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©MMXX Bobbie Stevens, PhD

All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or distributed in part or in whole in any
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Unlimited Futures, LLC

700 LaPeninsula, Suite 202
Naples, FL 34113

My intention is to help you understand that you are “Unlimited”

and inspire you to create the life you want for yourself.
Part One describes how I discovered I am unlimited, and so
are you. This discovery totally changed my life and has changed
the lives of thousands of others. I share with you laws of nature
and principles of life that govern how each of us creates our own
experiences. By understanding this, we begin to understand that we
can create consciously and have the potential to create whatever we
In this section I share with you how I was able to demonstrate this
understanding in the material world—how I was able to accomplish
things that I never dreamed possible.
In Part Two you will meet many ordinary people just like
you and me who have created what they wanted in their lives. It
is very exciting and motivating to see what they have been able
to accomplish. I think you will enjoy seeing their challenges and
understanding their journeys in discovering they are unlimited.
Part Three explores what happens when we stop and begin to
• Why we are here.
• What’s life really all about.
• What role we play in creating our experiences and if what we
have believed in the past is really true.
• Why we have challenges.


• Whether there could be more to life than what we have

There is no end to what we can discover.



Have you ever wondered why some people seem to breeze

through life with the greatest of ease while most people struggle?
Struggle shows up in our lives as stress, frustration, fear, worry,
doubt, or anxiety. I believe that suffering has been called the human
condition. Most people experience it from time to time by feeling
unhappy, anxious, depressed, hopeless, betrayed, or sick, but we
know that some people just don’t experience those things.
When I was in college studying business management, I began
to think about what makes a business successful. I realized that it
had to be the people involved in the business. Then the next question
was, “What makes some people so much more successful than
others?” After hearing many conflicting beliefs, I decided that it had
to be the way people think.
So, I expanded my studies to psychology where I found the
works of Abraham Maslow. When Maslow was in college, he
realized he knew some people who functioned from a different level
than everyone else he knew, so he decided to study these people.
He found that they were the healthiest people in our society.
They were also the happiest. He said they were highly creative
and highly intuitive. He also said that they could fulfill all of their
needs and desires right within themselves. He coined the term “self-
actualized” to describe them.
This was very exciting for me. I decided that if some people


can function from this more advanced level, it has to be a human

potential, and it has to be possible for all of us.
Then and there I decided I would find a way to develop this
potential. Fortunately, I did, and here is how it happened.
When I got out of college, I wanted to
travel, and I thought a good way to do so was
to work for an airline. So, I became a flight
attendant for a major international airline—
Northwest Orient to be exact, which has now
merged with Delta.
Some years later I had pretty much
traveled around the world and enjoyed it.
That was back in the days when travel was
not the hassle it is today. But I kept having
this feeling that there was something else I should be doing. I kept
trying to figure out what it was. In my new life I had forgotten about
Maslow and self-actualization.
But this feeling was very persistent, and by that time I had all
kinds of questions going through my mind. I was wondering what
life is really all about and why we are here.
Everyone I knew was busily rushing around trying to make
money and buy more and more things. One day I saw a bumper
sticker that said, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” I thought,
there has to be more to life than just working and being a good
In those days, cigarette smoking was the “in” thing—all the
glamorous people did it. I started smoking when I joined the airlines,
but I hated the fact that I had become addicted to smoking—so I
quit! on a regular basis.
One day I found an article in a magazine about some breathing
exercises that were supposed to help one quit smoking. I found the
author of the article, and she was a yoga teacher. She taught me the
breathing exercises and some yoga postures.

How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

I wanted to do the process more than just once a week when I

went to classes but couldn’t remember it. So, I found some books—
one on yoga postures, one on meditation, and one on focusing
techniques—and I put together a process of things I started doing
on a daily basis.
I stopped smoking and haven’t had the slightest desire for
a cigarette since, but many other things also started happening.
My energy started increasing. I began to feel younger and more
confident. And my mind became very clear. I could feel my energy
changing. I knew something was happening inside me. I didn’t have
any idea what was happening, but somehow I knew it was good.
Then I noticed that I began to know things that I had no way
of knowing, like who was on the phone when it rang (and that was
years before caller ID). Then I started experimenting. I tried asking
questions, and I got answers that I checked out and they were right
on. So, I started asking bigger questions—answers, as far as I knew,
were unknown.
I had never before, that I recognized, had an experience of
receiving anything intuitively, but now I was receiving knowledge
One day I was working with the process and after doing the
postures, breathing exercises, and meditation I asked to know what
life is all about—why we are here, and how things come to be, and
what role we play in creating our own experiences. To be exact, I
said, “Dear God, if there is a God (I was questioning everything) I
really want to know what life is all about, why we are here, how it
all works, and what I should be doing.”
Then I had this experience. I don’t know what to call it, but I
could see that all of creation is this one wholeness. I knew that all
there is in existence is pure Love (a different kind of love). I could see
that everything on the physical level of life is energy being moved
and formed by intelligence, and that there is a field of intelligence. I
also knew that I was a part of this wholeness.
I could clearly see that, as this wholeness, we are all creators, and


I could see how it all works. I knew that our thoughts and feelings
and our attention move and form the energy into our experiences. I
knew that given this understanding I could create anything I wanted.
I also saw a process that could be used to create anything.
This was not just a one-time experience. It was the beginning of
me receiving intuitive knowledge on an ongoing basis.
This experience is truly not describable. It didn’t come with any
words. It was so profound that I couldn’t talk about it for years. I
also knew that my purpose here was to understand it and share it
with others. I had no way of communicating what I had experienced,
but I knew that I knew, and I could use this understanding to verify
its validity on a material level.
It was like moving into a whole new world. I was filled with
energy and vitality like I was 16 again. I was in love—not like being
in love with someone, which I had experienced before—but I was
just in love with life. I felt on top of the world. Everything unfolded
exactly as I intended.
I began to experiment. I saw that there are seven steps for
creating anything. The first step is “Clarity”: we must get very clear
about what we want to create. The second is “Visualization”: we
must visualize it to give it form. The next step is “Acceptance”: we
have to examine our beliefs and be sure our beliefs are congruent
with the manifestation of our choice.
The next step is “Focus”: we have to keep our attention focused
on each of these steps until the choice has manifested in the material
Once we have fully accepted it, then Universal Intelligence takes
over and provides us with the fifth step, “Intuition.” We will receive
intuitive guidance for how to proceed with the next step, “Action,”
to bring this choice into “Manifestation.”
Having this clear understanding that I could create whatever I
wanted, I started getting clear about what I wanted. I wanted this to
be something much bigger than I could possibly accomplish if I had

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

to do things the traditional way.

I was single and living alone in a rented apartment, so I decided
I would like to own my own townhouse. There actually weren’t any
townhouses where I lived in Minnesota at the time, but I had seen
townhouses in other parts of the country. It occurred to me that if
I could create anything, I could create a townhouse development
there in Minneapolis.
Then, of course, I would need new furniture for my new
townhouse, and I would love to have a baby grand piano. Then I
thought that maybe I should have two townhouses, one to live in
and one to rent out for income. Then maybe I should have a new car.
This was it; this was what I planned to create. I then got busy
with the next step, Visualization. I started visiting townhouses in
other cities on my layovers and taking notes. Soon I had a good idea
of the design for my new townhouse. It would be a trilevel with
stairs going up and down from the entrance. Downstairs would be a
large room that could be divided into two rooms with a folding door,
closets, a bathroom, and the laundry room. Going upstairs to the
main level would be the living room, dining room, and kitchen. A
large stone wall with a fireplace would separate the kitchen from the
living room. And there would be sliding glass doors from the living
room and the dining room onto a spacious deck.
Up a few more steps would be my office overlooking the living
room and outside. Behind my office would be the master bedroom
with a large walk-in closet, and off to the side, a large master bath. I
selected stone for the fireplace wall, carpet and flooring, bathroom
fixtures, etc.
Then it was time to start visualizing the furniture. I visited many
furniture stores and got very clear about all the new furniture I
wanted. I won’t go into detail here, but I wanted to describe part of
the visualization work I did to help you see how to use this process.
Of course, I looked at cars and decided on the exact make,
model, exterior and interior colors, etc.

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Now it is time to accept this. Could I really create all of these

things? Fortunately, at the time I was very clear that I indeed could
and would manifest this vision, and I knew that it would happen
within a year.
A word of caution here—you do not get to determine the
timing. I did not set the time; it just came to me that it would happen
within a year.
That brings us to the next step, Intuition. Once I had worked
through the first four steps I needed to know what to do next. I
actually spent a day in silence, and at the end of my meditation I
asked what I should do next. What came to me is that I should get a
real estate license. I protested, saying there weren’t any townhouses
here—why would I need a real estate license? But the answer
persisted, and I obeyed.
I studied for the real estate exam, took the test, and got a license.
The next step just appeared in front of me one Sunday as I was
reading the paper. I noticed an ad for real estate agents. It said come
in and take tests to see if you will be good in real estate. I thought
that would be fun, so I did.
They decided to hire me that day, and I became a real estate
agent. A couple weeks later my boss called me into his office and
told me that my tests were back. I said, “Great. Will I be successful
in real estate?”
His reply was, “You probably will be, but you are being totally
I knew what the problem was. One of the questions on the test
was, “How much money do you expect to make your first year in
real estate?” I had figured out approximately how much money I
would need to purchase my two townhouses, my new furniture, and
my new car, and I put that down as the answer.
He looked at me and said, “Do know how many houses you
would have to sell to make that much money?”

