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The Future of Retailing

a,* a b
Dhruv Grewal , Anne L. Roggeveen , Jens Nordfält

a Babson College, Babson Park, MA 02457, United States b Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden

Available online 12 January 2017


Retailers have embraced a variety of technologies to engage their customers. This article focuses on “The Future of Retailing” by
highlighting five key areas that are moving the field forward: (1) technology and tools to facilitate decision making, (2) visual
display and merchandise offer decisions, (3) consumption and engagement, (4) big data collection and usage, and (5) analytics
and profitability. We also suggest numerous issues that are deserving of additional inquiry, as well as introduce important areas of
emerging applicability: the internet of things, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, robots, drones, and
driverless vehicles. © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of New York University. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

Keywords: Retailing; Futuristic view; Strategy

informed decisions about which products or services
to consume. Yet not all consumer

In the rapidly evolving retail landscape, consumers’

As the editors of this Special Issue, we are grateful to the
needs still drive their purchase decisions. Shoppers reviewers of all the papers in this issue, as well as the guidance
make most con- sumption decisions, yet newer provided by the Journal of Retailing co-editors. The reviewers are
technologies (e.g., Internet of things, robots), newer acknowledged on a dedicated page of this issue.
business models (e.g., subscription mod- els), and * Corresponding author.
big data/predictive analytics suggest that the E-mail addresses: (D. Grewal),
shopping process is on the verge of a quantum leap (A.L. Roggeveen),
into an unknown shop- ping realm. The result is a (J. Nordfält).
powerful need to understand critical retailing areas in decisions rely on extensive information searches and
which innovations are changing the game, so that we detailed decision processes. Some decisions are
can better understand where the retailing field will be spontaneous, produced quickly while shopping
evolving in the future. online or in stores, often prompted by strategic visual
In modern, multifaceted, omnichannel environments, presentations and merchandise assortments crafted
con- sumers are bombarded with information about by the retailer.
goods and services. Retailers that can connect with A purchase provides the retailer a multitude of
their customers by pro- viding targeted information disparate infor- mation, including transactional data
and offering value stand apart and have the potential (e.g., price paid, quantity purchased, shopping basket
to create deep customer engagement. Technol- ogy composition), consumer data (e.g., gender, age,
can help retailers target appropriate consumers; family composition), and environmental data (e.g.,
technology also enables consumers to make better temperature). Retailers that can draw effective
insights from big data can make better predictions and merchandise offers decisions, (3) consumption
about consumer behav- ior, design more appealing and engagement, (4) big data collection and usage,
offers, better target their customers, and develop and (5) analytics and profitability. This paper
tools that encourage consumers to make purchase introduces these areas by integrating the insights
decisions that favor their products. Thus, big data can provided in the articles contained in this special
initi- ate beneficial, cyclical processes of consumer issue. Fig. 1 provides a visual overview of these
consumption and engagement that in turn lead to topics.
enhanced profitability.
This special issue of the Journal of Retailing
explores five key topic areas: (1) technology and
tools to facilitate decision making, (2) visual displays
0022-4359/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of New York University. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
Journal of Retailing 93 (1, 2017) 1–6
2 D. Grewal et al. / Journal of Retailing 93 (1, 2017) 1–6
can benefit both consumers and businesses, which
ultimately enhance the businesses’ profitability. They
highlight mobile apps, scan-and-go technologies,
self-check- outs, QueVision, and smart shelf
technology. For example, self-check-out technology
helps shoppers scan, bag, and pay for products
without any need to interact with a cashier.
Customers thus gain control; retailers enjoy reduced
labor costs from the fewer number of cashiers
required. QueVision gives retailers insights into how
many registers are needed and the expected wait
times, using data garnered from infrared sensors over
store doors and cash registers, predictive analytics,
and real-time data feeds from point-of-sale systems.
Using this technology, grocery retailers have been
able to reduced wait times from more than 4 min to
less than 30 s. Thus, QueVision improves the
customer experience, through shorter wait times, and
benefits the firm in the form of happier, less stressed
Fig. 1. Organizing framework.
The introduction of smartphones have revolutionized
Technology & Tools to Facilitate Decision Making shop- ping. From mobile apps, to geo-fenced targeted
offers, to constant access to the online environment,
Technological change continues to be a game the advances in this realm have led to constantly
changer for retailing that can simultaneously benefit changing consumer expectations and to retailers’
consumers and retail- ers. For example, technology enhanced ability to connect with consumers.
enables consumers to make more informed decisions, Scan-and-go technologies allow customers to use
receive more targeted and beneficial offers, and their smart- phones to scan items as they shop, then
obtain faster service. It also assists retailers in use the retailer’s app to pay. Amazon is pushing this
reaching appropriate consumers at lower costs, due innovation even further, removing the need for
to technologically created efficiencies. Inman and consumers to scan items, through their Amazon Go
Nikolova (2017) draw attention to how technologies technology. Amazon Go allows customers to scan
their smart- phone as they enter the store, pick up the
products they want, and leave. Computer vision, in the same way. Retailers use their apps to deliver a
sensor fusion, and deep learning technologies variety of promotions; per- haps these apps would be
automatically detect when products are taken from or especially useful for retailers that adopt high–low
returned to shelves and keep track of items in a pricing strategies or discount retailers. Alternatively,
virtual cart. After consumers leave the store, they are perhaps retailer apps are primarily good for reaching
charged and sent an automatic receipt. All customers deal-prone customers. Another consideration pertains
need is a smartphone, an Ama- zon account, and the to the store, such that small stores could serve as
Amazon Go app (Amazon 2016). These new delivery/pick-up points for online retailers, or they
technologies are revolutionizing the consumer might focus more on meeting shoppers’ social needs
shopping experience and will set new expectations of (Magi 2003), in that social shoppers are
what shopping can or should be in the future. overrepresented in smaller store formats.

