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STEAM is a developing educational model of
how the traditional academic subjects of
science, technology, engineering, arts and
mathematics can be combined together in
one educational framework. In early
childhood we encourage STEAM teaching to
integrate these subject areas within a
meaningful context. STEAM supports
building understanding and vocabulary,
critical thinking, problem solving,
communication, and reflection of children. It
supports the development of key-
competences and comprehensive
underastanding of the world.
This methodical guide is a common work of
partner institutions cooperating within
Erasmus + project. It is a final product of the
last short-term teacher-training event. It is
based on our shared experience and
knowledge we gained throughout the
project’s implementation process.
We present sixteen lesson scripts on four
elements based on STEAM method that, to
our minds, can be a source of knowledge and
inspiration for all teachers and educators
who wish to implement STEAM method in
their work.
Przedszkole Miejskie Nr 163

Municipal Kindergarten Nr 163 in Lodz, Poland

provides education for 275 children aged 3 -7.
We employ 26 teachers and 24 other workers.
Our kindergarten implements a curriculum of
preschool education of the Ministry of National
Education. We provide an access to a foreign
language teaching through everyday learning
within the core curriculum. We have been
involved in a series of extra-curricular
activities like dance, art, football speech
therapy and physiotherapy classes. Our
ultimate goal is to create a happy, open and
friendly community, in which children
trustfully develop a natural thirst for
knowledge. Every day we strive to meet the
individual needs of kindergarteners to prepare
them for their further education. Our
kindergarten has a long experience of
participation in European projects and

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 4-
year-olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the
Erasmus + Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements
–STEAM in elementary education” on
20 October 2021

Topic: Air around us

Teachers: mgr Pulina Reguła, mgr Agnieszka Pawlak

General objectives:
 developing children's ability to listen
 making children familiar with some of the natural properties
of air
 develop children's interest in the world surrounding them
 shaping children’s creativity and technical skills
 developing children's perceptivity and concentration
 shaping children's logical thinking and drawing conclusions

Specific objectives:
A child is able to:

 listen to the instructions

 name natural properties of air
 form personal conclusions based on observation
 actively participate in the movement games
 express themselves through art

Methods of work:
- active methods (tasks to be done, experiment)
 perceptional method (observation)

 verbal methods (instruction, storytelling, analysis)
 Leban's method of expression through movement
 the use of ICT tools

Forms of activity:
 individual
 group work
 teams work

Teaching aids: a story prepared by the teachers “What did John and
Kathy look for”, a bowl, water, straws, CD player, painting foil,
YouTube film about windmills
( ), electronic
illustrations of leaves and clouds), an interactive board, laptop, CD,
essential oil, a dryer, a balloon, feathers, a bottle, two white sheets of
paper (100 cm x 100cm), paints, paper cups, paper silhouettes of
windows and doors, pins.

The course of the classes:

I. Lead in
1. Orderly game to form a circle
1. Welcoming of the teacher guests

I. Main part
1. Listening to a story “What did John and Kathy look for?” with
the use of
electronic illustrations presented on the interactive board. The story:
Once upon a time John and Kathy were children who decided to look for the air.
They were looking everywhere they could, but they didn't succeed. Next day, they

