thundra had previously succeeded in taking on and destroying single-handedly several battalions of Machian soldiers, and she is sill much feared asa fighter: The Machian military was further disturbed to learn that there was yet a third alternate Earth on ‘which even greater numbers of super-women existed — the regular Marvel Universe™ — and these super-women were allied with super-males as wel here's no accounting for tastes, the military decided. However, the existence of any super-women was a danger to Machus, Spies ‘were already keeping vratch over the super-women of Amazonia, bat the threat from this new universe could not be ignored. Previ- ‘uly, the Fantastic Four had managed to bring about the death of the most powerful leader the Machians had ever known: Mahkizmo™. Their world would bear close attention, indeed. Sill smarting from their encounters with the U.S.R. (Amazo- nia), the Machians decided to use subtler tactics this time. Early Scouts gave them much information on the new Baril, Noting the ‘current anticmutant sentiment, the Machian military has deeded thatthe reasoning power of the general populace must be weak, land that public opinion (obviously the most powerful weapon in the new world) is easily swayed by the media. So, the Machiains have decided to weaken this world's defenses by sending a small unit ‘with special mission: to discredit Earth's major heroines in the ‘eyes of their own people, If the general populace turns on them as it has the mutants, the super-females will no longer be a threat when invasion forces arrive to take control ‘special team consisting of 6 commanders and 36 Machia soldiers, each with certain additional talents, has been sent (o this flternate Earth under the command of Domins™ a promising Machian military leader. Their mission is to use the fre press «© convince the people ofthis Earth to urn against their own super: heroines. Meanvbile, they are to maintain a close surveillance on all known super. powered or politically prominent females, and are to transmit new data to Machus regularly to aid in invasion plans “To this end, the Machians established a small base in an industrial park where they began to publish a girlie magazine known as Pan: der Their agents roamed the country freely, using their press passes to gain access to restricted areas and newsworthy events, They Photographed super-heroines, then used pieces ofthe pictures to Ereate composite photographs which were published in their maga zine along with fabricated stories ofthe super-powered ladies private lives. The combination is carefully designed to make it appear that all super-women are morally corrupt. Things have been working well, x0 far ‘Corrupt lawyers have been retained to deal with legal retaliation by stalling matters in court until the Machians have accomplished their mission, Wisely anticipating forcible retaliation from the frustrated heroines, Dominus supplied his base with military equip. ment (most of it illegal) and posted guards on all three shifts Base Personnel The Pander Magazine building houses both a legitimate business and a secret military base, Al soldiers, heav ily armed and equipped, lives and works in the building at ail Statistics forall important base personnel are given on page lar soldiers, 6 powerful unit commanders, and one base commander. ‘The Machians handle all ‘operations directly related to the mission, including computer programming, magazine production, art reporting, photography, ‘and guard duty The base commander is Dominus, a tall, dark, well-built man about 36 years of age. He speaks with a deep bass voice and has a ‘commanding presence and a military walk, He believes women arc for breeding and menial chores, and therefore refuses to hold a meaningful conversation with one. Despite his air of confidence, Dominus is vain, petty, and cowardly i things do not appear to be going his way. He believes that others are out to take what is right fully his, and he watches his men closely for signs of weakness or betrayal, Dominis believes that this assighment was the work of a val back on Machus, who wished to prevent him from taking @ ‘more prestigious assignment back home Other Personnel All other duties critical to base operations (i. sales, subscriptions, assembly, running the presses shipping, cafeteria help, janitorial fe.) are performed by normal men hired through normal means, Of these, only Arnold, Samuels, Kevin, and Mrs. Fleener™ will participate in combat; most will ee at the earliest opportunity. ‘Amold works in subscriptions on shift A. He is a classic wimp — small, weak, and prone to faint under stress. Arnold has figured ‘out where the Machians came from, and wants to return with them and become macho himself. Brunnhilda of the Valkyrior Fighting: MONSTROUS (75) Agility: REMARKABLE (50) Strength: AMAZING (50) Endurance: AMAZING (50) Reason TYPICAL (6) Intuition: EXCELLENT (20) Peyche GOOD (10) Hi 205 Kan 36 Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: 