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Who Am I?

Melissa Danitza Calani Noya
Dayana Elisa Garcia Cuba
Lorena Patricia Gutiérrez Rodríguez
Angela Aracely Ramos Ardaya
Maria Isabel Viraca Pacheco
Who am I?
⊳ This is a game for all ages
⊳ Sure to test your knowledge on the fab and the
⊳ Guess the mistery “celebrity” featuring everyone
from Albert Einstein to Jay – Z by using the least
amount of clues

Instructions for use
For 3 or more players
Deal 5 cards from the deck, with clues and descriptions of each character
to each player.
Each player takes a turn with the other players giving clues, until the player
guesses the identity of the famous person.Players are given a specific
amount of time and there are only 5 clues per character, depending on the
difficulty of the category, as well as the age and maturity level of the
players. The game should take no more than twenty minutes, ten minutes
for preparation and explanation and ten minutes for the game.

Each person tries to figure out which celebrity
is with the least amount of clues about the
name of the celebrity they have guessed.
Punishment or penance
If the player does not guess his celebrity with
all the clues he must do 5 polichinelas, 5
jogging laps, 5 push-ups, 5 rope jumps.
Big concept
Bring the attention of your
audience over a key concept
using icons or illustrations


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