asked their kindergarten teacher “Mrs, where is the air? We were looking everywhere
and we couldn't see it” - John said. Then, the teacher took children outside and told
them “We are going to look for it today!” Look around and tell me what you see.
Suddenly, the wind started to blow. “Look children, what is happening? - asked the
teacher. Children noticed the movement of leaves on the trees “Now look at the sky”
- she added. And children saw clouds moving across the sky. “What is moving all
those things?” - asked the teacher. “The wind” - children said without hesitation.
“Yes” - the teacher agreed “and the wind is moving air. You cannot see it but you
can be sure about its existence when observing the things around you” - she said.
After listening to the story, the teacher conducts a short discussion
concerning the story and asks questions like: Can you see the air? Where
is the air?
2. Experiment nr 1 “Bubbles” – children receive straws, they put one
of the straw's end into the bowl full of water. They blow the air into the
other end and observe what is happening. They form conclusions about
the bubbles appearing in the water.
3. Experiment nr 2 “The smell of air”?– The teacher ask children
whether the air has smell. Children close their eyes and try to smell the
air. The teacher shows a bottle with the essential oil and blows a hot air
on it with the use of a dryer. Children are able to smell the air. Children
draw the conclusion about the ability of the air to carry different smells.
4. Movement game “Waves” - children and the teacher imitate the
movement of the sea touched by the wind with the use of paining foil.
5. Experiment nr 3 “Catching the air” - children are asked to catch
the air and then to use a hand in a similar way as a small fan. The
children can feel the air on their faces and form a conclusion about the
movement of the air.
6. Experiment Nr 4 „Balloon rocket” – the teacher shows children a
balloon filled with air. It suddenly moves fast as it is let free. The
children make a conclusion about the air inside of the balloon.
7. Experiment Nr 5 - “Feathers” - children blow on the feathers to
make them move across the carpet. They form a conclusion about the
force of the air.
8. Movement / Art activity “Air painting”– the teachers places a
sheet of paper on the floor. On the sheet there is paint. Children walk
around the paper when hearing the music. When the music stops they
blow in the direction of the paint using straws. They create an image.
9. Research activity “Heavy and light” - Children get two things to
move – a feather and a bottle. They form a conclusion about the force
of air.
10. Watching the movie “Windmills”- children watch a short film
(1min) about the windmills and the useful force of air. They answer
questions of the teacher concerning the film.
11. Movement game with music “Air has super powers” - children
move around the classroom. They try to imitate different air natural
phenomenon like hurricane, delicate blowing of the wind etc.)

II. Summing up the lesson: The teachers consolidates the

knowledge gained during the lesson. Children tell everyone
what they liked about the lesson.

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 6-year-
olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the Erasmus +
Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements –STEAM in
elementary education” on 20 October 2021

Topic: Water Magic

Teachers: mgr Sylwia Stefaniak

General objectives :
1. developing children's ability to listen
2. making children familiar with some of the natural properties
of water
3. develop children's interest in the world surrounding them
4. shaping children's logical thinking and ability to form
5. making children aware of the lack of water around the world
and necessity to save it whenever possible
6. developing children’s mathematical skills

Specific objectives:
A child is able to:

1. explain the importance of water for human beings and nature

2. name the ways people use water in everyday life
3. lists rules that need to be followed during conducting
4. foresee the result of the experiment and explain it
5. conduct an experiment after being instructed
6. names things that float on water and sink
7. prove or reject the thesis of the experiment through his/her
8. names the natural features of water

Methods of work:

1. active methods (tasks to be done, experiment)

2. visual method (observation)
3. verbal methods (instruction, analysis)
4. child’s own activity

Forms of activity:
1. individual
2. group work
3. teams work

Teaching aids: a CD with Vivaldi’s recording of „Four seasons -

Spring”, a recording with sounds of water, emblems of flowers, clouds
and water drops, blue ribbons, warm and cold water, glasses, plastic
cups, spoons, bowls, plastic caps, a chestnut, a nut, salt, sand, flour,
coffee, pepper, keys, a cork, plastic blocks, plasticine, potatoes, a
wooden crayon, a rope, a stone, a feather, a rubber duck, a ping-pong
ball, a magnet, some Styrofoam, pieces of paper with smiling and sad
faces, illustrations

The course of the classes:

I. Lead in

1. Guessing the sound game – children listen to

different sounds that water makes (rain, sea, water
in a tap, a shower, a storm) they make their guesses
by raising up the right illustration which are placed
in front of them.

2. Discussion about water: Why do we need water?

II. Main part

1. Movement game “Watering flowers” – children walk

around the classroom with blue ribbons symbolising water.
There are emblems of flowers on the carpet. Hearing the
sign of the teacher, they pretend to water the flowers.

2. Mathematical game “Water drops” – the teacher places

emblems of clouds and water drops on the carpet. She adds

and takes away different numbers of drops. Children are
asked to make addition and subtraction.

3. Movement / Mathematical Game “How many

raindrops” – children listen to music and express themselves
freely with fast or slow body movement / dance. When the
music stops they need to form a row of raindrops according
to the number on the flashcards held by the teacher.

4. Experiment nr 1 “What floats? What sinks?” – children

are given bowls with water. They put different object and
items into them and observe what happens with them. They
try to guess why some things float and others sink. They
name materials that these items are made from and describe
their properties. They are asked to answer a question whether
the size of the item has any connection with sinking or
floating. Next, the teacher asks children to place a ball made
of plasticine. After it sinks, she takes it pout of the water and
shapes it into a boat. Children try to guess why the plasticine
doesn’t sink this time.