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I said, “No.”
Then he explained that he had been in real estate for five years
and had worked very hard at it, and he had not made anywhere near
that much money yet.
I was afraid he was going to call the men in the little white coats
to come get me, but I just said I’d do my best and see what happens,
and he let me out of the office.
Shortly after that I heard about a group of apartments that were
being converted into townhouses and sold individually. I went over
to check it out and met the developer. I asked him if he had ever
considered building new townhouses, and he told me he had. He
was starting one a ways out and told me about it. It wasn’t what I
had in mind. I, of course, had decided the size of the development,
where I would like it located, and that there would be a pool and
club house, etc.
I told him what I wanted and that if he would build it for me I
would sell those townhouses for him. He was pretty impressed with
my confidence that I could sell his townhouses, so he agreed.
The next week he got a call from a man who owned a nursery
and wanted to sell him the land. He called me and said it sounded
perfect for what I had described to him. We looked at it. He got an
option to purchase the land, and we came back to his office and drew
up plans for my ideal townhouse development.
I bought a townhouse in his conversion project, moved in,
decorated it, used it as a model, and sold many of the townhouses
there. Tom, the developer, immediately started the new development
with my new townhouse, and I sold all of those townhouses with the
greatest of ease. It was amazing.
I used the townhouse in the conversion development to rent out
when I moved into my new, ideal townhouse.
However, while I was in the process of selling townhouses, I
was also still working as a flight attendant. I had so much energy

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and so many great ideas—everything was just going so well—but I

got so busy that I stopped doing my daily practice of yoga exercises,
breathing exercises, meditation, and focusing techniques. Gradually
my energy started decreasing, my mind wasn’t quite as clear, and
it was getting a bit more difficult to accomplish the things I had
accomplished with ease before.
I knew I had to slow down and get back to that daily practice.
Soon I began to understand that it was the practice that had
developed my ability to accomplish the things I had accomplished. I
also remembered that my purpose was to validate my understanding
in the material world, and I had accomplished that.
I had proved without a shadow of a doubt that I did understand
what had been revealed to me, and I knew that if I could do it,
anyone else could also create whatever they chose to create. I also
remembered that sharing this knowledge was my true purpose in
life, but I still didn’t know how to do that.
I kept asking what I should do and what came to me was, “When
the time is right, you will know.”
While I was waiting for guidance on how to share this knowledge,
I decided to create something else for myself.
But first, here is a photo of my dream car in front of my dream

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And here is my dream baby grand piano in the living room of my

dream townhouse.

I created it all within a year of when I first thought, “I would like

to own my own townhouse.” Guess what came next?

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I went back to the Seven Steps in the Creative Process and

started with, “What do I want?” I decided that I wanted someone to
share my life with.
I was married right out of high school and divorced four years
later. My husband and I had very different ideas about the kind of
future we wanted. It never occurred to us to discuss that before we
got married. It turned out that he wanted to live next door to his
parents in a very small place and work in his father’s general store.
My thought was, “There is a big, wide, wonderful world out
there, and I want to know about it.” I realized that I really didn’t
want to be married. I found out that getting out of a marriage is
much more difficult than getting in, but I managed. Then for a very
long time I didn’t even want to talk about marriage.
Now I had decided I really did want someone to share my life
with, but it would have to be a very special person. Since I knew
how to create what I wanted, I decided to work through the 7-step
process to attract my perfect mate.
I won’t go through the whole process again, but the principles
work the same regardless of what you want to create. I got very clear
about what my ideal mate would be like. I thought that we probably
should have similar backgrounds. I thought that he should probably
be a psychologist with a business background. The most important
thing for me was that he was interested in the kind of things that I

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had just discovered.

If you are using this process to attract your ideal mate, it is
so important that you get very clear about what you really want
in a relationship. Here, communication is major. We all have
programmed beliefs about intimate relationships, and you and
your partner both need to understand the other person’s beliefs and
expectations before getting into a marriage. It is very valuable to
actually write up a marriage contract that lays out each person’s
desires and expectations and what happens if you decide that you
are not right for each other.
After I got very clear, I started visualizing the kind of relationship
I wanted. I could see us doing things together, having fun, enjoying
each other’s company, etc.
Then comes the Acceptance step. Here, I realized that I really
didn’t believe that the kind of person I wanted to share my life with
existed. My girlfriends and I were always saying things like, “There
just aren’t any good men out there,” or, “All the good ones are
taken.” At that time it became very obvious to me why my friends
and I had not met our ideal mates.
I had to work on that belief. I had to convince myself that there
was this perfect person for me and that he would indeed come into
my life.
And, of course, he did. We lived the most beautiful love affair
that I could possibly imagine. Part of my vision was that our love
would be so deep and strong that everyone we knew would want
that kind of a relationship, and that is exactly what happened.
Sadly, he passed away January 1, 2016. But, we had 36 wonderful
years together.
His name was Dean and he was the first person I was able to
share this knowledge with. We were both attending a Transcendental
Meditation retreat in Minnesota one cold winter weekend. When I
got in line for the dinner buffet he was right behind me. We started
talking and sat together for dinner and then in the evening class.

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Later he told me that he saw me walking down the stairs and knew
he wanted to meet me and immediately got in line behind me.
When I went back to my room after the class, I had this very
strong feeling that, “He is the one—that is him.” I protested, saying,
“He is too old for me—he is too tall for me.” He was older and I had
never dated anyone that much older before, and he was 6’3”, and I
am 5’3”, but he was indeed the one. And I am so grateful that my
protests were overridden.
Dean was a psychologist and he grew up in a business family and
worked in the family business. He also had doctorates in theology
and divinity—(not on my list). He was very much interested in what
I had discovered. I told him about it and he wanted to start working
with the process right away, which he did. He said what I had
discovered has been written about in all sacred writings throughout
history. This was news to me since I am not a student of theology.

Our wedding.

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Dean was in the middle of a transition in his life when we met.

He and his wife were separated, but not yet divorced. He was living
in their very beautiful house on a large lake near Willmar, Minnesota.
He and his brother were running the family agriculture business in
He had left the family business years before and gone back to
school for his doctorates and was in a private practice. After his
father retired he returned to Minnesota to help his brother with the
family business that was facing challenges. It soon became clear
that they wouldn’t be able to turn the business around as hoped. So
he left the business to his brother and started looking for a job for the
first time in his life and was basically starting over.
He gave his wife the house and all the furnishings. He was then
living in a very small rented room in Minneapolis.
He told me about his situation, and I asked him what he wanted
to do. He began telling me all that he could do and showed me his
huge résumé. I reminded him that I didn’t ask what he could do. I
asked what he wanted to do.
He had all kinds of intellectual knowledge about the things I
was experiencing, but it wasn’t his experience. I, on the other hand,
had no intellectual knowledge about these things but it was my
experience. He was most interested in what I had discovered.
I helped him get clear about what he wanted. He said he had
helped so many other people get clear about what they wanted, but

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when I asked him the question, he really didn’t have a clear answer.
We worked through several processes and he finally said, “Alright, if
I can create anything I want in the area of work, I would like to have
a job where I could do research into how thought and consciousness
affect all areas of our lives—physical, mental, emotional, and
spiritual.” Then he added, “But there is no such job.”
I explained that there would be once he created it. He started
with the first step in the creative process. He continued working
with the process for developing his potential for creating whatever
he chose and worked through the remainder of the seven steps.
He was doing some motivational speaking for the Young
Presidents’ Organization, and they booked him as the keynote
speaker at a conference of top business executives from around the
country in Houston, Texas.
I went along on the trip and I told him to tell them about Creative
Intelligence and how they could tap into it to accomplish their
business goals. That was years before these things were discussed in
business. He said, “I can’t do that,” but he did, and he got a standing
After we returned home, Dean got a call from the director of
research and development for the Weyerhaeuser Company, Jon
Dunnington. Jon told him that he was at his talk in Houston and that
he would like to meet with him.
It turns out that several top executives from the company were
going to have a few-hour layover between flights in Minneapolis.
He agreed to meet them at what was then known as Northwest
Airlines Top Flight Club.
They told him that he had talked about something new at the
conference, and they wanted to know more about this Creative
Intelligence. They told him that they could hire PhDs, but they
weren’t bringing the creativity the company needed.
He had a very interesting talk with them and told them about
me. They invited both of us out to Tacoma, Washington to meet with

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their top executives at the Weyerhaeuser headquarters.

It was a beautiful place, and they even had a meditation room for
their employees, which was very progressive at that time. We were
impressed. They wanted to talk about putting together a Spiritual
Advisory Board, and asked Dean if he knew any other CEOs that
were using their intuition in their businesses. Dean said he did and
he would contact some of them.
I said, “You don’t need a Spiritual Advisory Board. What you
need is to help your own people develop this ability.” I explained
that it is a human potential and we can develop it.
They said, “Alright, how do we do that?”
That was before I had developed the Unlimited Futures course,
so I wasn’t sure what to tell them. I had to say I’d think about it and
get back to them.
On the flight home Dean found a Minneapolis magazine that had
an article about a man who had invented fluid hydraulics and was
using it to create new farm products. The article said this knowledge
came to him intuitively.
Dean called him the next day, but he was well-shielded from
outside calls, and Dean wasn’t able to talk with him. However, Dean
kept trying, and finally one day that man, Lynn Charlson, answered
the phone.
Dean told him that he was putting together a Spiritual Advisory
Board to advise businesses on creativity, and he had seen the article
in the magazine and would like to talk with him. Mr. Charlson’s
answer was, “How soon can you get out here?”
Dean immediately drove out and talked with him. Mr. Charlson
told him that he grew up on a farm in North Dakota, but they had
a drought one year and he had moved to Minneapolis and got a
job as a night clerk in a hotel in downtown Minneapolis. He said
many engineers stayed there, and he listened to them talk about their
challenges. Often the answers they needed just came to him, so he

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told them. They tried some of Lynn’s suggestions and found that he
was accurate.
Lynn told Dean that he finally saved enough money to start his
own engineering company. It was the Eaton Corporation, which he
had just sold.
They had a great conversation, and Lynn told Dean he wanted
to put his money into a foundation to do research into how thought
and consciousness affect all areas of life—physical, mental,
emotional, and spiritual. And he asked Dean if he would consider
being the director of this foundation.
This was exactly what Dean had said when he got clear about
what he wanted to create in terms of a job.
Of course, I had told him to get very clear about where his job
would be located, how much money he would make, etc. He had,
and this was exactly what he had envisioned, including the salary he
would be paid.
He was the director of The Charlson Research Foundation for
almost seven years. At that time, the foundation closed. Dean came
to work with me, and we founded Unlimited Futures.
Here is a picture of Lynn, Dean, and me.

