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Should the AFA win this election, this will undoubtedly translate into our more junior flight attendants
being furloughed. When considering the ramifications of our current reserve system it becomes clearer that
furloughs are not a possibility but a probability.

It is widely known that this "broken" system will be even more costly when considering the increase in pay
scales versus a fair system which rewards those who have longevity with the company. If you take an
overview of those who have flown over a 20 year period there is a trend that shows a decrease in flying
when you increase pay rates.

Over and above this I am more enraged at the disregard for those who are new to this industry or to either
company. A deliberate campaign was organized that targeted reserves from both airlines. u  

       We all know that the most vulnerable are the most junior
flight attendants.

The AFA coalition have met in private on many occasion devising specific schemes to spread fear, make
empty promises and gain market share in this election. Their focus was not senior flight attendants or our
pensions. Their focus was to get a hold of those most vulnerable and easily manipulated, as they say.
Why? Win at all costs. Meetings were held, posts were read and as if this were a group of school children
they would literally find it humorous when they read how a reserve is at their wits end or if a reserve
"chomped at the bit" as one person said.

In my mind I find that cruel. I find this unacceptable. There is one well-kept secret which all of those in the
AFA mafia are being told to ignore, divert attention from and deny:       

For months the AFA have spread fear that if the IAM wins, there will be job losses. Why did they plan this
attack? One reason: A/B Rotation will put many 2006 and junior out of a job. Frame of reference:look
where we, at UAL have been with regards to furloughs. It is the norm not the exception. The truth is
reserves are being used as pawns in the AFA game.

I have heard it first hand and I no longer find it amusing. The AFA will continue to spread fear and lies to
those who are new, young or impressionable "The Reservesu    

     Those at OCO
may be unaware of the fact that there was a good deal of hiring at OUA in 2006. That means something
"has to give".

The AFA knew this, yet in meetings they discussed that these new hires are good for one thing: A VOTE!
What happens to this batch of flight attendants afterthe election is of no concern at this point.

One step at a time ² One vote at a time«

u       !     

was and is their game plan. I find it quite unnerving, harsh and ruthless. This is among one of the deciding
factors in my decision to speak out.


The AFA has only one thing in mind: Winning!

They plan on leaving the Reserves right where they are. They do not plan on listening or making changes.

During private meetings they are overheard literally laughing at the Reserves who have posted about their
fears. "Our plan is working". How arrogant they behave when they are only amongst themselves. I feel very,
very sorry for many of those who can't see the AFA for what they are.

To those in the 2006 seniority and junior:   

#$  %

I have and will lose a very close friendship over this. So be it. There was a time I felt "big" because I was a
part of the "inside track". This is no longer about being on the "inside" of an organization that shows a lack
of respect for its members.

I have read posts from Reserves. Many are Mothers, Fathers, sole supporters and the least they deserve is
to be treated like their lives matter. Being at the end of a very sad and sick AFA joke is one of the worst
things I have ever witnessed.

If I can convey any message to you I want you to look at where we at OUA have been and the lack of
leadership we have had. Be aware that           


I will not be associated with any such organization who willingly manipulates an election in such a
degrading manner. Their A/B rotation promise isn't a promise at all. It is a guarantee that you will be
looking for another job.

Why? When 8,500 flight attendants are on a guarantee of 75 hours, the company simply cannot afford
this. Many of those 8,500 flight attendants would prefer to work less than 75 hours if not drop their lines
all together.

I can't stress enough that this is a game to them. You deserve better, as do I.

Because of this I am officially shifting my support to the IAM.


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