5. Experiment nr 2 „Magical potatoe” – Children work in

pairs. They are given two glasses of water.In one of them they
prepare a solution of water and salt. Children are asked to
place a slice of a potatoe in each glass. They make a concluion
about the experiment.

Thesis one: The potatoe sinks in salted water (yes or no)

5. Experiment nr 3 „ What can you dissolve” – the teacher

pours water into 8 glasses. She adds spoons of salt, sugar,
coffee, rice, flour, sand and groats to each of them. Children
are asked to dissolve these substances by mixing them with
water with spoons. The rest of the group makes concluions
about the experiment. The teacher explains that sugar and salt
consists of small particles but particles of water are able to go
between them because they are similar in size. The rest of
substances consists of biggerparticles and water particles
cannot go between them. The substances drop on the bottom
because of the gravity.

III. Summing up the lesson: The teachers consolidates the

knowledge gained during the lesson. Children are asked to
present one of the faces on the pieces of papers according to
their interest in the lesson. They are welcome to draw the
things they liked about the lesson later.

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 5-year-
olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the Erasmus +
Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements –STEAM in
elementary education” on 21 October 2021

Topic: Fire
Teachers: mgr Katarzyna Kacprzak

General objectives :
 developing children knowledge of the element of fire, it’s
positive and negative aspects
 developing children's ability to make observations, looking
for and forming appropriate conclusions,
 developing children’s mathematical skills
 shaping children’s creativity and active self-expression

Specific objectives:
A child is able to:
- solve the picture / word riddle
- form short statements about fire based on his/her personal
- understands the mathematic majority and minority signs (< and >)
- interprets their vision of the world through art activity and physical

Methods of work:
- active methods (tasks to be done)
 perceptional method (observation, show, active listening)
 verbal methods (instruction, discussion, praising)

Forms of activity:
 individual
 group work

Teaching aids: ilustrations, CD recording, hoops, candles, glass jars, a

lighter, trays, jumping ropes, paper flames, paints, crayons, glue, tissue-

The course of the classes:

I. Lead in
1. Integrative / welcoming activity “Hello”
2. Solving a riddle:
I am useful, but sometimes I can harm others
I give people warmth, I am scared of water. (answer: fire)

II. Main part

1. Research activities on fire

a) Describing the physical features of fire -children
observe the fire and form conclusions about the colour,
temperature and smell of fire. They discuss the ways
people can use fire in their everyday lives.
b) Oxygen and fire dependence – The teacher presents
children experiment with fire and a glass. Children try to
guess why fire put out when covered with a glass. Then
the teacher lights three candles. One is left to burn. The
second candle is covered with a small glass and the third
is covered with a big glass. Children try to answer why
candles burned differently.

2. Discussing the dangers connected with fire. Children try
to name the bad things that can happen when the fire spreads
out uncontrolled (fires, losses in people, material belongings,
damages in the environment – forest fires)

3. Discussion on the firemen’s work. What do they do? How

do they look like? Do being a fireman recquire physical

4. Consolidating the emergency number 998 – children place

numbers in the correct order

5. Physical movement activities:

a) “Fire!” – children pretend to be firemen. When they

hear the alarm, they take jumping ropes and put out the
imaginary flames. When the alarm stops, they go back to
the base.

b) „Fire eater”- the teacher present children with a picture

of a fire eater’s face. The mouth is wide open. Children
try to throw the fire balls into the fire’s eater mouth.

c) „Fire jump” – children jump through the fire hoops.

d) „Fire extinguisher”- Children try to put out a candle

with a toy’s fire-extinguisher.

e) „Fire, gale and flood” – children run around the

classroom, when they hear the word fire, they squat to
hide from the fire, when hearing the word gale children
quickly hold their hands. When they hear word flood,
children must escape form the carpet to avoid imaginary

6. Active listening activity – children recognise and name

sounds: fire-engine, fire, water.
7. Mathematical activity “Flames”– children look at sets and
they compare the numbers of flames in them using the
mathematical signs. They use decsriptions: more and less.

III. Summing up the lesson: Children paint the things they liked
about the lesson. They present and discuss their illustrations
and display them in the classroom.