Visual Display & Merchandise Offer Decisions

Today’s consumers are bombarded with merchandise

and offers. The question is how to design and deliver
offers that stand out. Understanding this can help
retailers decide how, when, and where to display
Personalizing technologies to make them user merchandise (and associated offers), accord- ing to
specific clearly has benefits for both consumers and the channel format (in store or online).
retailers. However, a personalization–privacy Manufacturers also recognize the importance of
paradox warrants consideration. Per- sonalizing ensuring that consumers pay atten- tion to their
information for customers can both enhance and merchandise and offers, such that they seek ways to
diminish consumer engagement with the firm, make their merchandise stand out from the
because con- sumers may recognize how much data competition on the shelf or online.
and information retailers have about them and begin Kahn (2017) highlights the need for manufacturers
worry about their privacy. Retailers therefore need to and retail- ers to account for a “visual salience bias”
be careful to use their knowledge about cus- tomers and make assortments easier for consumers to
in a way that balances out this process. She recommends several key strategies for
personalization–privacy paradox (Aguirre et al. doing so, such as reducing the size of the assort-
2015). ment presented, reducing information intensity,
We question whether these new technologies will making sure
affect all types of retailing and all types of shoppers
Mobile technology also allows retailers to offer relevant offers that reflect locational information (e.g., time of day,
weather, location), using location-based applications (e.g., Google maps) (Grewal et al. 2016). For example,
feel-good products can be promoted effectively when the weather is bad (Rosman 2013). Similarly, mobile
promotions can take advan- tage of indoor positioning information gathered using iBeacons in order to offer location
relevant promotions.
D. Grewal et al. / Journal of Retailing 93 (1, 2017) 1–6 3
merchandise. Their results demonstrate the supe-
each item relates to the assortment context, and riority of a vertical organization of merchandise (e.g.,
carefully think- ing through the spatial positioning of vertical arrays of multiple beverages in a cold case
merchandise. result in more pur- chases than the same beverages in
Further evidence on the role of spatial orientation of a horizontal display). Vertical displays of towels,
mer- chandise presentation is provided by Nordfält et versus a diagonal display, resulted in a more than
al. (2014). They examine the importance of the 90% increase in product pick-ups by customers.
vertical, horizontal, and diagonal orientation of In addition to their organization on the shelf, on the
display, or on the website, product packages are an merchandise and their sales promotions, both online
important aspect of the visual scenery. Kahn (2017) and in stores. Recent research demonstrates that the
highlights the importance of various visual location of the sale price in displays and
components, such as where an image appears on a communications online can have considerable
product package and the shape of that package. impacts. For example, Biswas et al. (2013) reveal
Investiga- tions of packaging typically take a shape that the sale price is more effective when it is to the
or design perspective, but Krishna, Cian, and right of a higher advertised reference price rather
Aydinoglu (2017) propose extending this view to than placed to the left. Suri et al. (2017) similarly
determine how the different layers of a package find that when the price is portrayed to the right of
might affect consumer shopping engagement. The the pack- age, it is more effective for increasing
packaging and product thus consists of three purchase intentions and
hierarchical levels: the inner core, which is the purchases of lower involvement products (e.g.,
product itself (e.g., pill, piece of chocolate); an beverages) than when it is on the left.
intermediate level that consists of the container (e.g.,
bot- tle for pills, wrapper that holds chocolate); and Consumption & Engagement
an outer layer, which is what is immediately evident