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After my discovery and the creation of my vision of the two

townhouses, new furniture, a new car, etc., I clearly knew that I
understood what had been revealed to me, and I knew that if I could
do this, so could anyone else.
As I said, Dean was the first person I was able to share this
knowledge with, and he was also able to create his vision. We knew
that we clearly understood how the process worked, so we decided
to create our dream house that would also have our offices and a
space for providing courses, which I had started designing.
We, of course, started with the first step in the creative process,
Clarity. We wanted a very open, spacious, beautiful house on several
acres of land located on a lake. Since we lived in Minnesota, the
land of 10,000 lakes, that was easy. We wanted it to be near Dean’s
office, which was also on a lake. (He was still with the Charlson
Research Foundation.)
We had lots of ideas about how to create a vision for this house.
We started talking with architects. We tried telling them that we
wanted our house to be very open and spacious with lots of glass,
but they kept asking us questions like, “How many square feet do
you want? How many rooms do you want? How much money do
you want to spend?” From our perspective, these questions were
totally irrelevant.
It turned out that the husband of Dean’s assistant at the

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foundation was getting his degree in architecture at the University

of Minnesota. He said, “I can create a blueprint from your vision.”
We began working with him and started dreaming. We started with
just drawing circles on a big piece of paper.
We started thinking about what we wanted to do, where, and any
special features we wanted to include. We each made a list and then
included what was on both lists. We both wanted lots of glass and to
create a very spacious indoor/outdoor look and feel. I had seen a
house in Honolulu that had a tree growing in the middle of it. It was
amazing, and I knew I wanted that.
We both loved fireplaces,
so we wanted lots of fireplaces.
Dean wanted a sunroom, and we
both had ideas about our offices,
and we had to have a library for
all our books. We wanted offices
for each of us and an assistant, a
conference room, and a room for
holding our courses.
When we finished creating
our vision, we had a 3-level house
that was built around a floating
stairwell and a stone, triangular
fireplace system. The fireplaces
opened on two sides on the first two levels. It also had one opening
in the master bedroom on the third level. There was another fireplace
stack on the back wall that provided fireplaces in the lower level
guest bedroom, the family room on the main level, and the master
bath on the third level.
We also had two atriums, including one on the lower level where
we had our classroom, a kitchen, a dining room, and a guest bedroom.
This level walked out to the pool and gazebo that overlooked the
The other atrium was on the main level where we had a fichus

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tree that grew up to the third level. There were sky lights over the
atrium and windows in the front. The main level included the living
room, dining room, kitchen, and family room.
My office was on the third level, with a catwalk from my office
across the open area over the living room and the atrium to the
On the other side of the opening from my office was the master
bedroom, with stained glass doors that could be opened to view the
living room area. Behind the master bedroom was the master bath,
with a double tub, shower, and fireplace.
Behind my office was the conference room/sunroom. There was
an additional wing that was over the 3-car garage where Dean’s
office, a bathroom, and the assistant’s office were located.
There was a beautiful beam-structure umbrella shaped over the
atrium, living room, catwalk, and library (pictured below).
I tell you all this to help you understand how important it is to
get very clear about all the details of what you want to create. If you
are going to create something, you need to be able to see it in your
mind’s eye before it manifests in the material world.

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Just because you can create whatever you choose, it doesn’t mean
that you will not still have challenges. Overcoming our challenges is
how we grow. The exciting part is that even though the challenges
keep coming, when you work with the Unlimited Futures process
daily, you become strong enough to handle them.
The first challenge we had with the vision of our house was
getting the money for purchasing the land. We found five acres of
land on a beautiful lake about five minutes from Dean’s office. It
was perfect.
We both made a good salary, but we didn’t have much savings.
Just as we moved forward with our vision, I received a nice
settlement from a joint lawsuit that a group of flight attendants had
filed against Northwest Airlines on sexual discrimination. It was
exactly the amount we needed to purchase the land.
We used the land as collateral to get a construction loan from
the bank. We found a highly recommended builder, showed him the
plans, and got a bid we were happy with. The bank accepted it.
Stephan, our architect, wasn’t able to draw the floating stairwell,
but one of the people working for the contractor said, “Don’t worry.
I can build it from your description.” And he did.
Stephan’s architecture professor told him that this wasn’t
architecture—that it belonged in the psychology department. Dean

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

had to go with Stephan to meet with his professor and persuade him
to accept Stephan’s project and give him credit for it. He did.
Our dream home took a couple of years to build due to the
Minnesota winters. We happily anticipated our new home. We
camped out on the land in the summer and cross-country skied on
the lake in the winter, watching the progress.
As it progressed, we found other things we wanted to include
that were not in the original bid. The builder included them, but
the cost went substantially over bid. The bank got nervous and kept
calling us in to discuss it. We tried to appear to be concerned, but we
knew that whatever we needed would be provided.
As the time got closer, the bank refused to carry the mortgage for
the new amount. They said we would have to get a second mortgage.
So, off we went to visit other banks. It seemed that the other banks
were not interested in giving us a second mortgage.
We didn’t know what would happen, but we knew that we just
needed to stay focused on it and something would happen to give us
the money we needed.
Someone suggested that we talk with their financial planner. We
did, and he said no problem. He set us up with a personal banker,
and that bank was happy to provide us with a second mortgage for
the amount we needed.
We bought new furniture and had been going in and out of the
house for a long time doing the decorating and having our new
furniture delivered. The keys were kept in a place where we could
find them and go in whenever we wanted.
We closed at the bank that carried the construction loan, but they
were so sure we wouldn’t be able to close that they hid the keys from
us. So we couldn’t get into our new house until a day later when we
finally got in touch with the person at the bank that had hid the keys.
Just a word of caution—bankers seem to have a hard time
understanding that the money will be there even though you can’t

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tell where it is coming from or when it will arrive.

I know this sounds like some kind of magic to some people,
but there is no magic involved. It is just a matter of understanding
how the creative process works, which has now been scientifically
When we understand the laws of nature or principles of life that
governs how we all create our own experiences, we can see that
we all have the potential to be able to consciously create whatever
we choose. However, it does require a deep understanding of how
it works and a strong nervous system that allows us to change our
beliefs and stay the course regardless of what challenges we face.
What we do in the Unlimited Futures courses to release stress
and refine the energy in the mind/body system is actually very simple
and makes perfect sense. But you may have challenges in doing it
due to programmed beliefs about yourself and what’s possible for
I have watched many people overcome those limiting beliefs that
are simply not true and develop their ability to accomplish amazing
things, and you will meet some of them.
One just needs to start and do the process today. Every day is
today, and people soon discover abilities that they never believed
possible for them.
My friend Jean and I were having lunch at one of our local
restaurants/taverns here on the island where we live, and they have
a sign on the wall saying, “Free Beer Tomorrow.” She got excited
and said, “I have to tell my son-in-law,” until I pointed out that the
sign will say the same thing every day.
Tomorrow never comes. Today is the day to create the life you
want for yourself. Fortunately, Jean did and has continued to do so
over the years.

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When I first had my experience, my friends knew something

wonderful had happened for me and wanted to know how they too
could create what they wanted. And there was the Weyerhaeuser
Company waiting. In addition, I was on the board of directors for
an organization that was facing challenges, and I knew that if the
people on the board understood these principles we could turn this
organization around.
Furthermore, Mr. Charlson wanted the foundation to teach
people intuition. Evidently, he had always been highly intuitive, and
he thought they could teach intuition to college students to combine
with their intellectual knowledge. I told Dean that intuition can’t be
taught. Intuition is something you have to discover within yourself.
That ability lies dormant within all of us until we activate it within
ourselves. Nevertheless, they tried.
The time had come for me to create a course to share the
knowledge that had been revealed to me. I knew that just telling
people about it wouldn’t change their lives. I needed to design
a program to help them discover the potential they had to create
whatever they chose.
I designed a pilot program including all the things I had done
before my discovery and taught Dean to do. Then I invited the board
members and a couple friends to try it. We had seven people in the
original group, and I set up the course in seven sessions that we did
every other week.

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By the end of the course, they had gotten very clear about what
they wanted to create, and they were all creating their visions. We
had also solved the organization’s challenges, and it was moving
They were all so excited about their experiences that they told
their friends. Unlimited Futures really grew by word of mouth.
Here’s a photo of Dean speaking at one of the first events in our new

Dean also went to networking events, and we held introductory

sessions once a week. That was back before the Internet. Amazing
how we did things back then, isn’t it?
I now know much more about what happened for me and why
it happened, but at the time I had no idea what was going on. I
was just experimenting. At that time I had no frame of reference for
understanding it.
I now understand that some people have known these things
throughout history, and now even Western science has discovered
Scientists now know that everyone and everything in existence
is connected. They also know there is a field of intelligence that
contains all knowledge—everything that is, everything that ever
was, and everything that ever will be.

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Einstein told us many years ago that everything is energy, but we

were not yet prepared to understand just what that meant.
What I could clearly see at that time and what scientists have
now confirmed is that everything in existence is what they call
the unknown, a field of intelligence, and energy. I call it Love
expressing intelligently through energy. That is who we are and
what everything in existence is. Everything in existence, including
us, is this wholeness.
In the past, we believed we were separate and were on our own
to fulfill our needs and desires. We now know that the wholeness of
life is responding to our thoughts, feelings, and what we focus our
attention on.
We could think of ourselves as cells in this larger body. Each of
us has a purpose in this perfect system, just like each of the cells in
our physical body has a purpose.
This sounds complicated, but it just clears up so much that we
haven’t understood in the past. You don’t need to know any of this
to develop your ability to create whatever you choose. What you
are doing when you work with the Unlimited Futures process is just
discovering yourself and the power that lies dormant within each of
us until we discover how to activate it.
Since starting to provide the Unlimited Futures courses over 30
years ago, thousands of people have participated in the programs.
I would like you to meet some of them and learn about their
experiences. I think you will find it most enlightening to hear about
the amazing things they have been able to accomplish, and their
journeys in doing so.
I will start with some of the people who began working with the
program shortly after we started providing it and look at how some of
them have continued to create amazing things throughout the years.
Then I will introduce you to some people who have worked with
this process more recently and share what they are experiencing.

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LaDan Axdahl was an executive in a large corporation. LaDan

joined us in an interview on a TV program with Bob Cargill and
Michael Johnson, whose stories you will also be reading. LaDan
told the host, “I felt like a caged bird that had been set free. My life
has taken a 180-degree turn. Professionally I was already successful
in corporate upper management and earned a high salary. But, I
discovered that my heart was leading me in a different direction.”
She became a professional speaker, trainer, and management
consultant. “What was most meaningful for me in the course was
learning how to be true to myself—to follow my intuition. Now I
love what I do, and I’m making more money in half an hour than I
formerly did in a week.
“I think we deceive ourselves a lot. Here I was a chartered
accountant, a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of England and Wales, and I thought I had to be in management
accounting forever. But my heart didn’t tell me that. For years I just
went with the program, climbing up the corporate ladder. I wasn’t
miserable, but it wasn’t me. I realized that accounting was not the
way for me to fulfill my life’s purpose,” LaDan explained.
LaDan felt that one of the most valuable things about Unlimited
Futures is learning how to align one’s whole self—body, mind,
emotions, and spirit. “All of the other courses I knew about worked

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

with one or the other, but the Unlimited Futures course helped me
to develop all areas simultaneously—and understand how they all
work together.”