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 6-year-
olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the Erasmus +
Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements –STEAM in
elementary education” on 21 October 2021

Topic: Earth – research activities for children

Teachers: mgr Wioletta Kuś – Trzmiel, mgr Iwona Rudzińska

General objectives :
 developing children interest in animate and inanimate nature,
 developing children's ability to experiment, make
observations, looking for and forming appropriate
 sensitize children to the beauty of the surrounding world,
 shaping pro-ecological mindset in children

Specific objectives:
A child is able to:
- solve the picture / word riddle
- read individual words (global reading)
- name different types of soil
- names features of soil
- make a research on what can be found in soil
- name organisms and animals living in soil
- create „forest in a jar”
- take part in a relaxing activity

Methods of work:
- active methods (brainstorm)
 visual method (observation)
 verbla method (discussion, instruction)
 experiment, research,

Forms of activity:
 individual
 group work

Teaching aids: sand, gradening soil, gravel, clay, transparent plastic cups,
plates, trays, water, spatulas, sieves, spoon and magnifying glass, photos,
labels, shells, stones, small pieces of wood, plastic insects , jars,
decorative materials (strings, coloured sand, moss), activated carbon,
small plants, CD player, relaxing music recording

The course of the classes:

I. Lead in - a riddle

It feeds us like a mother,

It's the best in the world,
It is also called „Our Planet”
You must already know...

II. Main part

1. „Soil - it's types and features” – research activity

Teacher divides children into four gropus. Children find different types
of soil on their tables: sand, gravel, clay and gardening soil. Children use
transparent plastic cups, plates, trays, water, spatulas, sieves, spoon and
magnifying glass to make a research on given types of soil. They are
asked to use their smell and touch to investigate the features of each
type. They make conclusions about each type of soil and discuss it

Teacher explains the term „soil” and presents photos of each soil type.
Children decide which picture comes with given samples and try to
match the written names to them.

2. „What can be found in soil?” activity

Children look for items in the soil sample. They things they find are:
shells, stones, small pieces of wood, insects (made of palstic). Children
make conclusions and discuss it with the rest of the group and the

3. Movement game „Flowers”.

Children squat. They listen to a relaxing music and slowly „grow like
flowers” keeping their body straight in the end with arms in the air.
They repeat the movement several times.

4. „Forest in a jar” activity.

Each child receives a jar. They put gravel or to it (2 – 3 cm high).
Teacher explains that gravels guards the plants against rottening. The
second layers is activated carbon. The third layer consists of wet
gardening soil. Children can also dd colourful, decorative layers
according to their creativity (coloured sand and tiny stones). Children
are reminded to press layers down ecpecially near the jar wall.

Children plant provided plants in the jars.

Children decorate the jars with shells, moss, sones and other natural
materials acoridng to their creativity and ideas.
III. Summing up the classes:

Children are given instructions on how to take care of their forests in

jars. They make an exhibition of their jars in the classroom. They will
water the jars regulary in the classroom or at home.

Children give their feedback of the activity.

Cleaning up after the activity

Agrupamento de Escolas de
Campo Portugal

The Agrupamento de Escolas de Campo, in Valongo, has five

primary schools (kindergarten + Primary level) and a Basic and
Secondary School – main school.

It integrates a total of 1367 children and students, distributed as

follows: pre-school Education – 234 children; Primary-367
students; Basic and secondary education -766. Special education
answered 44 children and students. In order to ensure a more
individualized support to children and students with special
educational needs of permanent character, the Agrupamento
has a Specialized Unit to Multi Handicap, running in Primary
school of Outeiro and in Basic and Secondary School. The
Agrupamento offers all educational and training responses to
children and young people of Campo, one region in the city of

We have a strong relationship with local institutions ‘Friends of

School” and the Municipality who ensured the support and
success of the projects. We dynamized lots of activities near
children and students such as Music, Drama, Theatre,
Hypotherapy for children with special needs and Folklore.

We are etwinning school (2020-2021). and in the last years we
have had ERASMUS+ partnerships with different partners.
The plan of preschool education classes


Number of children: 25

Age: 4 years old

Teacher: Amélia Reis

Topic: AIR

General objectives:

• To find new knowledges about AIR and how we could work

with it by using eolics and wind mills.
• To promote creativity, imagination and solving problems.
• To discover new ideas about WIND
• To discover how it works the eolics and mills.

Specific objectives. Children after the lesson will be able to:

Arts: discover different ways of using recycle materials.

Engineering: Building eolics and mills by themselves.

Technology: Observe the eolics using youtube and Google and do


Methods of work:

Active methods, free expression and learning by playing.

