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Cosas por leer

-Bernard Williams.
-Los Escepticos Griegos.
-La Gente de la Edad Media
-La Edad de la Penumbra.
-qué es la vida
-Mary beard
-los romanov
-se desataron todos los infiernos
-the enigma of reason
-Hayek's Challenge
-Peter Galison
-Bandera Roja: Historia Política y Cultural del Comunismo
-Larry Arnhart
-Matt Ridley
-A. John Simmons
-Cacilda Jethá
-christopher Ryan
The language of morals
-Being realistic about reasons.
-David Sloan Wilson
- Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution

-Darwin’s cathedral
-tom campbell: justiciar
-paradox lost quantum mechanic
- Michael Gazzaniga

-Patrick Deneen

-Peter Brown

The darker angels of our nature.

The Restless Clock

The woman are up to something

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