5 Powers BODY ARMOR. Like all Asgardians, Valkyrie has dense flesh which gives her Good protection from phiysical attacks, SPECIAL SENSES. As an Asgardian and former Chooser of the Slain, Valkyrie can instantly sense whether she has entered any part of Asgard, or even its neighboring regions. She can also identify undead ‘opponents and the presence of death within a one-area radius. Equipment/Passessions: DRAGONFANG™. Carved from the tooth of an extra-dimensional dragon by an Oriental wizard, Valkyrie’: sword Dragonfang was given to her by Doctor Strange™. The blade is made of Unearthly Stength material, and Valkyrie attacks on the Unearthly column wien wielding it. She may inflict Monstrous damage on the Hack-& Slash able by using the sword normally, orup to Amazing damage on the Slugfest column by using the lat ofthe blade. (She will ier attack to avoid slaying her opponents.) Dragonfang Rock Trolls” are within a threesarea radius around it eee aaah a ae Penni Peikord POOR (1) y POOR (1) Strength: TYPICAL (4) Endurance: GOOD (10) Reason INCREDIBLE (40) Intuition: INCREDIBLE (40) Pryehe: AMAZING (30) Health: Karma: 130 Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: 5 Powers: POWER SCANNING. Lucky Penny can detect the existence and nature of any superhuman powers, talents, or abilities possessed by any being or device ifshe makes a successful green Peyche FEAT roll ‘Only one person or object per round may be scanned; if the sean fails the must wait until the next day to try scanning that person or item POWER EDITING. Lucky Penny can selectively augment or sup press the quality of any character’ abilities, powers, or talents, and fan even affect the quality ofbody armor or devices on an opponent's person. "Touse this power, she must fist have successfully scanned het target, bur she can affect up to four separate quality scores of up to fou eeings in the same round. A yellow Psyche FEAT roll ity score by one level, up or down av she desires, for ts level, A red Payche FEAT roll enables her 4. For example, with 4 Yellow nad change'a friend's Amazing Strength and Good HURLED WEAPONS. Valkyrie also wields an iron spear which she «ean either use hand-to-hand toinfliet Amazing Hack-& Slash damage throw up to 10 areas for Incredible damage. Her dagger inflicts cellent clamage when used normally, or it ean be thrown Up (04 "as for Good damage ARAGORN™. This snow-white pegasus was given to Valkyrie by his former master (the Black Knight") and is now completely faithful to at 3 areas per round and fly at 10 E Health GOOD EX REMAIN 100 ‘Talents: Valkyrie i skilled wit thrown weapons, fans, sharp weapons, and Background: ‘The Asgardian Brunnhilda was chosen by Odin" to lead the Valkyrior, a group of nine goddesses who brought the souls of the honored dead from the battlefield to Valhalla, She performed sell mil Odin ceased all dealings with Earth approximately x» 1000. The falkyrior wae disbanded, and Brunnhilda roamed Asgard looking for adventure Brunnhilda finally encountered Amora the Enchantress®, but the life oFadventare that Amora offered was dishonorable, and the leader of the Valkytior rebelled, The Enchantress ensorcelled Brunnhilela, Keeping her body in suspended animation while bestowing Bran’ ‘nhilda’s powers on herself or others. In this fashion, Amora led a female group of super powered individuals against the Avengers bout was eventually defeated ‘While serving as a temporary ally of the early Defenders™, granted Valkyries powers and consciousness to a mor named Barbara Noress, Valkyrie fought beside the Defenders for sev= ral years in her mortal body hetore regaining her immortal form Valkyrie bears sone hard feelin Valkyrior and for ignoring her plight a captive of therefore she has decided to femain on Earth and work w Defenders rather than returning to Asgard Bady Armor to Mon ousand Excellent, respectively, while reduc the Ineredible power ofa foe's laser to Remarkable and his Poor Ag hy to Feeble. ‘This power has a tworarea range. She ca alfet her own scores as well, but eannot raise or lower any of her scores by more than fone level, She can change the targets af her power editing from round {© round, but eannot take any other action while editing, chough hee "unconscious powers will continue to function, UNOBTRUSIVENESS. Lucky Penny projects an unconscious and continuous aura that eauses people near her to forget that she's there, ‘So long as she makes no direet physical attack against anyone. power functions constantly within a two-area radius, and ean affect finy number of people simultaneously. A successful red Psyche FEAT roll must be mate to notice her within that range, but ifshe moves out ‘oF range and then approaches again, a new FEAT roll is permitted. Lucky Penny ean purposefully eause this aura to disperse in order to ik with people, but once she finishes, the aura “turns on” again omaticlly FORCE FIELD. Lucky Penny unconsciously and continuously pro- ieets a personal