Meet Bob Cargill. When Bob found the Unlimited Futures

course, he’d had two heart attacks. His doctors told him he would
not survive another. He told the host of the TV show, “When I had
my first heart attack, about 13 years earlier, I thought that I was
doing everything right in order to prevent having another one. But
eight years after the first heart attack, I had another.”
A friend of Bob’s told him about Unlimited Futures. Ultimately,
not only did he participate in the course, but he did it three times.
“I knew I wanted to be healthy, so this became my main focus,”
he told the audience. “I believe I’m healthier than I’ve been in 30
years. I learned that it’s possible to reach a level of optimal health
far above anything that I had ever imagined before, and I am putting
it into practice each day of my life. Without the course I would most
likely not be alive today.”
Bob and his wife have now retired and are living in Florida,
enjoying a very healthy and happy life.


Michael is a recording artist whose agent introduced him to

the Unlimited Futures course. Michael had had a career in popular
music but had decided to switch over to country western music.
He and his wife lived in Minnesota, but he knew that he needed to
live in Nashville to pursue his career. Even though Michael’s wife
had always resisted the move, six weeks after he started the course
his wife was the one asking, “So, when are we going to move to
Nashville?” They agreed that was the smart thing to do, so they put

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their house up for sale, and made the move.

When the host of the TV show found out that Michael had been
through our course, he wanted to have him as a call-in guest from
Nashville. Michael told us, “Things are really looking up for me.”
When asked how this program was different and what it had done
for him, Michael said it had raised his level of expectation and
understanding of his own potential. He said, “I have long known
that I am never going to do any better than I think I am going to do.
“I came to Unlimited Futures with the desire to make more
money and use my time better but found much more than that. I
accomplished those goals and discovered many more important
things. I began to look at the beliefs I had about myself that I had
kept all of my life. I believed that I was a B-plus student at living,
and that I was only an average songwriter, or just lucky. Those
attitudes just kept a lid on my potential. And I have really turned all
of that around. It has truly been a gift for me. It is something that I
make my own, and when I do it, I become different. It’s kind of like
music. It’s hard to talk about it—you need to experience it. It is just
a part of who I am now.”
Michael kindly wrote a special thanks to us on one of his albums.
He thanked us for “helping me to discover that creativity and beliefs
are the same thing... this has been the most important news of my


Linda, who participated in the Unlimited Futures course, did so

at the recommendation of her agent. Linda was singing in nightclubs
in the Midwest when she discovered her unlimited future. “My agent
and I both knew I had a high level of talent. I just didn’t have the
confidence to move forward as we’d hoped. Part of the problem is,
I could only see myself in relationship to my past,” Linda told us.
A total transformation took place for Linda. Within a month she

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

was ready to let go of her past and move on to Hollywood. She got
clear about what she wanted to do and gained enough confidence
to audition for Ed McMahon’s show Star Search. Linda won every
contest and the $100,000 prize, opening the door to a totally new
life. Her singing career was now on its way.
She met a great guy shortly after her Star Search show, got
married, and now has a child. She and her husband worked together
on a very successful Broadway show, and she has produced numerous
albums. She now travels all around the country performing with her
own full band and appears in Naples at the Philharmonic (renamed
the Arts) on a regular basis.


When Paul Scheele and Pete Bissonette found Unlimited Futures,

they were partners in a new business that provided programs in
personal growth and development. A friend of theirs told them about
Unlimited Futures and brought them to an introductory session.
Paul knew his marriage could be stronger, so he and his wife,
Libby, attended the course together. At the time, Paul was in the
process of getting his master’s degree. He was going to school full-
time, running a business, and also trying to be a good husband and
father to two little boys. Libby was raising the children and feeling
very much alone. They were also financially strapped and severely
With all that going on in their lives, they had so little time together
and practically no time to just focus on themselves. Having the boys
to care for and a very tight schedule between them, arranging time
was difficult. The financial commitment for the course also felt like
a big step, but they knew that doing the course together was vital.
This was a time for the two of them, without the distraction of the
children, to be together and focus on their relationship. “We were
doing something which was bringing us together. It was as if we had
a date every other week—one to which we could both look forward

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to having. Even the drive back and forth together was a treat,” Paul
told us.
In the course, we teach participants to become quiet, to go within,
and ask questions that they want answered. “My main goal was to
improve the quality of the relationship with my wife, so I asked to
understand the problem with our marriage. During meditation I had
a vision that every time I’d become angry or frustrated with Libby,
she was appearing to me on my left side, and I was speaking over
my left shoulder toward her. Then I asked what I should do.” Paul
followed this intuitive guidance.
“From that point forward when I talked to Libby, I’d face her,
look at her directly, and then talk. This seemingly small step made a
significant difference in our relationship. Libby no longer felt as if
she was just being talked at; she and I were really communicating.
Our relationship grew to be so much more fulfilling than ever
before,” said Paul.
Paul was already a yoga and meditation practitioner and had a
lot of knowledge about personal growth when he came to the course.
What he found of most value for him, though, was the process for
easily releasing stress and strengthening the mind/body system. He
also felt that knowing the reason why he was doing this process—to
strengthen the capacity of his nervous system to carry the energy
that is the creative force in his life—made it easy for him to do it.
During the course Paul also chose to visualize his ideal house. A
few years later, Paul and Libby found a house they liked. After some
consideration, they made an offer. Paul had to go out of town and
his mother and Libby waited to hear news on whether their offer on
the house had been accepted. Libby was pacing a little, wondering if
they would get the house and if it was really the house they wanted,
when she noticed their 9-month-old son crawling down the hall.
She saw that he had crawled into another room. He went over to
the bookshelf and pulled something out. By the time Libby reached
him, Paul’s Unlimited Futures book was lying on the floor, opened
to what he had written about his ideal house. Libby found it was
a perfect description of the house on which they had just made an

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offer. Their offer was accepted, and they are still living very happily
in this house today. Paul and Libby are now into the forty-third year
of a very happy marriage, which just keeps getting better and better.
Paul said, “The course gave me a larger context for my previous
knowledge and practice. It brought together many disciplines and
ideas that I had worked with for years, but during the course I was
experiencing new breakthroughs, such as the discovery that a single
focus is a power in and of itself.” Paul recently told me that he still
does the daily stress releasing process he learned in the course,
saying, “I know how important it is to continue with these exercises
for flexibility, which is such an essential part of a clear and healthy
Paul is the founder and chairman of the board of Learning
Strategies. Pete Bissonette, whose profile you will read next, was
his business partner and is now the company president. The two
of them together have made their company the successful multi-
million-dollar corporation it is today.


Part of what is learned in the Unlimited Futures course is how

the Laws of Nature work in governing how we ourselves create our
own experiences. Once we understand these principles and start
working with them, our lives begin to change. We asked participants
at the beginning of each session to report on what had happened for
them in the past two weeks.
Pete became a master at quickly creating what he wanted. His
roommate told him on a Wednesday that he had accepted a job offer
in another city and would be moving at the end of the year. Pete
would now have to find another place to live. The next day, Pete
was downtown watching the Minnesota Twins World Series Victory
parade with Paul, Libby, and their boys, when he looked up and saw
a high-rise called Symphony Place. He said to Paul, “You know, I
would really like to live in that building. In fact, I would like to live

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in that apartment right there,” and he pointed to an apartment.

On Friday night Pete was at a party and overheard someone
talking about needing to get a new roommate because his roommate
was being transferred. Pete joined the conversation and asked when
the roommate was moving. He was told that it was the end of the
year, the same time Pete’s roommate was moving. When Pete asked
where he lived, he said “Symphony Place.” It turned out to be the
exact same apartment that he had pointed out to Paul the day before.
A few weeks later, Pete visited a store with a friend and found
some furniture he just loved. When he realized the price, Pete said,
“I didn’t have $2,000 I could spend for furniture at that time, but I
began to visualize this new furniture in my new apartment. This was
on a Saturday. Monday morning, I received a call from a woman who
had heard about our NLP training, which cost $2,000. She wanted to
know if we would consider bartering. When I asked what she had to
barter, she told me that she owned a furniture store—it turned out to
be the exact store where I had found my furniture! Needless to say,
we had a deal.”
Do these turns of events sound like a huge coincidence? It is
simply the way the Law of Attraction works. Many of us don’t
notice this law working in our lives because the events do not occur
as close together as they did for Pete.
Many similar events occurred in Pete’s life since taking the
course. Some of our participants call the process the “miracles
process.” These “miracles”, however, are just the principles at work.
They occur when we know with clarity what we want to create in
our lives and work with the Seven Steps of the Creative Process.
Pete and Paul’s company, Learning Strategies, has now become a
multi-million-dollar business providing live and recorded programs
that help people around the world understand possibilities that they
had never considered before.

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Jackie was originally from Texas, but at the time she was living
in Cairo, Egypt where she taught at an American school. One
Thanksgiving weekend, Jackie was flying to Cairo from Athens,
Greece. She had been attending a volleyball tournament with some
of her students in Athens and was on her way back home alone when
her flight was hijacked.
The terrorists took control on the airplane and forced it to land in
Valletta, Malta. There they made their demands and promised to kill
one passenger every 15 minutes until their demands were met. Like
four passengers before her, Jackie was shot at pointblank range,
execution style, and thrown from the plane onto the tarmac and left
for dead. Jackie lay there for five hours. When the ground crew was
finally taking all of the lifeless bodies to the morgue, Jackie moved,
and one of the crew realized that she was alive.
Jackie had been in a long recovery process when one of her
doctors told her about Unlimited Futures. “I had been shot in the
head, which left me with impaired vision and a loss of short-term
memory. When I came to the course, I could only see pieces of a
word, and consequently had a difficult time reading,” Jackie told
us. In that class we go around the room and let each person read
a paragraph of the course material. We just skipped Jackie in the
reading until the fifth session, when Jackie told us she had the
confidence to read. We were all excited. Jackie read her paragraph
“I strongly feel that my life had been spared for a purpose, and
now was the time to discover what it was. My purpose unfolded
very clearly. I had a very strong message about how to overcome
obstacles in life, and I wanted to share this with others. I completed
the course with a great vision for my life,” Jackie said.
We have all watched Jackie’s vision unfold. She wrote a book
about her ordeal titled Miles to Go Before I Sleep. She has inspired
thousands, if not millions, of people.
Jackie has appeared on Oprah, Larry King Live, and many other

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TV shows and has spoken to hundreds of audiences with her inspiring

message. We are very proud to be able to help such a talented person
make a significant contribution to the world. Jackie told us, “The
Unlimited Futures course gave me confidence, a sense of direction,
and an understanding of how the universe works.