Forms of work:

Individual and team work


Paints, Glue, newspapers, magazines, cards, straws, toilet paper rolls,
...recycle materials

The course of the classes:

Children made different paper balls and paint them to make the
mountains and paint also the toilet paper rolls and than they make paper
twists for eolics in the mountains as they saw in the internet. With the
toilet paper rolls they build a mill with colouring paper and add a
support for the aeolica shovel and also for mills.


Children need to be active and pay attention of the process of building

the eolic and mills.

Main part:

Children solve problems and paint with carefully the different materials


Children show to the other colleagues how it works eolics and mills and
explain that mills could move by water and by wind.

In Valongo city we have water mills for make flour for special bread
knowing near region as Porto and other cities around.

The plan of preschool education classes


Number of children: 20

Age: 5 years old children

Teacher: Alice and Cristina

Topic: EARTH

General objectives:

• To promote activities in the natural environment.

• Explore the nature and the space
• To develop the creativity and imagination, collaboration and
critical thinking.
• Recognize design as creative process and everyone can design
as they observe.

Specific objectives. Children after the lesson will be able to:

Science: studying the world around us, solutions for the problems.

Engineering: designing and building things.

Methods of work: STEAM methodology and free expression. Free


Forms of work: In group of pairs and big group, collectively.

Accessories: Natural materials

The course of the classes:

Children go to Parque das Serras do Porto for exploring and find

animals (insects, …) and they play by themselves. In their explorations
and observations they found sticks with different sizes, eucalyptus bark,

and they started to put the sticks spontaneously all together; other
children go find other materials and they start to build a tent for they
could put under it.

At the end lie down in the shadow with one child and the others come
to join the idea and planned how they could cross sticks all together
without fall.


The fall of sticks for construction and the size of sticks

Main part:

Building the tent and children be under it for a rest.


Reflect about what we could do next, with the tent and other tents,
analysing the process.

The plan of preschool education classes

Number of children: 20

Age: 3 and 4 and 5/6 years old children

Teacher: Teresa Ferreira

Topic: WATER

General objectives:

• To sensitize children for listening with attention the sounds

of music and musical instruments
• To develop the hearing acuity
• To promote the respect of others and collaboration
• To learn and understand the musical notes.

Specific objectives. Children after the lesson will be able to:

Arts – music: Listening and play with different kind of materials and
produce sounds

Methods of work:

Active methodologies and free expression

Forms of work:

Team work and groups of pairs


Water, cups, paints, sticks, xylophone, different recycle materials, …

The course of the classes:

Using water from nature and based on the work done outside of classe
children put colouring water in different cups and with a stick they could
make different sounds like a xylophone and compare with real one. They
could produce different sounds and play simple musics.

Produce different sounds with water in the cups

Main part:

Listen carefully the sounds and reproduce simple musics.


Children could change the water in the cups with different water
measures and observe what they see and listen.


The plan of preschool education classes

The fire hard of Joana Vasconcelos (Portuguese Plastic artist)

Number of children: 20

Age: 3 and 4 years old children

Teacher: Fátima Oliveira

Topic: FIRE

General objectives:

• To observe carefully the art of an artist – Joana Vasconcelos

and the meaning of the hard in fire.
• To develop creativity and imagination
• To develop free expression

Specific objectives. Children after the lesson will be able to:

Arts: Children express themselves the intention of an artist to feel with

hard in fire

Technology: Use interactive board for different kind of learnings

Methods of work: Free expression and active methodologies

Forms of work:

Individual and group of pairs


Red paint, brushes, paper, …

The course of the classes:

Children with teacher go find a portuguese plastic artist and relation to

the element of nature – Fire. They found Joana Vasconcelos and they
saw in Internet that she made an exhibition of hard fire and the
meaning of making a fire hard with paintings by themselves and

reproduce what the artist have done and the colour of fire. They could
understand the meaning of our hard and his importance for our life.


Understand the meaning of fire hard of the artist

Main part:

Reproduce the fire hard by using red paint


Make fire hards with different materials and make an exhibition with
children’s work.

IL GIROTONDO coop sociale srl


Il Girotondo is a Social cooperative that operates in the field of

services for children

Since 2011 it had created a space dedicated to boys and girls

from 0 to 6 years The services offered by Il Girotondo guarantee
educational continuity and meet the needs of families that require
a continuous, lasting and quality

It was, in fact, the first school campus 0-6 in the area

with nursery and kindergarten. After a few years it was added
the spring section, for children between 2 and 3 years.

