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Cellular network and Wi-Fi technologies have improved throughout the years, starting

from 1G up to 5G technology. It benefited many people and companies. Nowadays, these

technologies play a crucial role in our society. However, many people do not know why we have

these many technologies? What are their uses? 1G is the first networking technology that has

been introduced in the late ’80s. This technology only provides voice call services and it is

eventually replaced by 2G technology because of its limited capabilities. 2G technology

provides more capabilities. Ghayas A points out that “[2G] networks enabled highly secure voice

and text messaging services as well as limited data services”. In other words, 2G made a few

upgrades that 1G never has. For example, 2G established network technology standards such

as GSM, GPRS, and EDGE. 2G technology is popular until 2002 because of another new

technology: 3G, which made big advancements when it comes to data transmissions. According

to Saran Singh Sound, “3G had and has speed capabilities of up to 2 Mbps. It enabled

smartphones to provide faster communication, send/receive large emails and texts, provide

fast web browsing, video streaming, and more security amongst others.” In other words,

with these capabilities, mobile phones are able to communicate to other devices without

delay. Also, Devices with a 3G network allow them to perform the things that 1G/2G are not

able to provide. Moreover, as technology advances, there will be some security concerns

because of attackers or hackers. 3G technology provides better security against them. In

2009, another technology has been introduced, which is a way better technology than 1G,

2G, and 3G. 4G technology provides a lot more capabilities, especially when it comes to

data transmission. 4G is capable of a 100 Mbps data rate, unlike 3G which only capable of

2 Mbps. Moreover, 4G was powered by a technology called LTE, which is stands for Long

Term Evolution that provide a much faster network. Lastly, in 2019, another technology has

been introduced and it is the latest technology that is popular today, which is the 5G

technology. This technology provides a way faster network than those previous
technologies. 5G is capable of 1Gbps up to 10Gbps and it can support a large number of

devices such as phones and laptops. However, even though 5G provides a faster data rate,

it can only travel at a short distance.

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