Al was a director at 3M when a colleague told him about

Unlimited Futures. He was not expecting nor seeking huge changes
in his life. He was already healthy and successful; he just wanted
to enjoy his success more. “I feel the course did actually make
me more successful, but it also gave me a greater appreciation
for my abilities. It was more of an understated experience for me,
but I believe sometimes the subtle changes are actually the most
Al had always exercised because he knew it was good for fitness
and liked the idea of adding the stress-releasing stretching exercises
taught in the course. The course helped him to have more energy,
to be more relaxed when dealing with people, and to do things
more effectively. “In the business environment, people tend to do
a lot of wheel-spinning activity, which is confused with progress,
but really isn’t. The course helps a person become clear about what
needs to be done and progress to doing it with much more ease and
effectiveness,” Al told us.
“Doing the stretching exercises is like getting a massage from the
inside out. When you relax your limbs it also relaxes your mind and
then the mind goes into a much more constructive cycle. I noticed
that when I might be getting a cold or flu, I’d feel much better after
doing the process,” he said.
Al has now taken early retirement and is embarking on an
entirely new pursuit. He continues to use the Unlimited Futures
process daily and to be healthy, successful, and appreciative for all
that he has. He enjoys his life.

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When we met Joan, she was in management at 3M. Her friend

Al Norton, a director with 3M, told her about the Unlimited Futures
course. He told Joan it was one of the most beneficial courses in
which he had ever participated and suggested that she check it out.
Joan had several things on her mind at the time. She wanted
to advance in her career at 3M and was ready to take on more
responsibility. She also wanted to build the house of her dreams.
She had found a lot she loved but couldn’t proceed until she sold the
house she was living in at the time. She was also dating someone
that she liked very much, but the relationship wasn’t progressing as
fast as she would have liked.
She decided to come to an Unlimited Futures introduction session
and asked Cliff, the doctor that she was dating, to attend with her.
He agreed. In the 2-hour presentation she heard a lot of powerful
concepts, but she was skeptical. She had a hard time believing that
what we were saying could really be true. Cliff, on the other hand,
thought it sounded great and that they should both attend the course.
In the first session we ask participants to make a list of seven
things they want to create in their lives. We will share the first three
items of Joan’s list with you. She wanted:
1) to create a new department within 3M
2) a happy, long-term, intimate relationship in her life
3) to sell her house so she could build the house she wanted
She began working with the Seven Steps in the Creative Process
to fulfill her goals. The second step in the process is Visualization.
She began visualizing her house selling. She could see all of the
circumstances in her mind’s eye, and within weeks her house sold at
full asking price—for cash—with a closing date in nine days, just as
she envisioned. She moved into an apartment and started building
her dream house.
As she and Cliff continued the course, they discovered what

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had been obstructing the progress of their relationship. Cliff had

experienced two heart attacks, and Joan was very concerned that
he might have another one. This worry caused uneasiness in their
relationship. They learned how to create a healthier lifestyle and how
to focus their attention on what they wanted instead of focusing on
what they did not want. The uneasiness cleared up. They fell deeply
in love and were married within the year. They had a wonderful life
Joan created a vision for a new department for 3M. Shortly
thereafter, she was asked to solve a problem for which her new
department was the perfect answer. She selected nine managers to
head up the sectors within this new department. She then arranged
for these nine managers to go through our Executive Development
Program. They have all since moved on to head other departments
and have all made positive contributions to 3M, as well as created
much better lives for themselves.
Joan then decided that to advance her career, she wanted to
have an international position. After running into some roadblocks,
she used the seven steps she had learned in the Unlimited Futures
course. She got very clear about what she wanted to do, where she
wanted to live, and how she could be of the most benefit to 3M
in this position. Then she visualized her new position, accepted it
in her mind, focused her attention on it, and waited for intuitive
inspiration for what she should do. The inspiration came that led
her to speak to the right person about creating the new department
in their European offices. Cliff sold his practice within a very short
time, and they were soon off to live in France, and, for Joan, to make
her special contribution to the European subsidiaries of 3M. During
Joan’s 2-year assignment she and Cliff made the most of it, traveling
and exploring much of Europe.
A few years after returning to the U.S., Joan decided it was time
to take early retirement and start her own consulting firm. She and
Cliff moved to Phoenix and built a beautiful new home, from which
Joan started her own business. She has also written two books, A
Woman Can Do That and Some Leaders Are Born Women.
Both Joan and Cliff have passed away now, but they had a

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wonderful life together.


John and Gaye Christensen discovered Unlimited Futures in the

early 1990s. They had been married for only a few years and had a
baby girl who was having some difficulty digesting food. Gaye was
feeling a great deal of stress with the challenges of being a mother
and simultaneously dealing with her child’s physical problems.
John and Gaye have been through the course three times, and
each time it has brought them to a new level of understanding. In the
first course they were focused on their relationship with each other
and their families. John said the course helped them clarify their
relationship and also helped them understand what visualization is
and how it works.
They created a vision for the home they wanted. They worked
through all of the things they each wanted in their new home
including the view, being on a cul-de-sac, the trees, etc. They got
very clear about everything they wanted in their new house and came
up with 62 criteria that were important to them. Shortly thereafter
they found a house with 58 of those criteria already built in. John
said this demonstration really helped him to believe that this process
John was working as a cameraman for Chart House Learning,
a firm that produced and marketed educational films. Although his
father owned the company and John was an only child, his father
made it clear to John that he was strictly an employee, no different
than the other 12 employees of the company. John wanted to move
into a leadership position, but his father did not see that he had the
The second time John and Gaye went through the Unlimited
Futures course, John was focused on developing his leadership
abilities and proving them to his dad. The company was in the

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middle of a serious lawsuit. It was at that point when John became

clear that it was his turn to help his father and the company. John had
learned the importance of not getting into the problem but seeing it
from a different perspective. He was then able to help get through
the lawsuit with minor damages, having a clear understanding that
everything really does work together for good. From that day forward
John said he has always looked for what “good” would come out of
every seemingly difficult situation.
In this course John got very clear about what he wanted to do
with Chart House. He knew that he wanted to make a corporate
training film that would help people, and he was receptive to the
right idea presenting itself to him. While filming in the Seattle
area, John encountered a unique fish market where the employees
brought incredible fun, passion, and individual accountability to
the job every day. Their work was cold, wet, and smelly, yet they
decided they had the power to choose the attitudes they would bring
to that work.
John knew that there were two other filmmakers whose
offices were within blocks of the fish market, but they never saw
the significance of the passion, play, and positive attitude the
fishmongers brought to work and to their customers every day.
John had the clarity of mind and skill to know what to do with this
opportunity (opportunities are often presented to us, but unless we
are prepared to accept them and bring them into fruition they simply
pass us by), and decided to make a film about the importance of
work being fun.
Inspired by the fishmongers, John created an unlikely corporate
learning film called FISH! The film became a worldwide business
phenomenon, giving people a common language to talk about fun
and purpose in the workplace. The FISH! philosophy has spawned
two best-selling films and three best-selling books, all of which
have reminded people that they have the power to make a difference
at work and that it can be fun.
John’s ability to create this film, which he calls his “coming of
age” project, showed his father that he had the potential to lead.

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

This significant contribution led his father to position John for the
leadership of the company. Since then John has brought the company
from a small filmmaking operation to a company now recognized
Another part of John’s vision was to be able to work with the
very best people within the filmmaking industry. He knew that he
wanted to create this pool of very talented, creative people to work
with and to create successful products in the future. He did attract
these people to Chart House Learning, and a few years later provided
the Unlimited Futures program for all of them.
John’s vision for the company culture was very clear. He knew
he wanted it to be a fun, innovative, and creative atmosphere like
an advertising agency—one of playfulness and color, but one in
which work was accomplished. This vision carried through into
the unique building in which they work, and now the culture and
spectacular building are a part of the team’s daily experience. The
result is a 2-story building that has an open atrium, is very colorful,
and is full of light. “This building is brick and mortar proof of how a
vision comes alive. I clearly pictured the entire atmosphere and the
building in my mind’s eye and engaged all of my senses in creating
this. I could feel the joy of celebration and aliveness people would
feel when they came into the building, and that is exactly what is
experienced at Chart House today,” John told us.
The demand keeps growing for more and more of the FISH!
philosophy. John’s vision has indeed been fulfilled in a very powerful
and rewarding way, not only creating great success in his life, but
also making a great contribution to the lives of many others.


I began this journey in the late 80s through a business referral. I

was fairly new to the personal growth movement and found myself
intrigued with the possibilities of the program. I struggled with doing
the energizers, was amazed at my very limited focusing abilities,

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and was anxious to learn the seven steps. Little did I know where
this journey would take me.
Today, as I look back, I know I have been truly blessed!
• I have met very interesting people whose friendships—
whether short or long—have made my life richer.
• I have examined beliefs that I did not even know I had,
expressed gratitude for how these have helped me in the past,
and redefined some beliefs for moving into the future.
• I have come to appreciate the significance of clarity in the
creative process. Just ask me about my Cadillac.
• My ability to trust my intuition has expanded, and I do so
with much more confidence.
• I am much more selective in sharing my choices and visions.
I have experienced the strength of subconscious energy
flowing to me that has been less than supportive.
• The concepts of Unlimited Futures are easily applied to
personal and business situations. I frequently reference the
seven steps in business conversation.
• I recently found myself reflecting on the fact that I have a
life that is different from many of my peers. This was most
glaring at a dinner party where several of the couples recited
their daily medicine routine. When asked about mine, the
answer was zero, compared to the 8 to 17 they had. I believe
my repeating, “I am in perfect health—perfect physical
health….” on a fairly regular basis has made a significant
impact on my life as have the other statements I have been
• Most recently, I have been participating in both the Optimal
Health program and the Unlimited Abundance program. Each
of these programs continue to enrich my takeaways from
Unlimited Futures, in part because I am at a different level of
consciousness and can actually process what is being said in

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a new way.
Is the journey over? No way! I am busy creating my vision for
healthy aging and what I want to create for the next twenty years
of my life. I have great appreciation for the program (breathing,
energizers, and meditation). I recently created a space where I
can easily do the daily program and am excited to experience
how I can “warp speed” this new vision. Combining my enhanced
understanding of the foundational concepts and the releasing of
stress from The Program will make for a dynamic and interesting
next chapter.
Combine this with “the money will come from wherever it is,”
and I will have even more to be grateful for! Thank you, Unlimited


I came to Unlimited Futures at a time when I was in a very

negative place. I had made the decision to work with two women,
only to discover that they were trying to take my business. They
succeeded. I was struggling with needing to change my mindset and
release what had happened, but it was very difficult.
After this loss, I established a deep connection with Dean
Portinga, a co-founder of Unlimited Futures. I found that doing the
program with its energizers and meditation helped me to release
much of the negative energy and redirect my focus in my life in
a positive way. I really credit the experience I had with Unlimited
Futures as a significant key in keeping me sane and moving forward
with my life. It taught me about the importance of forgiveness and
how to visualize positive things in my life. These daily practices
continue to support me on a regular basis.
I have been an avid participant in many of the offerings of
Unlimited Futures. I repeated the core course several times, did a
number of Saturday retreats, and took advantage of the one-on-one

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coaching for specific issues.