force field of Excellent strength, effective against all physical, energy, sonic, chemical, and temperature-based attacks "The force field has a1” radius, MIND GAMES. Lucky Penny can cause any one character engaged in conversation with her to be stunned and inactive for 1-3 rounds luless a successful Red Reason FEAT roll is made. ‘This power will hot work against anyone with a Reason of Incredible or bever and the target must be in the same area with Lucky Penny. ‘Talents: Penni Pettikord is, of course ‘extensive knowledge of popular games, an editor; she also has an Background: Penni Pevtikord is one of many undiscovered mutants who sould rather remain undiscovered, given current anti-mutant Semiments, She has established a comfortable existence as the editor fof a role-playing game magazine, the Dee-Twenty, published by TyrannoSaurus Rex, Ine.,a midwest games company, and she has no Appearance: Valkryic i673" tall and weighs 475 Ibs. due toher great inady density. She has blue eyes and pate Blonde hat. A warrior godless, heart and soul, Valkyrie was born to win wars. She has extreme confidence in her cargbat skills ans fea less in battle, fighting elentlssly against al ods. She will never sur render except to save the lives of her closest friends o allies, and even then she wil plo to overcome her opponents as soon as possible She is reserved an! formal, and says ready for batle, She dislikes mortals who fal 0 show her Fespect, though she doesn’t insist that they recognize her godhood or ‘worship her. Though she is angry with Odin for'a number of reasons, she always obeys him. ‘Valkyrie treats her enemies with contempt, and often indulges in name-calling and cursing in Odin's name in the heat of aight. Scenes ff death and destruction do not bother her — alter all, she was a Chooser of the Slain. ‘Valkyrie’s language has a strong Shakespearean flavor. She speaks lite except concerming the matters at hand, usually a coming battle or other “heavy opie. Recent Events: Valkyrie was recently chosen by Odin to watch and guard Moondragon", a telepath with powerful mentl abilities, n the fopes tha Brunia could teach bet humility and guard hurnanity from the powers of Moondragon's darker side. This scenario takes place shortly after the atack onthe Nev Mesico headquarters ofthe Defenders by am alien. plant life form (Delenden® sue #4), Gargoyle” and Moondragon™ managed t0 destroy i, and everyon thas been involved in cleaning the slime ror the base "Moondragon has been acting much more pleasantly than usual of late, and the other Defender believe that she has finally. gained humanity and compassion. Valkyrie, however, doesn't trust Moondragon and continues 10 monitor her charge closely. It Moondragon unl re nithout the proper controls the results could be devast hese thoughts rest heavily on Brune ‘hilda’s mind, and she is usually solemn. \s. No one hher company Interest at present in joining any group of heroes or v Knows anything about her personal life; most people have forgotten that she’s stil employed there, thanks co her Unoburu siveness power. When Penni gets bored, she wanders off in her dis tinetive costume under the name Lucky Penny, looking for “Appearance: Penni Pettikord has long, blonde hai, dark brown eyes, fatrskin, and a thin frame. She is 5’ 10" tall and weighs 130 Ibs, She usually wears glasses Personality: Peni Peto in diet syria: She enjoys gaming, knitting, playing practical jokes, and spying on var ‘ut heroes forthe fn of Most othe time she appears prenecupied fd tends to sare at people or bjecs in a manner that wiggess that ‘he cier im'tall there or thinking about something very profound no one is quite sure which Penni i extepionally courageous she reveals no fear of any being and at worst wil regard s hazardous situation with ether resignation ‘curiosity She is drawn to strange and unusual evens, and tends create them i suficently bored. She dikes physical combat, and has never been known to carry any weapon more dangerous than a svater pistol (Feeble range). She much prefers to use her vartout powers to protect hereslf wile wreaking benign havoc. Penn isan bd sense of humor and isa bic ofa prankster, thoogh she wil never Sllow innocent partis tobe abused unfairly, especialy in prt Recent Events: At the time of this scenario, Lucky Penny is taking a wall to escape a game convention in Denver, which turned into fall scale riot alter a copy ofthe original BS module turned up atthe auc- tion. Noticing the presence of She-Hulk”, Tigra, Spider-Woman” land Valkyrie™, and sensing an opportunity for adventure in the mak- ing, she has decided t follow them while the police sort out the confi som atthe convention. : Soller and adventurcr A Righting: AMAZING (50) Agility EXCELLENT (20) Str AMAZING (50) Endurance: EXCELLENT (20) TYPICAL (6) ns GOOD (0) TYPICAL) 0 Retour: EXCELLENT (aupported by U.S.R.) Popularity: 8 (Marvel Univereey75(U'S.R) Powers: DENSE SKIN. Thundra's tough skin provides her with Typical