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Introducing myself

In this essay I am going to tell something about me, my personal information, my free
time and my university life.

I am Juan carlos I am 20 years old. I live in Chimbote since the four years. I was born in Santa
Cruz district of Cajamarca.
My mother is forty-four years old. I have 5 brothers by part dad, I am only son between father and
mother. Unfortunately, my dad passed away when I was 9 years. My mother sells egg every day
of the year; she is a great mother.
Me and my mother us like to visit to my grandmother in holidays in Cajamarca, pass by the
thermal baths end eat biscuit, tamales with cheese.
My girlfriend is Lucero Miluska Pastor Lorenzo, I met her in college, so beautiful and intelligent
that conquered my heart.
One of the things I like to do is run, eat broaster chicken, dance end to eat much fruit. I like being
with Lucero, Omar and Linda together we help each other with work every afternoon, together we
share moments of happiness.

In my free time, I help my mother with the tasks of the house, though sometimes we go out to eat
and walk to eat and walk, I share with my mother, Weekend I wash clothes, watch TV, and like
every young man in social networks. I also listen to music and do exercises in house,

At the present I study at University Catolica Los Angeles de Chimbote the career from
accounting. Of course the third cycle of the race. My purpose is to finish my career by approving
all courses with my girlfriend and my four best friends

In conclusion:
I am a young man who has an incredible mother, full of many qualities and with a girlfriend, I
have wonderful friends who are always by your side sharing every stage of growth in this journey
of the accounting career achieving every barrier of life


M. Haywood, L., Thompson , M., & Sándor, H. (1995). Thinking Spanish Translation: A Course
in Translation Method: Spanish to English. Londres : Routledge.

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