Our school is open all year and is open for an extended time
from 7.30am to 6.30pm from Monday to Friday.

Erasmus experience began in 2016 with a first project, at

present this is our third …

Il Girotondo is an interactive school where children can learn

through the use of multimedia aid whit computer, tablet and

New coding and steam projects have been entered in the last
plan of the training offer

In our school we host:

Nursery: 22 children 3-24 mounths .Middle class: 24 children

24-36 months Kindergarten: 40 pupills 3-6 years old

Since september we have started into management a small

school in a little country near Lanciano and we are working
duringly to introduce a training plan on bilingualism. This
kindergarten is located in Castelfrentano and host:

Middle class: 9 children 24-36 monthKindergarten: 10

children 3-6 years old

The staff of Il Girotondo count:

3 assistant. 3 teacher, 5 educator,2 chef,1 erasmus conselor

3 external collaborators for music, theatre and english lessons

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 4-
year-olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the
Erasmus + Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements
–STEAM in elementary education” on

20 October 2021
Topic: ARIA

Teachers: Chiavaro Angela

General objectives:

1. Bringing children closer to the real world with a creative and

research attitude
1. Increase awareness, sensitivity, respect and love for the
2. Bringing children closer to nature, its rhythms, its times, its
3. Know the characteristics of earth, air, water and fire.
4. Find an environment to explore, manipulate, respect and love.
5. Moving from sense-perceptual exploration to symbolic
6. Use different expressive and communicative techniques.
7. Develop the ability to work in groups and cooperate.

Specific objectives:

1. Explore the characteristics of the air element

1. Observe and describe phenomena and events
2. Develop the ability to collaborate with a view to a common
3. Discover books, stories and images on the subject
4. Knowing how to tell the experiences made
5. Exercise manipulative and constructive skills
6. Graphically rework the situations experienced and the
experiments carried out
7. Express interest and curiosity

Working methods:

1. Observation

2. Discrimination

Forms of activity:

1. individual

1. in group

Teaching aids:

music, books, balloons, straws, feathers, Yoga suitcase, cards, glue and

The course of the lessons:

1. introduction
Listening to a nursery rhyme and song on the air
Conversation about the air element during morning circle
Explanation of activities
1. experiment
preparation of cards to detect pollution
placement of cards in the street, in the classroom and in the
1. yoga practice
Yoga class on the importance of the air element for living
Story story "Sandrino breathes clean air"
Practice of small asanas to become aware of the flow of air
in the body
Game1 balloon race: motor activity related to breathing.
Children are invited to walk their own balloon by blowing
into the straw
Game 2 feather flight: motor activity to become aware of
lightness. Children fly feathers and move them by blowing.

Summarizing the lesson:

Teachers consolidate the knowledge acquired during the lesson.

The children look at the cards to see the result of the pollution


Il piano di lezioni educative condotte nel gruppo di
bambini di 5 anni alla presenza virtuale dei partecipanti
alla formazione congiunta del personale Erasmus + a breve
termine in Polonia "4 elementi – STEAM nell'istruzione
elementare" il 20 ottobre 2021

Topic: Water
Teachers: Francesca Paolini
General objectives:

1. Bringing children closer to the real world with a

creative and research attitude
2. Increase awareness, sensitivity, respect and love
for the environment
3. Bringing children closer to nature, its rhythms, its
times, its manifestations.
4. Know the characteristics of earth, air, water and
5. Find an environment to explore, manipulate,
respect and love.
6. Moving from sense-perceptual exploration to
symbolic representation.
7. Use different expressive and communicative
8. Develop the ability to work in groups and

Specific objectives:

1. Discover and interpret the characteristics of water

2. Participate and intervene in a way that is relevant
to the conversation
3. Enriching verbal and expressive language
4. Develop attitudes of collaboration with others
5. Discover the natural path of water
6. Remember and verbalize the actions that are
performed with water throughout the day
7. Discover the characteristics of water using the
8. Experiment with color possibilities with a variety
of tools and techniques
9. Discover the characteristics of the sea
10. Develop operational skills through targeted
11. Acquire ecological responsibility through the
correct use of this primary element
Working methods:

1. Experimentation
2. Observation
3. Discrimination

Forms of activity:
1. individual
2. in group

Teaching aids:

music, books, containers of various materials, glasses,

teaspoons, measuring cups, bowls, hot and cold water, ice.