In the past I’ve participated in many self-help programs and
personal development programs in which I’ve learned many things.
However, I found the process, meditation, and energizers from
Unlimited Futures to be of continual support in my daily life moving
forward. I highly recommended it to others and continue to use the
Unlimited Future teachings in my own life today.


Recently I interviewed RJ on my radio show, and she told us

that she has done the Unlimited Futures Core Course three times in
person. She first came to Unlimited Futures 30 years ago, and in the
first course, she said her mother was dying and she was having a
very hard time with watching her suffer so much—it was a horrible
death. She said the course really made a difference in helping her get
through that experience.
The first question we ask in our courses is, “What do you want?”
RJ said the second time she went through the course she decided
that she wanted some really good art. She had always wanted really
good art, but it was far out of her price range. She said she began to
understand that money is just energy and just a means of exchange,
so she shouldn’t focus on the money. She said her husband told her
they couldn’t afford the art she wanted, but nevertheless she was
able to manifest it.
She said they never had a ton of money, but she discovered that
she really could create whatever she decided to create. She told us
the next thing she decided to create was a BMW convertible. She
said she had mentioned it to a relative, and he said, “Do you know
how much those things cost?”
RJ told us she is blown away by how these things work for her
and have continued to work for over the last 30 years. She said it
sounds like a miracle and she doesn’t understand how it works, but

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she is so grateful that it does. She added that you do have to do the
program on a daily basis and follow the guidance.
She told us the next thing she decided to create was a 34-foot
yacht, and she and her husband had a great time entertaining guests
on the yacht.
Then she decided that she would like a beautiful condo on the
water in Naples, Florida.
We had moved to Naples by that time and were living in a
beautiful condo on the Gulf of Mexico that was for sale. We had
purchased a new condo that was under construction.
RJ told us that when she walked into the condo that looked
right out to the water, she knew that was exactly what she had been
visualizing. They purchased it. That was 20 years ago, and she and
her husband have since enjoyed coming down here when it gets
really cold in Minnesota.
After we moved to Florida, we came back to Minnesota in the
summer to do a couple of courses for a group of people who had
asked us to do that. RJ was in one of those courses, and in that
course, she decided that she wanted to work with women around the
world in going through the aging process. Shortly thereafter, she and
a friend founded their own company doing just that. RJ is now the
sole owner of the company, and they are in 29 countries and have
80,000 followers on Facebook.
RJ’s latest manifestation is a beautiful condo with floor-to-
ceiling glass overlooking downtown Minneapolis. She watched this
new contemporary building being built from where she lived and
visualized living there. When they put their condo up for sale, it
sold immediately for asking price, and they got the last condo in the
building overlooking the Minneapolis skyline.
RJ said, “Unlimited Futures has completely changed my life. I
couldn’t have possibly done what I have done without it.... Unlimited
Futures is so different from anything else out there.”

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Cheryl and her husband, John, came to one of our introductory

sessions and registered for the course immediately. They were so
excited about what they had experienced that they brought both their
sons to the course, as well as other relatives and friends.
One of the first things Cheryl manifested was a fabulous new
(32-foot Carver) yacht to enjoy boating on Lake Minnetonka where
they lived. She wanted to purchase it herself, without her husband’s
signature, so she told the banker that it was a gift for him. She got
very clear about what she wanted and visualized the deal going
through without a hitch, and so it did perfectly! It was a fabulous
yacht which she named ENVISIONED, and we were invited onboard
for the big celebration.
Here is Cheryl’s testimonial for my first book, Unlimited
Futures: How to Understand the Life You Have and Create the Life
You Want:
“The Unlimited Futures course is life
changing. No longer do you react to life, you
take charge of creating your ideal life with
powerful new insights and tools to do so!
There is an immense awakening regarding
who you are, how you function, and why
you are here. Everything in your experience
is wonderfully transformed, enhanced, and
changed on every level through this new
expanded awareness. The knowledge and
these skills absolutely bring my life greater
peace, joy, and meaning as it continues to
unfold perfectly according to my vision. I
am so very, very grateful for this exquisite
Years later, after we had moved to Florida, we were back
in Minnesota one summer to do a course. Cheryl and RJ both
participated in the course again. We started the course with the usual

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question, “What do you want?” RJ decided that she wanted to work

with women to help them enjoy the aging process, which I told you
Cheryl said, “All I know is that I want to make a difference in
the lives of millions of people and make a lot of money.”
She recently told us, “I could not even imagine how that could
be possible, but it certainly has happened!
“My husband and I founded a company that
developed a diverse line of consumer and
medical products. They are also licensed to
huge global multinational companies and are
sold worldwide. Millions of people around
the world are safer and healthier as a result,
and I am deeply fulfilled by living my vision
and mission to make that possible!”


Bob moved to Minneapolis from Naples, Florida where he was

in business with his brother, and they had just finished developing a
gated community there. He came to Minneapolis to do a historical
restoration project for a hotel on the Mississippi River. Here is what
Bob told us about his experience:
“Twenty plus years ago I moved back to Minneapolis after living
there for 16 years. Two of my friends were prospering in every area
of their lives compared to most of my other friends that were stuck
where they were when I left many years before. These two did not
know each other, but when I asked how they had accomplished
so much since I had left, I found the same answer coming from
both—they had gone through the Executive Futures program (now
Unlimited Futures). They urged me to call Bobbie Stevens and her
husband Dean Portinga and meet with them.
“Of course, I was suspicious, but called them and set up an

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appointment to meet. With no intention of signing up for anything (I

didn’t have any money), I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived at
a beautiful house in the woods, rang the doorbell, and when the door
opened, be warmly greeted by Dean—a trim, towering man with
a smile the width of his face and wearing what I would later come
to realize was his daily wardrobe, a sweat suit. Behind him was a
huge live tree in the middle of the house. Meeting Bobbie was no
different, other than her being about a foot shorter than Dean. She’s
not short; Dean’s just really tall.
They talked a little about the program (actually, they wanted to
talk more about me). I finally worked up the courage to tell them I
didn’t have any money to take their course. Dean just laughed and
said, ‘Sounds like all the more reason to get started. The money part
will take care of itself.’ It did.
“Now there’s a book. I cherish my signed copy. I can only say
that, knowing Bobbie and Dean for all these years, this book was not
written to make them rich, but out of a decades-old desire to help
people become all that they can become. There are thousands just
like me located in every corner of the world—many whose names
you would recognize. Unfortunately, Bobbie and Dean are a bigger
secret than the book and DVD, The Secret. I didn’t need to read it
or watch it. From what I’ve read and heard, it’s a small part of the
real secret.”
By the end of the course, funding had been cut on Bob’s
restoration project, and he was deciding what he wanted to do next.
Bob decided that what he would most like to do would be to teach
the Unlimited Futures course.
At that time, we had just decided to start a teacher-training
program to teach people to facilitate the Core Course and start their
own center. Bob joined that training program, and he wanted to go
back to Naples, Florida.
Winter was arriving in Minnesota, and we decided to go to
Naples with Bob and help him start a Unlimited Futures center.
That plan for expanding Unlimited Futures into different places

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didn’t work, but we fell in love with Naples and moved there.


Shortly after we moved to Naples, a mutual friend of ours

introduced us to Karen. She asked what we did. After explaining
Unlimited Futures to her she said, “I need this, I want to do the
course right away!” We could tell that Karen was highly stressed,
so we arranged for a course to start the next week for her and others
who had expressed an interest in participating in the course.
Karen had just opened a vitamin store, her first business. She
had always been a housewife, but after her divorce she realized that
she needed to work. Even though she had started her store, she was
not at all sure of herself and did not know how she was going to
make it work. She found that she had difficulty in deciding what to
concentrate on, and how to sort things out.
Karen said the course helped her to identify and focus on her
priorities, which led her to enhance her problem-solving skills.
She also realized that she was holding a lot of tension in her body,
which was adversely affecting her productivity. “Through doing the
stretching exercises I was able to release my tension. I learned that I
could solve problems once I released the tension and began to better
understand that my own thoughts and beliefs had been bringing it
into my life,” Karen said.
Another breakthrough for Karen was the importance of getting
clear about what she wanted. She learned how to set her goals and
not get distracted by other things. She said, “Now I just get right to
the issue at hand, focus my attention, and go after what I want. It’s
led me to accomplish more, and sooner, than I had in the past.”
She is now able to see the big picture; therefore, she is more
capable of accomplishing her goals. She’s learned how to release
the blocks that had prevented her from creating what she wanted.
Instead of focusing on the problem, she simply recognizes it and

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makes changes. She has become very aware that if she keeps
focusing on the problem she is just creating more of the same thing.
“I’ve learned not to waste my time just fretting about things. Now
I have a clear direction in getting where I want to go instead of just
stumbling around,” Karen told us.
“Understanding the Law of Attraction has also been very helpful.
I’ve been able to attract people to work with me that help create the
working atmosphere I desire. I’ve found top quality people in the
most remarkable ways. They just seem to come into my life. And,
I also realize that you attract what you are, so I am very careful in
my thoughts.
“Our vitamin distribution store now does business globally, and
our web business has increased 500% since launched. Because I’ve
grown enormously both personally and professionally, I’m now
capable of handling all aspects of my life in a calm and graceful
manner,” Karen told us.
Karen just celebrated her 25th anniversary in her business. She
told me that she could never had done it without the Unlimited
Futures program.


During the late 90s, Eileen attended one of Dean’s Spiritual

Insights courses at a local church. She found it very helpful, and it
was a time in her life when she was ready for some real changes, so
she chose to participate in the Unlimited Futures course.
In the class, she began looking at the idea of challenging her
beliefs and discovered the process of clearing denial: the purification
and the correct focus of her attention on the solution rather than the
problem. Eileen was a physical therapist, and she was aware of the
benefits of the exercises, but she said that in all of her studies, she
had never encountered these concepts for the physiological work
on which we focused. The concept of spirit as energy was new to

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her, and discovering where the blocks to acceptance were and how
to clear them out, allowing her to fully receive, was also a new
discovery for her.
“The course provided me with new information. No one had
talked about these things. Previously, everything that I’d been able
to find just talked about the mental or psychological aspect of life
but did not tie it together with the laws of nature or principles of
life. The most important concept I learned was the understanding
of how spiritual energy works, how to de-stress the body with the
yoga exercises and how to remove the blocks to receiving. Other
literature or courses I’d found looked good on paper, but they just
didn’t have the power to work,” Eileen told us.
In the first session of our course, we asked participants to write
down seven things that they want to create for themselves. “Almost
everything on my list has been manifested in my life,” she said.
Following are a few of her choices:
1) I will joyfully and peacefully gain wisdom and knowledge by
attending graduate school. My life is healthy, balanced, and
2) I will be strong and capable. I will believe in myself and my
services as I work with God’s healing light.
3) I will have a healthy, loving, intimate relationship that
supports and nurtures me. I will love myself and I will share
this love with others.
4) I will become an excellent fly fisherman and an excellent fly
Eileen is now:
• teaching metaphysics classes at her church, and is a licensed
teacher specializing in pastoral care.
• enrolled in the chaplain’s clinical pastoral education unit at a
local hospital.