body armor with respect to physical attacks LEAPING AND RUNNING. ‘Thundra may make Good leaps as high as 45” and across one area. Her powerful leg muscles allow her run at Typical speeds Talents: Thundra is skilled at martial arts, with sharp and blunt weapons, and at wrestling. She has lite skill with guns, however treat her Agility as Poor when firing one. She hasan extensive knowh felge of military matters, and ison excellent terms with the military ynmand of the U-S.R timeline, Oth century rendered 95% of all women infertile, ‘The fi Seized political power and instituted ap Jennifer Walters Tawyer and adventurer Fighting: REMARKABLE (30) Agility EXCELLENT (20) Strength: MONSTROUS (73) Endurance: AMAZING (50) Reason: TYPICAL (6) Intuition: — GOOD (10) Pryche: EXCELLENT (20) Health: 175 Karma: 36 Resources: EXCELLENT pularity: 30 Powers DENSE SKIN, She-Hfulk’s skin provides her with Inctedible body sith respect to physical, temperature, and energy attacks, LEAPING. She-Hulk can make Remarkable leaps of w distance oF 600" altitude by using her powerful leg muscles, DISEASE IMMU (TY, She-Hulk’s physiology gives her immunity ALTER EGO. Like the Hulk", She-Hulk has an alter ego, Her nor mal form is as Jennifer Walters (see the personality notes below details, an! she can abil betwe 5 the two forms at will, Exposure to secing men as responsible for the near-clestruction ofthe human race By Thundta’s time, all births were performed in government-run lab- nd men were used oaly as entertainers, breeding stock and servants. Thundra led many assaults against roving gangs of free men andl invasions from foreign counties while serving her own nation, the United Sisterhood Republic. When the U.S:R, was invaded by a mn known as Machas (from another alternate ‘dimension-erossing device and journeyed to present-day Earth, hoping (o prevent the creation of Machus. Her plain failed, and she joined the Fantastic Foue™ as an ally: When she ‘as kidnapped by the leader of the Machians and taken back to her wh timeline to stand twial for her theft of the dimension. device, Thundra was aided by the Fantastic Four in breaking the hold of the “Machians over her people. She returned to the modern world in the belie that her own world was ruined by the presence of extradimen- sional m Later, Thundra became involved in a transdimensional scheme ‘manipulated by the Roxxon Oil Company's Nth Command. She foiled the plot and escaped to her own timeline. Since then, she has lived in the U.S.R. and has defended it from all aggressors. Appearance: Thundra is a well-proportioned, woman ith long, ‘orange-red hair and green eyes. She stands 7°2" tall and weighs 450 Ibs. ‘Thundra may best be described as a “macho woman.” ardent female chauvinist, She is aggressive and has lite espect for men, regarding them as the inferior sex (though this att ‘has mellowed somewhat in recent years). The only men that she hhas ever come to like or respect are thore who are at least as strong and i (such asthe Thing”). Though Thundra is a brilliant ‘military taetician and a highly trained warrior, she is sometimes given to rash impulses and may tend (0 act without thinking ber plans eon pletely through. Tn any event, ‘Thundra champions the causes of ‘women sand bears a great hatred for male chauviniss, particularly ‘world state known as Machus, tunless she makes a successful Endurance FEAT roll. Jennifer's statis tics are below FOOA Ss EB R 1 P Ty Ty Pe Gd Gd Gaoty Health: 26 Karma: 26 Resources: EXCELLENT Popularity: 10 ‘Talents: Jennifer isthe lawyer for the Fantastic Four, and her Rea- sons Excellent in matters ofthelaw. She is licensed to practice in Cal- ifornia and New York. She-Hulk rarely, if ever, uses this knowledge. Background: Jennifer Walters had established a acces egal prac tcc i Caliorsa nen she wos vied by het sousn, Dr. Brace Bae nf who od her hat he way away the Hulk, White dvng Brace tober home in Low Angccs, Jenner was sho by a angsty Brice ‘ranged 2 tamason ot hie Bod ther, then lef o preven kimi from turning into the Hulk again, Jenner fit armed ito the Site Hull ten atasked by ote gates in her hogpal room ‘Biscovering tat she iked erimelghting better as green giantess, Jennifer acefed an ivan wo fbn he Avengerd ae eoved 6 te Yor Fellowing te Secret Wart she acepted another ofr Jin Hanae Four co epace he Things Sc han worked ith theater group since then, Appearance: She-Hulk is 6°7" tall and weighs 650 Ibs. Her skin is teen her hgit and eyes are dase green Her aer-ego fon S52 land weighs 110 Tbs Jenner Walters has Brown hate and Brown eyes Personality: She-Hulk likes being a green-skinned giantess better than she likes being petite Jennifer Walters, and she rarely reverts back toher old form unless necessary. Jennifer Walters is prim, profes- sional, and polite, though hard-nosed and aggressive as the lawyer for the Fantastic Four. Ms, Walters Jen toher frends) has great familiar= ity with the law and with legal jargon. Recent Events: After a number