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Stats326 Assignment 1 Keith Davis kdav059

1). Quarterly earnings (dollars) per Johnson & Johnson share 1960–80.
Stats326 Assignment 1 Keith Davis kdav059

There is a clear trend, of exponential growth. There are clearly seasonal elements. A logged version of
the graph shows that the trend is constant. In the original graph as the years pass the variation from the
cycles becomes more pronounced.

2). Monthly totals of car drivers in Great Britain killed or seriously injured Jan 1969
to Dec 1984.


There is no real trend to this graph, the only change is because seatbelts were introduced.
There appears to be a large seasonal factor at play. There is no cyclical behavior to be seen.
Stats326 Assignment 1 Keith Davis kdav059

3). The duration of the eruption for the Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National
Park, Wyoming, USA.


Härdle, W. (1991) Smoothing Techniques with Implementation in S. New York:


There appears to be no trend or seasonal patterns to this graph. It has large oscillations
between around 2minutes and 4 and a half minutes.
Stats326 Assignment 1 Keith Davis kdav059

4). The numbers of “great” inventions and scientific discoveries in each year from
1860 to 1959.


The World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1975 Edition, pages 315–318.

There is no seasonal pattern, no cyclic pattern and no trend to this graph. White noise could
produce a similar graph.

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