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Department of Industrial &

Manufacturing Engineering
University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore – 54890, (Pakistan)

Letter of Recommendation

I am pleased to write this letter for Mr. Muhammad Sana s/ Muhammad Rafique .I know Mr.
Muhammad Sana as an undergraduate student since 2016. I have taught him various subjects like
Engineering Mechanics –II, Manufacturing Processes-III and Production Tooling Design and also
supervised him during his Final Year Project. During that time, I found him very focused towards
his aims and objectives. He has been an intelligent and fast learning student, who took a keen
interest in every class activity and projects. He has been very enthusiastic and passionate
regardless of the task assigned. At a personal level, he is quite well disciplined and responsible
gentleman. He has always been respectful, showing a great capacity for the integration into
university life.

He also has gained some work experience while doing internship at reputable
companies including Millat Tractors Limited (MTL) and Nestle Pakistan Limited. He is a
good social worker and has been working as member of Industrial and Manufacturing
Engineering Club (IMEC) UET, Lahore” which works to overcome the gap between academia
and field.

On the basis of his academic and extracurricular performance at undergraduate level,

I strongly recommend him to get admission at master’s level at your prestigious institute. If
you need any information regarding this recommendation, please don’t hesitate to contact
the undersigned.

Naveed Ahmed
Assistant Professor


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