of adventures in the Marvel Universe™, Thundra went off to an alternate Earth controlled by women. However, she has recently discovered that Machian soldiers were pioting to infiltrate her universe. Upon learning that the Machians had also established x base in the Marvel Universe, she managed to obtain a special planar-tavel device with which she has now arrived in the local area. She chose Pander Magazine asthe place tostart her investigation, since only Machians would harass heeoines inthis manner. She has decided vo atack the building to break up (ina eral tense) the Machian operation Jennifer Walters undergoes a considerable personality change when stieturns into She-Hulk. She-Hulk ses the world ina very uncompi fated fashion. There are bed guys wl the bad guys fet pounded lat. She-Hulk thrives. wand adventure Shea gung-ho fighter who beeves that her strength and ats can fvercome almost any opponent. Her language ix simpler and more arhy than Jenner’, ae se dean ied bantering wih eras n'a good-natured fashion while stomping tem. However, her temper i-very short-fused, and anyone who seriously injures or kills lose fiend of hers may be savagely attacked ‘She-Hulk wants very much t be taken seriously as a major hero: ine. Joining the Fantastic Four was the high point of her carver, and she ita been working out daly to improve her strength and lighting bilies, She-Hilk is very sensitive to ertcism of her performance at {heroine and will do her beatin any situation ‘She-Flulk knows Tigra fom the New York Avengers and the time when both fought A..EM." to save a young gir with super powers ‘She salto acquainted with Spider-Woman from the Seeret Wars Recent Events; This scenario takes place shortly alter the events in Fantastic Four® issue #275, when She-Hulk made an unwanted “appearance in.a girlie magazine as its centerfold. She-Hulk fs sill smarting from the incident with The Naked Truth Magazine, in ‘which a photographer in a helicopter caught her sunbathing on the roof of the Baxter Building, Things worked out wel; the pictures of hher were inadvertently “‘color-corrected” so that her green skin and ‘were changed to pink and brown, making the pictures look like hhoax, but She-Hulk is eager for some action to take her mind off the entire episode. Pounding a criminal at would do her lots of good. ‘Recently she got hold (literally of another photographer, this ime from Pander Magazine, which had been running ""exposés” on super-females — including She-Hulk, After she ook part his car and ‘camera, he was happy to tell her the magazine's Denver address, and that his employers were from "Macho-somewhere." nine A Rn Rene GOOD 40) AMAZING (50) s INCREDIBLE (40) Endurance: REMARKABLE (30) Reato GOOD 00) Intuition: TYPICAL (6) Poy REMARKABLE (30) Health: 130 Karma 46 Resources: GOOD Popularity: 7 Powers WALL-GRAWLING. Spider-Woman sticks to all surfaces automat cally as she desires, and may walk up walls at her normal movement rate, hang from ceilings or other surfaces, etc. She must make a sue ‘cessful Agility FEAT roll to adhere to.a wet or slippery surface PSYCHIC WEB. Through intense concentration, Spider-Woman n create a psychic wel, which radiates from her in all directions. It adheres to walls and other objects, and imprisons anyone within its range, fiend or foe, Within the area Spider-Woman occupies, the web is Monstrous materia; in immediately adjacent areas it is Remarkable material; and two areas away the web is Typical mate 1" The web isa physical manifestation that can be ripped or shred Ged, and it will disappear if Spider-Woman is knocked unconscious Spider Woman can move when projecting this web only she makes & siccessful Red Psyche FEAT rol; the web disappears if she fails, Greer Grant Nelson Aspiring detective, altered human Fighting EXCELLENT (20) Agility: INCREDIBLE 0) ngth: INGREDIBLE( 10) Endurance: REMARKABLE (30) Reason: TYPICAL (6) Intuition: REMARKABLE (30) Pryches EXCELLENT (20) Health: 130 Karma: 36 Resources: TYPICAL Popula 50. Powers AORDINARY SENSES. Tigra has Monstrous sense vision, hearing, and smell, She can detect any tiny noises or minute visual details within a one-area radius, as if she were within 1" of the ound source or object. Her olfactory sense allows her to track an ‘anseen person through a heavy crowd. Her high Intuition comes from her detective training and her extremely wide angle of vision INFRAVISION. red light, including b Thi 1's catlke eyes give her the power to see i Ay heat, within a ewo-area radius around her EMPATHY SENSE. Tigra can sense and experience the emotions of anyone standing in th area with her, Ifthe emotions are stron} she detects them automaticaly. A Psyche FEAT roll is required for et to detect weaker emotions, of to search for the pres Background: Spider: Woman isa native of Denver, Colorado. A Den ver suburb was taken by the Beyondee™ to form part of the Batle- planet during the first Secret Wars™. Spider-Woman quickly joined the heroes fighting