to consumers prior to their purchase (e.g., carton that Consumers’ actual consumption of goods and
contains the bottle that contains the pill; fancy box services is at the heart of all retailing. Designing
that holds all the chocolates). These authors cite the goods that offer value to consumers is critical to
importance of understanding the roles of these three success of retailers and service providers. Creating a
differ- ent layers, across both a physicality dimension superior customer experience can differen- tiate
and a functional dimension. That is, packaging levels companies (Grewal, Levy, and Kumar 2009; Verhoef
exert a significant influence on consumers’ sensory et al. 2009). This holistic customer experience
experiences. Certain packages facilitate consumers’ concept “involves the customer’s cognitive,
ability to examine the product visually or physically, affective, emotional, social and physical responses to
such as clear packaging that allows customers to the retailer. This experience is created not only by
engage visu- ally with a product. Packages that do those elements which the retailer can control (e.g.,
not cover the entire product also enable customers to service inter- face, retail atmosphere, assortment,
feel the texture of the materials. Thus, package types price), but also by elements that are outside of the
can have significant influences on how consumers retailer’s control (e.g., influence of others, purpose of
consciously and subconsciously engage with shopping)” (Verhoef et al. 2009, p. 32).
products. Firms already acknowledge the importance of
Packaging also might affect consumers’ perceptions understand- ing and managing customer experience
and con- sumption decisions. A package can set and engagement levels (Accenture 2015; Marketing
consumer expectations about the amount of product; Science Institute 2016), as do aca- demics (e.g.,
for example, a perfume may take up only ten percent Grewal, Levy, and Kumar 2009; Lemon and Vehoef
of the outer package, and the intermediate glass 2016; Puccinelli et al. 2009; Verhoef et al. 2009).
bottle would account for 40% of the outer box. In However, no in-depth research has probed ways to
this high-end category, the smaller volume drives enhance customers’ sense of engagement. Grewal et
scarcity expecta- tions, associated with these luxury, al. (2017) present a hierarchal model of customer
high priced products. Visual and spatial components engagement that suggests that incorporating
of the packaging, in conjunction with other sensory consciousness may facilitate such enhancements.
dimensions (Spence et al. 2014), thus establish To develop this model, Grewal et al. (2017) draw on
customers’ expectations and their consumption research into conscious capitalism (Mackey and
experience. Sisodia 2014) as the grounding principles. These
As part of their visual merchandising efforts, retailers principles include incorporating a higher purpose and
must consider locational effects for their values to center the mission of the company; having
strong leadership that imbues the corporate culture engage with social media: connected, network,
with a team-oriented approach to fulfilling the information, dynamic, and timeliness effects. The
company’s purpose and values; and striving for an connected effect is based on the innate need that
integrative stakeholder orientation. Building on those people have to connect with others; social media has
foundations, Grewal et al. (2017) argue that for a changed the format of these rela- tionships. The
hierarchical, three-level approach to enhancing network effect refers to an ability to relate to and
customer engagement that reflects the customer broadcast information to others.
experience, an emotional connection, and a shared Yet, another driver of social media engagement is
identity. Conscious retailers thus cre- ate deeper con- venience or timeliness. Consumers can
emotional connections with customers by leveraging constantly access information, due to the ubiquitous
their purposes and values. At the highest levels of presence of smartphones and tablets and their
engagement, customers even come to identify with dedicated apps. Apps then produce another driver of
the retailer. social media engagement for retailers, namely, the