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• finished with a masters of divinity program, suggested to her

by a minister from her church.
• extremely pleased about the improvement of the relationship
with her husband and feels that is a result of her evolving
• an FFF (Federation of Fly Fishers) certified fly casting
instructor. Along with her husband and two other men, she’s
planning to start a fly casting school.
Eileen said her greatest challenge in these accomplishments
was working through changing her beliefs. She also radiates a great
energy of love, joy, and peace.


We met Bridget around 2008. She had just gone through a

divorce. We gave her a copy of my book, Unlimited Futures: How
to Understand the Life You Have and Create the Life You Want. She
immediately started working with the process as described in the
book, and her life changed.
We invited Bridget, along with six other friends, to participate in
the Core Course we filmed and made available on our website. She
was still recovering from her ordeal at that time and was very quiet
and shy. But, wow, how her life has changed since that first course.
Bridget has attended several other Unlimited Futures courses
since then, and I have watched her turn into a truly extraordinary
person. Here is how Bridget describes her experience:
“I was so pleased to be included in this wonderful course. It’s a
brain changer and an eye opener. I have come a long way with the
knowledge that has been shared. 
“All the work I have done through the course has benefited me
physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It is not possible
to explain in just a few sentences the rewards of this life-changing

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experience. I feel like a chosen one.

“It is truly the world’s best-kept secret. I never knew such a
world existed. I am creating my own experiences!
“I have listened to great tapes and read great books from very
wise men such as Napoleon Hill, Dale Carnegie, Earl Nightingale,
Deepak Chopra, and most of the newcomers like Joe Dispenza,
Tony Robbins, etc., but Unlimited Futures gave me the blueprint to
understand, act, and achieve my goals.
“I will share with you some of my tangible goals. I have paid
off the mortgage on my home in full. It has been gutted, decorated,
and remodeled.  I bought both of my kids new cars. I am now in the
process of shopping for a summer home. And I am so happy that I
have a nice nest egg in my retirement fund. 
“Because of those achievements, I feel less stressed, I do not dwell
on the subject of money, and I have learned to let go and not worry
about material things. My mindset converted to abundance instead
of lack. This was all due to my positive thinking, visualizations,
meditations, and actions that I learned through the course. ‘Either
you can, or you can’t; it’s up to you.’
“I am almost sixty years of age, but I feel great. I hear all my
coworkers complain about all their ailments, and I try to tell them,
‘Join me in the course doing the energizers.’
“I am able to enjoy the company of successful, positive people—
others tend to bore me. I just got my report back from my blood
work, and my sister, who is a nurse, was very impressed with my
good health. I was a very shy, subdued individual who did not feel
so good about herself. Now I feel confident, and I’m aware of my
self-worth. I am enjoying every moment of this journey with the
help of this program. Life is good.
“Anyone who participates is blessed. If everyone did, there would
be less suffering, less greed, and a different health care system. I
cannot imagine what my life would be like if I had not taken the
time and effort to follow the course material. I continue my purpose

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and hopefully show by example what’s achievable. Thank you from

the bottom of my heart. I am truly grateful.”


Thirty years ago, I met Bobbie and Dean. Bobbie had just
created the Unlimited Futures Core Course, and I was one of the
first to participate. I saw what they were able to create, and I was a
very willing participant.
Within a couple of months, I was climbing the corporate ladder,
making more money than I ever had before. My health had been
good, but I had more energy to take on the new jobs. I bought my first
home and for a few years, was very happy with what my life held.
However, I did the program sporadically by that time. Whenever I
was stressed or in a crisis, I would turn to the program, and I would
feel better and get back on track.
Over the years, I lost touch with Bobbie, and a lot had happened
in my life. Then, in 2003, I found I had breast cancer. I had surgery,
chemotherapy, and radiation. It was grueling. My spirit was broken,
and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get past a depression that
loomed over me like an ugly cloud of smoke. Day in and day out,
I prayed to have my “self” back. But I had no idea how to do that.
In September of 2005, I was diagnosed with a recurrence of the
breast cancer in my lymph nodes. I had a very aggressive cancer, so
the doctors felt they needed to treat it aggressively. I had surgery, and
seven lymph nodes had large tumors. This time, it was 16 rounds of
a chemo that basically fried the nerve.
I still meditated, and during one meditation, when I was at my
lowest, I asked what I needed to do. And I heard, “Get in touch with
Bobbie.” Huh? “Get in touch with Bobbie.” So I meditated some
more and asked again. “Get in touch with Bobbie.” Okay!
At this point, my husband and I had spent a lot on medical
treatments as well as acupuncture, healing touch, etc., to help me

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get through all of the cancer. When the market crashed in 2008, we
crashed as well. We had to sell our house for much less than what
we paid for it. And our money was touch and go. All of this added to
what was happening to my physical and emotional bodies.
So, I called Bobbie, knowing she had moved to Naples, Florida.
We had a nice talk and she told me about her Core Course on DVD.
I was so excited and so grateful! It was new, and the timing couldn’t
have been more perfect. So she sent one for my husband and one for
me, and we kept in touch with her throughout.
I began feeling calmer right away. She even included guided
meditations on one CD and the energizers on a DVD. It was so easy
to use! And although I wasn’t in a class, I felt I was, because she
taught it with a class, and I felt I got to know the people as I got to
know myself.
Our money situation began improving. My husband decided it
was time for him to realize a dream to have his own company in
Florida (we lived in Minnesota) and to move before the next winter
hit (which happened to have been the worst on record.)
My blood tests and x-rays, etc., were coming back with really
good numbers, as opposed to before when they were just nudging
up. We kept doing the program. Once or twice I missed and felt
it. It was clear to me I just needed to keep going. My energy was
I could barely walk 20 minutes before the program, and now I
was able to do a 40-minute walk and then an hour walk. I also lost
twenty pounds of the weight I had gained during chemo (they add
steroids, so you won’t feel as sick).
In the weeks and months that followed, we were getting ready for
our move, and I would not build in time to do the program. All sorts
of stressful things were happening, and I was getting low on energy,
making unwise decisions, and not feeling well. When I talked to
Bobbie about it, she would ask, “Are you doing the program?” And
I had to admit that I wasn’t. So, I started again, and the move went
off without a hitch.

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We have been in Florida for nine months now. I look and feel
healthier than ever! My husband’s business is taking off and we are
meeting wonderful people here! Whenever I feel there is no time
for the program, I think of what I’ll gain and what I’ll lose by my
choices. Then it is a simple choice.


Back in 1992, I had a heart attack. I was able to come out of it

all right, but about 20 percent of my heart was damaged. In 2009, I
was having trouble with exhaustion and breathing. I thought it was
from the stress of my job. I’m a salesman for medical microscopes,
so I just chalked it up to that. However, when I had some tests done
on my heart, they found that there were some blockages in three of
my arteries. They put stents in two of them, but one wouldn’t budge.
At this time, my wife was also going through the tail end of
chemo for the second time. She remembered taking the Unlimited
Futures Core Course with Bobbie and Dean many years ago. She
had done the program off and on for years, and she knew it really
worked. She also knew she needed some guidance again in doing
the program. She got in touch with Bobbie and they talked for a
Bobbie had just put together the DVD version of the course, and
she told my wife about it. We both ordered a set and did the program
together, checking in with Bobbie once a week on our results.
When I went back for my heart check-up three months later,
the doctors were sure they would be putting a pacemaker in. But
when they did all the tests, they found that there was more oxygen
getting into my blood, the heart was pumping better, and in general,
everything had improved so much they were amazed. So, no
Then my wife and I decided it was time to make a change. She
was doing so much better as well. I had always wanted to have my

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own business selling high-end microscopes down in Florida. We

had vacationed in Naples for several years, so we found the exact
home that we had envisioned and made the move within months!
We continue to do the program and it is changing our lives in so
many ways. Thanks to Bobbie and Dean for having the foresight to
create this program on DVDs! I can say it literally saved my life!


We met Bob after he’d written me a letter saying that he read my

book and had found some practical ideas in it that had helped him
immensely. Since he lived in the same town as Dean and me, Bob
asked if we could have lunch sometime.
When we met him, Bob told us that he had moved to Florida
from the Northeast to start a building supply company. He had
become unhappy with the business and was looking for something
a little different when he stumbled upon my book. “The book
reaffirmed many of the things that I knew to be true—or at least
wanted to believe—and I began working with the Process. I found
the principles in the book to be quite user friendly, which is what
prompted me to contact you. I wanted to know more about the
person who wrote this book,” Bob said.
By the time we had lunch, Bob was winding down the building
supply company and was ready to begin a new experience. We
talked about the Laws of Nature that govern how we create our own
experiences and how he could work with them and use the Seven
Steps in the Creative Process to create a new career for himself. He
was working with the first step, Clarity, when we met. At the time
he knew more about what he did not want than what he wanted, but
after working through the process of reversing what he didn’t want,
he was getting clearer about what he wanted to create for himself.
We talked about letting go of the “how” and just focusing on the
“what” he wanted to create and about how the Law of Attraction
works when you work with the Seven Steps in the Creative Process.

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He now knew that:

• he wanted to create what was right for him and would no
longer try to force an issue—even in his business—if it didn’t
fit with what he wanted out of his life.
• there was a better way, and he was ready to experience it.
We had lunch at a restaurant close to the Naples Airport, from
where we could see many private planes flying, landing, and taking
off. Bob said, “One thing I want is to be flying in one of those private
planes.” We assured him that if that was his desire and he focused
his attention on it, it would surely happen.
Six months later, Bob told me that he had created a business
for himself that he loves. It came about through a former business
relationship. He had supplied lumber for a builder in the Northeast
who had now moved to Florida. After reconnecting and several
conversations, the builder suggested they embark on a joint venture.
He told Bob that he would supply the capital for a new and lucrative
opportunity in the Southwest and would teach Bob what he needed
to know about building. Bob told us, “Just as you said, when I got
clear about what I wanted to create and started working with the
process, circumstances and events started to unfold, far greater than
anything that I could have imagined.”
As Bob had envisioned, he is performing independently in his
work, yet he has a partner that provides the capital and business
knowledge—and they share in the profits. Everything Bob had
decided he wanted came to fruition in this new business. The two
partners now have two private airplanes, which Bob flies between
Florida’s West Coast and East Coast. Bob loves his new business.
He is continually discovering how he is creating his own reality.