the eriminal fores there, saying nothing to anyone ahout her personal background. Based on her few comments during the Seeret Wars, she had only been in three oF four fights before she arrived on the Battleplanct, but she knew how to use her powers well She fought swell and later returned to Earth ‘Spider-Woman knows she is the second person ta possess that 1, but there is io known relationship between her and the frst Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) of Spider-Man™ pdter-Woman has long, red hair ned stands 59° Wn is « quiet and intensely private heroine, and says Ti sacif even to her allies. She is friendly, confi: lent, trustworthy, and will readily volunteer for any good cause, but She also keeps a measured psychological distance between herself and ‘everyone else. This may lead others to distrust her motives, particur larly since she has a habit of staring at other heroes without saying ything hereell. She has never been seen to smile or make jokes, and she only discusses matters that relate ro the problems at hain Spider-Woman knows She-Hulk from the Secret Wars, and would know Valkyrie™ and Tigra™ from newspaper and television pictures Stas nt ae with She-Hulk at any pret depth, andthe tw ae sill barely acquainted Recent Events: Spider-Woman has returned to hee neighborhood in the part of Denver that the Beyonder™ used to form part of his Batle- planet. The suburb was returned to Earth by Molecule Man” in fair Condition. Spider-Woman has spent the past few weeks repairing her home and checking on oll friends. ‘Now and thea, Spider-Worvan has been active in crimefighting, more so now than she was before the Secret Wars™ started. She is Starting to develop « reputation for herself and the crime level in Dew ‘er has dropped ava result of her actions. Spider-Woman has thought RUNNING SPEED. Tigra can run at the rate of # arcas/round (50 ‘mph for up to 3 rounds before tiring and slowing to normal speed She can use this power once per hour. CLAW: chat 5. Tigra’s claws inflict Good damage on the Hack-&-S Equipment/Possessions: TALISMAN. Tigea wears a silvery cat's head amulet on the upper half of her bikini, which allows her to change back into human form (Gs an illusion) if she wills it. Tigra preferssher catlike form and will bony rarely change back, Background: Greer Nelson was a research assistant who agreed to hhave her physical and mental powers amplified by a battery of exper iments. The head of the laboratory was a member of an alien race Known as the Cat People. When it appeared thatthe lab director had ‘been killed by the man funding the project, Greer used her powers to send ira to jail. The lab director survived, but was later attacked by figents of HYDRA™, Greer Nelson sas irradiated in a fight sith HYDRA, and was transformed into one of the Cat People by the lab director and others of her kind in an effort to save Greer’ life. Now renamed Tigra, Greer successfully defeated HYDRA’ plans. She joined the Avengers™ for a short period, but left them and moved to {Los Angeles to work as a detective. She worked briefly with Jessen (Spider-Woman I) Drew and was on the verge of forming a partner~ ship when she was invited :o join the West Coast Avengers. Though ‘he did so reluctantly, she haa come to enjoy working with the group. She has become close friends sith Wonder Man", a8 they both have lous about thei abilities and ealling as heroes, Appearance: Tigra is 5’10° tall and weighs 180 Ibs. She is covered with short, orange fur, and has dark stripes aeross her legs, arms, andl back. Her long hai is a darker orange color, and she has green eyes. Personality: Tigra is very sensuous in a casual sort of way. An excel- lent detective, she enjoys the thrill ofthe hunt and the lure of excite- bout seeing some of the super heroes she fought beside inthe Secret, ‘Wars, but has o far done nothing about it —tantil now aaa ee marr Se Ne ge end th Cent a sme alan Bane paren oar at ae, ger obo She ia ee warm ert rn Ts ear es ple ely te Ta! Seay de pase left the New York e's a good Avenger Pi eres Standard (Fenris™) Battlesuit Soldier or, a Commander Commander Battlesuit Anca an rane A batfonut race 2 wearer Sire Exelon (20) Remathabl (30Xas show 3 Yeanks (maximum of Remarkable) and Endurance by fake Good 10) Good a) Sonny auxin ottneyedie) Ie weerees Stemgih andlor Ears Seengihs Gon 10) Gand (10). erable (30) Gre are greater an te maxina provided by de su those abe Endurance: Good (10) Excelent (20) —Increible 10), ps are Kercred eg the eur maine Reason Tyrmal (0) “Typical (®) (as shown) High-speed tnetnsersin he oots enable the wenrerto fly atuiton: Typical) ‘opal (6) fasshown) a7 taper twa and ty nee Good damage ured ss weaye.Fayeher” Par) Topeal(@)—_asshown) ath baticuithet abun weapon system, Type (worn by Healthy 30 % {es shown) the Machian soldiers) features an external hand-carried concussion aon rifle with six-arca range, which produces an Incredible intensity Mesomncs Typha Sood {es shawna) Popularity: 