Another way for retailers to improve a customer abil- ity to provide relevant information and
experience that leads to greater engagement is by participate in dynamic conversations with customers.
leveraging social media. Roggeveen and Grewal These information and dynamic effect factors also
(2016) suggest that five effects drive consumers to enhance consumers’ desire to engage with
4 D. Grewal et al. / Journal of Retailing 93 (1, 2017) 1–6
help mentally transport customers into the
their extended social network. Understanding how experience, which cre- ates a stronger emotional
these various spokes turn the wheel of social media connection, which in turn reduces customers’ price
engagement is another way that retailers can enhance sensitivity and enhances their consumption of more
their engagement with consumers. hedonic options (Roggeveen et al. 2015).
Of course, the consumer experience also depends on Substantial existing research focuses on the customer
the retailer’s category. For example, food retailers experi- ence already (e.g., Grewal, Levy, and Kumar
may engage with customers to promote healthier 2009; Lemon and Vehoef 2016; Puccinelli et al.
eating. Wansink (2017) provides a useful, important 2009; Verhoef et al. 2009). Future research should
retail intervention framework that highlights three focus on employee engagement. For retailers,
major components for enhancing customer employee engagement could result in greater
engagement in the domain of food retailing: the role consumer engage- ment. Verhoef et al. (2009)
of signage, the structure of the store/merchandise highlight the need to understand the role of dynamic
placement, and the service provided by employees or experiences and how experiences and engage- ment
electronic aids. All three components influence levels evolve over time.
which merchandise is most convenient to purchase,
attractive, and viewed as more normative. Wansink Big Data Collection & Usage
(2017) also suggests innovative tools and techniques
for leveraging signage and ser- vice components to Retailers have always been inundated with data. In
make healthier products more convenient, accessible, the recent years, they increasingly have started to
and normative to purchase. In a sense, increasing take advantage of options for organizing these data
engagement with healthier products ultimately better, improved access to computing power, and the
results in health- ier consumers. availability of proprietary or enterprise analytical
Similarly, retailers must consider how to best engage systems. The power of big data, coupled with
cus- tomers online or in stores using visual cues effective analytical systems, permits retailers to
contained within digital displays (Roggeveen, manage a host of issues. Bradlow et al. (2017)
Nordfält, and Grewal 2016) or dynamic messages organize the various sources of retail data, includ-
(Roggeveen et al. 2015). Dynamic messages (e.g., ing those captured from enterprise systems;
videos), as opposed to static ones (e.g., pictures), customer/household information captured from
loyalty, website, or social data; and locational-based and omnichannel distribution operations. There are
details gathered using mobile and apps. These clear benefits to an omnichannel distributional struc-
authors discuss the dimensions of big data in terms ture from a consumer’s point of view, ranging from
of the cus- tomer, product, location, time, and transparency to uniform policies. However, for
channel, highlighting how retailers can use these data retailers and suppliers, such forms of distribution
strategically to optimize prices and maximize sales. pose unique challenges. To understand the challenges
Thus, big data are helping retailers and researchers and the important questions they raise, Ailawadi and
under- stand customer behavior. Their emergence has Farris (2017) specify some key insights from
led researchers to undertake field studies and academic research as it pertains to the focal metrics
experiments that provide clearer assessments of the being used in practice, in terms of the depth and
causality between an exogenous or indepen- dent breadth of distribution.
variable (e.g., promoted price, display location,
assortment The Further Future of Retailing
expansions, service responses) and a host of