The course of the lessons:

1. Introduce

1. Circle time with reading of the story on

the water, explanation of the activities and

2. Division into groups and setting up of the


1. Main part

1. Kim game - children observe the

materials that are laid out on the table.
The teacher covers all material and the
children must say list the names of the
materials covered

2. Discovery games - children

independently play with water using all
the materials supplied

3. Small experiments

– fill a small bottle into a basin full of


– put the grains to make the water

sparkling and taste

– melt the ice

– heat the water on the fire

1. Summarizing the lesson: at the end of the
lesson the children are invited to talk about their
discoveries and to make a drawing of what they
liked the most.

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 5-
year-olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the
Erasmus + Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements
–STEAM in elementary education” on 21 October 2021

Topic: Fire
Teachers: Francesca Paolini

General objectives:

1. Bringing children closer to the real world with a creative and

research attitude
2. Increase awareness, sensitivity, respect and love for the
3. Bringing children closer to nature, its rhythms, its times, its
4. Know the characteristics of earth, air, water and fire.
5. Find an environment to explore, manipulate, respect and
6. Moving from sense-perceptual exploration to symbolic
7. Use different expressive and communicative techniques.
8. Develop the ability to work in groups and cooperate.

Specific objectives:
1. Know the characteristics, properties, usefulness and danger
of the fire element
2. Observe and describe phenomena and events
3. Develop the ability to work in groups and cooperate
4. Reworking the experiences lived through expressive and
manipulative artistic activities
5. Imagining solutions, coming up with ideas, and discussing
6. Knowing how to communicate their experiences
7. Listen, know and rework sensations inherent in fire

1. Working methods:
2. Observation
3. Discrimination

Forms of activity:
1. individual
2. in group

Teaching aids:
candles, lighter, music, lim

The course of the lessons:

1. Introduction
Conversation about fire
Viewing images of fires
Explanation of the hazard of fire and safety methods
Tour of the kindergarten in search of fire safety systems
Vision of the cartoon Grisù

2. Main part
Let's play with fire: children learn to light a candle and place it
Motor path around the candles: children learn to move
without touching the candles and without making them

Summarizing the lesson: the children explain their experience to

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 6-year-
olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the Erasmus +
Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements –STEAM in
elementary education” on 21 October 2021

Theme: Terra
Teachers: Francesca Paolini

General objectives:

1. Bringing children closer to the real world with a creative and

research attitude
1. Increase awareness, sensitivity, respect and love for the
2. Bringing children closer to nature, its rhythms, its times, its
3. Know the characteristics of earth, air, water and fire.
4. Find an environment to explore, manipulate, respect and
5. Moving from sense-perceptual exploration to symbolic
6. Use different expressive and communicative techniques.
7. Develop the ability to work in groups and cooperate.

Specific objectives:
Knowing and manipulating the earth
Make sensory experiences to explore the surrounding environment
The child verbalizes the acquired knowledge
The child experiences creativity using natural elements and materials

Working methods:

1. Experimentation
1. Observation

2. Discrimination

Forms of activity:
1. individual

1. in group

Teaching aids: soil, soil, gravel, glasses, spoons,

The course of the lessons:

I. introduction
Explanation of the topic in circle time
The earth as a planet: vision of images and projections
Song Girotondo Giramondo
II. Main part
Setting preparation
Handling and devasing activities with earth
Ground bomb preparation and distribution in camps near kindergarten

III. Summarizing the classes:

at the end of the lesson the children are invited to talk about their
discoveries and to make a drawing of what they liked the most.

JUDG Detska Radost
North Macedonia

Our kindergarten has 715 pupils and within our

kindergarten we have 5 facilities in 5 different
locations in Skopje.
We have many different programs but the most
important are the program for self-awareness,
team awareness, system of values, development of
positive emotions, development of logic and
mathematical thinking, network of statements
(vocabulary), physical exercises, etc.
Being part of a project with this scale it will be
really important for our kindergarten as we will
wide our network, build new partnership,
exchange experiences and gain new knowledge.
Also our pupils will be involved in new activities,
which will help them to build as a person and have
a better insight of the European culture.
Our pupils are coming from different ethnic and
cultural background. This practice helps in braking
cultural barriers as well as braking stereotypes
towards other cultures.
We have really good cooperation with the
municipality, schools and NGOs.