5 shown) Singin atch, Type ff worn by Dominus andthe ommaprs) POP ‘ fetes the “tneler Poncher” combat chiaaves whic allows the wearer to se wih Monstrous Seng in combat ‘Target Pistol Ability Dominus (wiih Battle A target pistol is a handgun constructed of Excellent strength mate suit) eva al hdea teen re and res one orp ound for Fighting: Incredible (40) Ince (40). “Typical 6 Points damage peri Tod hands ate used fcr onesrank «AREY Remarkable (20) femarkable 2) Typial 0 Ky bonus apps Siengi; —Excclnt (20) Remarkable 30)Geod (0) Endurance: Remarkable (30)Ineredible (40) ‘Typical (0) Variable Pistol Reason: Good (10) "Good (10) ‘Typical (6) Intuition: Excellent (20) Excellent (20) Typical (0) A variable pistol is similar toa target pistol, but has a range of Pye Se See prey three areas, and carries enough ammunition for 6, 8, oF 9 shots Rate of fie is | shot per round, and damage is 6 points. A'variable Healt 120 120 28 pistol may be set in the field t's particular ammvinition type with” Karma: 0 0 6 Dut il effect Resourees: Excellent Excellent Poor Popularity: 0 c o Assault Rifle An assault fle i a heavy weapon made of Good strength material has a seven-area range and ean fire 2 shota/round. Damage is 10 points per oun jon and cach clip carrics 20 rounds, It Ability Mrs. Fleener Arnold Samuels ust be fired sth two hands, and though it ean Fire at an increased rate, the range is reduced accordingly. Fighting: Poor (4) Poor (4) Good (10) Laser Rifle Endurance: Typical (6) Poor (4) od (10) cctsrecomagaced Cty rngl rater amd base, Axaitons Tepe) pia) Ep) damage. Each power pack carries enough power for 20 shots. Two SYEME Feeble (2) Poor (4) Poor (4) Machine Gun Popularity: 0 0 0 Flamethrower may result (Judge's option) in ah Amazing explosion alfeeting all in Knock-out Gas Grenades. thesane are A knock-out gas grenade fills the area into whieh it is thrown with GROUND LEVEL Breakfast x c c Duty Dinner R&R Drill Sleep SECOND STORY uty Dinner R& Activity A a B B B B B B sy i tamale dag ton pale, He workin he ase havacen the battlesis, knows where they are kept, ad is waling for an opportunity to seal one. Sen an derover cp assigned a infirate Pander Mage ‘eapons. To that end, he has obtained a job in Keylining (eit A) indie reported the presence of batdestits and other Hegl weap Gnry within the building to his superior. So far, he as been unable to discover any information about the sourees ofthe weapons OF the magazine's purpose for accumulating chem “The only worean inthe establishment i Mrs, Fleene, a feeble looking old receptionist who wll tell any visors that Me. Dominus {Por Svailabie, and tha they must make an appointment for nex "Thursday. Mrs, Feener was hired todo the menial chores that men sould nc have dna chosen because a he ae threatening woman availble amonge! the applicants. (All he othe ‘tren og cfee rth Bot) She sed tn rad ge nds scapegost- Although she fs desperatly unhappy and Extremely angry about the treatment she has received atthe hands Other employers, she is easily cowed! and will not fighn back unless She see other women getting te bea of her employers. Mrs Fieener knows the lcation of the commanders offte and private quarters, the armory (security), and the transporter (he mal sot) ‘Alle normal humans except Mis Fleene knove that their employers have tome criminal connections and actvitis, but do ‘ot know their exact nature. Only Arnold Knows who and what the ‘Machians are; the others do aot sarpert that thei employers are fram an entre dierent wan chug hey do ko that ptm times and this fet has made them nervous. Te isnot necessarily recommended that a particular villain be present at the complex, but the judge can ad one oF to villains if tksred. The Machans wil erin tok out for misogynic charac ters ite for defense ofthe building "All the Machians normally wear body armor (Bak jackets that seive a8 Typical protection from physica attacks onl), and each Carries a smoke grenade brass kauckles, anda target pista cone tcalec on his person. Guards on duty wear Fenris batiesuit, The ‘normal men are unarmed and unarmored, except for Samuels, who Carries knock-out gas grenade conceaed on his person, Personnel Placement The Machian foree is divided into three shifts (A, B, and C)to keep the operations running around! the clock. Each’ shit is com: posed of 12 soldiers and 2 commanders, plus sufficient normal men {to handle the routine labor Shift also includes Dominus, Mrs Fleener, Samuels, and Arnold. Shift B includes Kevin. The 14 Machians on each work shift divide the critical duties as follows: 1 commander and 6 soldiers on guard (entrances and computer fare), {-computer operator (commander) and I technician (com: puter room), 1 editor, 1 artist, I researcher (library/monitor room), plus 1 reporter and 1 photographer (out on assignment). Dominus may be placed as desired by the judge; Mrs. Fleencr wil always be atthe reception desk when on diy. Pander Magazine ‘The Pander Magazine building