dependent variables, from increased store sales and Retail is evolving at an accelerated rate due to
profitability to brand switching. Retailers can rely on changes made possible by technologies and evolving
survey-based measures, such as purchase intentions consumer behaviors. Inte- grating channels and the
or positive evaluations, to generate greater engage- power of big data are not distinctive factors anymore
ment, loyalty, and profits. but rather are prerequisites of competitive- ness.
Where the field goes will depend on even newer
Analytics & Profitability emerging forces: The Internet of things, virtual or
augmented reality, artifi- cial intelligence, and
Kumar, Anand, and Song (2017) highlight the robots/drones/driverless vehicles (Deloitte 2016).
importance of carefully developed, thought-through Research into the Internet of things should clarify
retail strategies supple- mented with analytics. They how it may influence shopping behavior, as well as
also link these strategies to retail profitability. Such the role of front- line employees (Rafaeli et al. 2017).
strategies can be explicated at four levels: mar- ket, Smart homes are being designed with a host of smart
firm, store, and customer. For example, at the store appliances (e.g., refrigerators) that can reorder
level, these authors highlight what we know about products as stocks get low. Similarly, smart cars
strategies asso- ciated with marketing mix location convey relevant information to service departments
and atmospherics, and then specify topics that need and may schedule future service appointments. Thus,
further exploration. In addition, they lay out actions research needs to explore whether the Internet of
that need to be undertaken to execute these strate- things will increase consumers’ engagement with
gies. As an illustration, at the store level, key retailers, service providers, and brands or if it will
executional actions include personalized pricing, reduce consumer engagement, as machines take over
dynamic pricing, mobile targeting, and technology to all the “talking” to other machines (i.e., the start of
improve customer experiences. machine-to-machine commerce).
In addition, retailers should carefully develop and Virtual and augmented reality has offered vast
manage their vendor relationships. Ailawadi and promise for a long time; those promises are just
Farris (2017) highlight important issues that retailers beginning to be realized. The
wrestle with as they move toward and manage multi-
D. Grewal et al. / Journal of Retailing 93 (1, 2017) 1–6 5
virtual fashion shows (Deloitte 2016). Apps using
new forms of technology-based reality and augmented reality also are advancing the reality, such
applications enhance sensory perceptions (Poncin as apps for car dealers that allow consumers to view
and Mimoun 2014). For example, fashion retailers how different components look on a car, or games
use new technology to help customers engage in such as Pokémon GO that combine a hunt for virtual
creatures (Pokémon) with the real-world locations of Retailers in turn need to embrace these new and
the players. A mobile device’s GPS capability makes emerging technologies to make their customers even
this possible. Apps that rely on artificial intelligence more engaged, while also making their lives simpler.
(AI) also are on the rise in a variety of contexts, from Finding ways to do so remains an important area of
Siri on the Apple phone, to Cor- tana on Microsoft, inquiry, worthy of continued exploration.
to Alexa on Amazon’s Echo, to query-based response
AI systems for retailers (e.g., Macy’s On Call). These
AI-based responses can have tremendous positive References
impact on cus- tomers as they shop, whether
Accenture (2015). “Improving Customer Experience Is Top
physically or online. They can gather information
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store, answer questions about the functionalities of a
product, and make suggestions about what other improvingcustomer-experience-is-top-business-priority-for-
products might work well in combination with the companiespursuing-digital-transformation-according-to-accenture-
purchased item. The answers also may be tailored,
Aguirre, Elizabeth M., Dominik Mahr, Dhruv Grewal, Ko de
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