The plan of educational classes conducted in the group of 4-year-
olds in the virtual presence of the participants of the Erasmus +
Short-term joint staff training in Poland “4 Elements –STEAM in
elementary education” on
20 October 2021


 1.5 years and up
Time and Place
 Any time of day
 Any time of year
 Indoors or outdoors
Materials Safety

 Supervise children at all times

 Take extra precautions when playing with water
 Use caution when making holes in the container
Instructions Play-based Context

Make one or more holes in the bottom of a container. If
possible, involve the children in the hole making process. Fill a
bin or tub with water and let the children explore how water
flows out of the container.
An educator noticed that the toddlers enjoyed filling and
emptying containers at the water table and at the kiddie pool.
The educator made holes in some of the containers to encourage
further explorations.
Questions You May Ask
 How can you stop the water from coming out of the
 How can you make the water flow out faster?
 What could you use your container with holes for?
Related Children's Books
 I Get Wet by Vicki Cobb
 National Geographic Kids: Water by Melissa Stewart


 2 years and up
Time and Place
 Any time of day
 Any time of year
 Indoors or outdoors (if weather permits)
Materials Safety

 At least one tool for pumping air

 An object to pump air into (e.g., ball, balloon, bicicle
tire, air matress, pool floatie)
 Supervise children at all times
Instructions Play-based Context
Any time an opportunity arises to inflate an object, involve the
children in deciding what tool to use. Count the number of
pumps it takes to inflate the object. Talk about how the object

changes when air is being pumped into it (e.g., shape, feel,
The mother of a young toddler was changing the tires of her car.
The toddler insisted on being part of the process. The mother let
the child play with an air pump and push the handle up and
down—safely supervised, of course!

Questions You May Ask

 What could you use to pump air into the [balloon, ball,
 What other objects could you pump air into with this
[bike pump, balloon pump, straw]?
 What else could you use this [bike pump, balloon
pump, straw] for?
 How does the [shape, feel, bounciness] of the object
change when you pump air into it?
 How many pumps does it take to fill the [ball, tire,
balloon, floatie, matress] with air?


 2 years and up
Time and Place
 Any time of day
 Any time of year, depending on availability of natural
 Indoors or outdoors (weather permitting)
Materials Safety

 Natural materials for painting (e.g., leaf, stick, stone,

 Non-toxic tempera paints
 Paper
Optional Materials
 A bag or container to collect natural materials
When children demonstrate an interest in painting,
encourage them to suggest other things they could use instead of
a paintbrush. Go outside – maybe on a nature walk – and
challenge the children to collect natural materials they could use
as paintbrushes. Leave animals, growing leaves and flowers, and
attached sticks alone. Talk about how the different materials can
be used to paint. Place paper and several colours of paint on a
table or other flat surface. Let the children explore the natural
materials and paint freely.
Play-based Context
A group of young children was really enjoying painting
and mixing colours. The camp leaders took the children outside
to find natural materials to paint with. The children and camp
leaders all had fun painting outside creating unique artwork
Questions You May Ask
 What else can you use instead of a paintbrush?
 What natural materials can you use to paint?
 How might you sort your natural materials?
 How does the [stick, rock, pinecone] feel?
 If you were to paint with the [leaf, stone, stick], what
kind of mark would it make?
 Which materials would work best to [make a line,
create a pattern, fill in space]?


 2 years and up
Time and Place
 Any time of day
 Any time of year
 Outdoors (on a sunny day) or indoors (with a
Materials Safety

 None required
Optional Materials
 Flashlight
 Objects such as toys or loose parts to cast shadows
If outdoors: Find a sunny area. If indoors: Find a
dimly lit space and use a flashlight. Encourage the children to
investigate their own shadows or the shadows created by
different objects.
Play-based Context
Young children notice their shadows on sunny days and
explore them playfully by observing how the shadows move with
Questions You May Ask
 How do shadows change [throughout the day, as
clouds move in front of the sun, if the object moves]?
 How can you use a flashlight to explore shadows?
 What object could you use to create a shaded place?
 How can you make a shadow [longer, wider, shorter,


Participants in STEM Book
1. Poland Теам- Przedszkole
Miejskie Nr 163 Poland
2. Portugal Team- Agrupamento
de Escolas de Campo Portugal
3. Italian Team- IL GIROTONDO
coop sociale srl Italy
4. The Republic of North
MacedoniaTeam- JUDG Detska


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