is two stories tall, with monitor pickups on the roof, next to all four doors, and in the reception area. (To avoid picking up street noise, the pickups are video only, ‘with no audio receiver, so conversations will not be heard.) Activity by costumed characters or fighting in any of these areas will be visible in monitor room H, and the technician on duty will sound the general alert. (See General Alert.) “There are four entrances into the complex (indicated by black arrows on the rap isc). The walls ofthe complex have been rengthened to Ineredible levels by the Machians, save for walls foted as being “hicstrength,” which are of Amazing materia Doors are of ftemarkable material. ‘There are no ssindows, asthe Dpilding isa converted warchouse, Railings are of Typical mates Fial, and ceilings and Moors are of Incredible materia Area Key |A. Reception area. Mrs. Fleener's desk isin the center ofthe lobby. She greets all visitors, but refises to allow them to see any of the staf without an appointinent, B. Sales and subscriptions. All magazine orders are processed here on computer terminals Inthe ing cabinets are sales records and documentation of orders shipped via “transporter” and charged to "home base” These are the copies distributed 0 Machus tell, Records of illegal arms purchases and bribes «0 government ofa are also Kept herein locked drawers, C. Personnel center. Records on all base personnel (inchiding Machian soldiers) and thei assignments are stored here D. Library: Reference materials and data on powerful women of this world are stored inthis sounpoofed are. B. Assembly. Finished magazines are brought here from the pressroom and assembled, then packed into boxes for shipping. F, Shipping. Orders ate picked up from this loading dock by unacks for delivery al over the country. G. Auditorium. This room is used for base meetings and for ‘entertainment H, Surveillance Center This room is ined with wall monitor Each monitor ie tuned to a concealed camera and tape recorder set carried by a fed agent, of toa similar set planed in super heroine's home. Monitor tapes ate stored in the computer rom. ‘One bank of monitors is med tothe vdeo pickupe in ad aroutd the Pander Magazine building, and is wate continuously for intruders 1. Main Trans-Universl Transport Chamber. Personnel and supplies are routinely sent back and forth between Machus aad the isase via this chamber. ts aso used for sending back routine reports, data tapes, and magazine shipments. JJ. Surveillance Center. See Root H. XK. Receeation Hal. This room contains pool tables, gating areas, aswimnming poo, ping pong tables, and all forms of ane iment that one could inane L. Layout design. Typeset copy i laid dawn and ited ta avail bile space in preparation for printing M. Camera Room. Final print quality copy is ran here, and aniork and photographs are compose Tor publication. Curent ihe phos of She-Hulk taken by ‘he Nake! Truth Magavine are Spread out on the work tables andl are being recortectd for gece shin ‘and hai color N. Keylining, Final production copy and corrections are asset bie Yor printing here. ” ©. Art Room. Staff artists draw cartoons and portraits, and compose photographs for the magazine P. Typeseuing. Copy is electronically transferred vo computers here fortypesetting and copyfiting. Q. Cafeteria. The eneteria is open 24 hours a day, serving breaifast, lunch and dinner at all hours, The foo is military in style and bland in Mlavor, and the employees are ity RR. Receiving. Supplies are recived here atthe loading dock ane stored tntl requested by personnel in another department 8. Press Room. Printing presses run continuously to produce Pander Magazine, Finished copies are taken tothe Assembly aes W. Training Room. The soldiers from each shift dil here for two hous aday to keepin condition. 'U. Editing. Editors prepare the capy for publication at the com puter terminate here and in Room T The rooms are soundproufe to ad concentration. ‘T Eaiting. See Room U. ¥. Compiiter Center. The base's main computer is housed here, and is manned! a all times by Teommander (programs) an! 1 Soldier (technica). All programming i done here, ac banks of data storage and monitor tapes al the walls. Tne computer ‘arrcs the burncss records and production requirement (uch a¢ ‘civorial and typesetting Hes) at well a stored data on prominent tuper hercine and ater ponterfal males of this alternate Earth, ‘When not otherwise occupied, the computer runs invasion sinus ‘ions with varying conditions to determine the most client snethod of stack X. Main Armory. Stored hete are 87 Fenris Batlsuits (32 com cussion rifle ste for the soldiers and 8 "Thunder Puncher” syle for the commander), plus 10 variable pistol 30 asl ies, 35 Jase ies, 12 knockout gas grenades (Rell pore). 10 machine quns, 3 Mamethrowers, 1 stun cannon, standard msn {ion fora weapons, explosives (several varieties), and assorted bother grenades a

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