We met Kevin through friends of ours, Mike and Jean Ketcham.

Kevin was dating their daughter, Michelle, when we met him.

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Michelle had been through the Unlimited Futures course earlier and
was working on attracting her ideal mate when she met Kevin at
a conference in Chicago. At the time Kevin was going through a
divorce. It was now obvious that he and Michelle were very much
in love. During a lunch get-together, Kevin was telling us that he
was very concerned about his business and how he and Michelle
could work things out so they could be together. He had numerous
questions and concerns, so I gave him a copy of my book, Unlimited
Kevin read the book on his flight back home and was very
excited about the concepts and principles. When he returned home,
he began implementing them right away. Kevin began visualizing
everything working out for him and Michelle to be together. One of
his first visualizations was the divorce process going through easily,
with no problems. Although his family and friends told him that it
wouldn’t happen that way, he always believed that it would, and he
kept firmly to his belief that it would be a smooth and easy process.
Everything worked out just the way he believed it would, and
circumstances seemed perfect for him and Michelle to be together.
Kevin and Michelle are both manufacturers’ representatives in
the office furniture industry. Michelle was working with her father
in Minnesota, and Kevin had a partner in his firm in Chicago. To
Kevin’s surprise, within a few weeks, his partner came to him
one day and suggested that they split up the company. They were
representing two major lines of furniture which were beginning to
compete with each other, so Kevin’s partner suggested that Kevin
take the largest account—which happened to be the same company
that Michelle and her father were representing in the Minneapolis
area—and the partner wanted to take the smaller accounts. “It
couldn’t have been more perfect. Now Michelle and I could become
partners and represent the same company by which we were both
connected,” Kevin said.
They now began visualizing the new condo they wanted to
buy by getting clear about what they wanted. Some of the things
included a big great room, a private rooftop deck, a great kitchen,
high ceilings with lots of light, and to be located near a park for

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walking their dogs. They are now living in their new condo, which
has most all of the features they visualized.
Their attention then turned to starting a family, but it seemed to
not be happening as they had hoped. One day when they were at the
gym, Kevin was participating in a spinning exercise. The instructor
told Kevin to focus his attention on the road he was riding. Kevin
started visualizing Michelle being pregnant, and the two of them
having the baby they both wanted so much. After months of trying,
it was only a short time until they found out that Michelle was
indeed pregnant. Their daughter, Tessa May Sheridan, was born in
September 2004. Kevin said, “It still astounds me to no end how this
whole process works—I am very happy that I found it.”
Michelle and Kevin now have two very special daughters and
are partners in a highly successful manufacturers’ representatives
business in Chicago.


“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and

you will find; knock and the door will be
opened to you.”
The New Testament, Matthew
7:7. NIV translation
“Once you make a decision, the universe
conspires to make it happen.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
“When you want something, all the universe
conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
- Paul Coelho, The Alchemist
I grew up in a Protestant Christian tradition. Most of the churches
I attended were conservative, with a strong emphasis on studying

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

the Bible and following God’s principles in one’s daily life. Ideas
such as the Universe or Universal Consciousness, energy, intuition,
meditation, or inner knowing were not commonly used. Some would
even say that these types of teachings could be referred to as heresy.
Experiencing God’s presence in my life was challenging for me
because I spent most of my life in my head and not in my heart. My
pastors’ pleas to look within and search my soul landed on barren
soil. By my early twenties, I left Protestantism also, because I had
philosophical disagreements with Christian teachings that clashed
with my view of life. A feeling of God’s presence in my life was
nonexistent at this time.
At this time, I switched my focus to my career. I obtained a
certified public accountant designation in 2004, got jobs in brand-
name, well-known firms, and lived a life of consumerism, hedonism,
and self-gratification. Of course, satiating my material wishes was
a completely futile pursuit, so I drove myself to the ground earning
more and consuming more. I literally drove myself to the ground.
In early 2011, my doctor diagnosed me with chronic fatigue of
unknown origin, and by 2013, he suggested I apply for disability
and leave my professional career. He stated that he would approve
my disability paperwork; all I had to do was to inform my employer.
Deep inside, of course, I knew the origins of my chronic fatigue—
stress and exhaustion—something we commonly refer to as burnout.
I had no idea how to recover, though. It felt like someone had turned
off the lights on the life I was living.
I could barely walk. I did not have any energy for my life’s
pursuits. Food, caffeine, alcohol, supplements, and medications
were unable to perk me up or boost my energy. I woke up at 4:30
a.m. every day simply because I could not sleep anymore, and by
the time I had to show up at work (which was around 8:15 a.m.), I
was ready to go back to bed. My doctor placed me on bed rest which
was observed strictly and daily starting at 6:00 p.m. My adherence
to the bed rest regimen was not out of respect to my doctor’s orders
(although I did respect him quite a bit). I had to go to bed shortly
after I got home from work simply because I could not stand on my
two feet anymore. My bed rest regimen did not yield any meaningful

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positive results. I felt constantly tired. I was even tired while I was
Jason, my partner at the time, and I had completed several
personal training and development courses prior to my becoming
chronically fatigued. From time to time we even assisted at some
of these training courses as volunteers. My assisting was virtually
nonexistent by the time I got chronically fatigued, yet, one of our
mutual friends—after seeing the sad physical state I was in during one
of my assisting agreements—recommended a book called Unlimited
Futures by Bobbie Stevens, PhD. He said that the book contained
several daily relaxation exercises (called energizers) aimed at
strengthening the body’s nervous system, along with an overview of
several kinds of meditation techniques and visualization practices.
“The manifestation aspect of the program is entirely optional”, my
friend noted. I was intrigued.
You see, for someone with the religious background and the
logical, reasoning mind that I had (constantly talking about integrity,
responsibility, and leadership), switching to thinking about the
Universe, Love that expresses itself intelligently through Energy, or
just thoughts that they (thoughts) direct energy was entirely new to
me. I’m an open-minded person, so I read the book, and I loved its
simplicity and very practical nature (despite the fact that I still didn’t
quite understand how my beliefs impacted my daily life or what this
Universe business was all about). And that was quite fine. All I had
to focus on at that time was to start doing Bobbie’s daily program
of energizers and meditation. (Ugh!) Getting started on the daily
exercises took a lot of effort, however. Reading a nicely printed,
professionally edited book with a pencil and a notepad in my hand
while lying in bed was one thing. Rolling out my yoga mat every
morning was an entirely different matter, a challenging one indeed!
At first, I could only do my energizers in the mornings shortly
after I woke up, as doing them in the evenings was completely out
of the question. I had absolutely no energy after I finished work. I
had to break Bobbie’s program into smaller, manageable pieces, as I
was so weak and physically unable to finish all of them even in the
mornings (despite the fact that Bobbie’s entire program of energizers

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

can be completed at a comfortable pace in about 25 minutes). With

time, however, my body gained strength. I was able to finish most
of my energizers every morning, and I even started doing them at
night (although that happened only from time to time). My fatigue
gradually went away, and I slowly returned to a lifestyle where I
could carry on an entire day without needing to go to bed by 6:00
My process of recovery took about two years. Shortly after I
had gotten her book, I contacted Bobbie Stevens on the phone and
talked to her about my condition. She immediately understood that
my ailment was a result of a serious professional burnout and that
recovering would take time. “Alex, don’t expect any fireworks, as
this is going to be a lengthy process,” Bobbie said. And Bobbie
was absolutely right. In the end, though, by early 2015, I was
doing my daily exercises (energizers) for about 25 minutes twice
a day followed by a 20-minute practice of mantra meditation and
visualization. By this time, I had enough strength to start inventing
a new life—a life of balance, self-reflection, self-awareness, and
gratitude for every moment of it. This is when the manifestation
work became quite useful.
My friend who initially recommended Bobbie’s book said,
“Manifestation work is the crown jewel of Bobbie’s entire program,
Alex. Remember that.” By this time, I knew exactly what he meant.
During the process of my physical recovery, I became intimately
familiar with the Divine and the principles that guide the fundamental
underpinnings of our world and our lives. We are Love expressing
intelligently through Energy. We do choose. We do color our reality
with the beliefs that we have. Everything in this world is relative
and it is constantly changing. The process of creation of one’s
life is always in total and complete harmony with the Universe’s
continuous process of creation. Giving and receiving are always two
sides of the same coin, just like the Law of Attraction and Repulsion
has a similar, undeniable duality to it. And finally, we are free to
cause into existence anything we want for ourselves, our lives, or
this world. I also learned how to trust my intuition, and this was a
challenging lesson.

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I was never happy (or completely fulfilled) doing accounting

work. My parents wanted me to get a business education simply
because “that’s where the money was.” I personally loved languages
and linguistics ever since I was a little boy. English was my favorite
subject in school. Finding words to express a certain phenomenon
(be that natural, social, or distinctly personal) was and still is my
lifelong fascination. I wanted to be able to do that not only in
English but in other languages too. Of course, I did not obtain a
proper linguistics education in college, and my dream of teaching
languages (such as English as a foreign language) was virtually
impossible to fulfill, particularly here in the U.S.
Once I started to feel physically better, Jason and I began
making world travel plans, as that was something that inspired
both of us. We both realized that traveling around the world would
require considerable financial resources. Shortly after completing
Bobbie’s in-residence course in Naples, Florida, I got to work on
creating passive sources of income that would support Jason’s and
my world travel plan. We purchased several investment properties
including a diner in Jason’s hometown in Pennsylvania (which we
intended to rent out), which laid the foundation for our future travels.
Building this real estate business was done using manifestation and
visualization principles that Bobbie talks about in her books and
courses: have a healthy body with a healthy nervous system, go
within, make your requests, listen for guidance, act, take steps in
this physical world, and then, finally, release. Let the Universe do
the rest.
It worked. In 2015, I left my accounting job at the mutual fund
complex I was working at in Washington, D.C., and I went to Europe
to experience the world and do what I always wanted—to teach.
I obtained a Teaching English as a Foreign Language certification
which allowed me to teach English in several European countries.
This career also provided plenty of time for me to travel (especially
during the school breaks and in the summer). I travelled all over
Europe, Middle East, and Northern Africa. I met phenomenal
people, including all of my almost 200 English students, and most
importantly, I grew. Every experience, every interaction, every

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conversation, every vista, every bite of food, each and every moment
of my life became a laboratory for ongoing, never-ending, fulfilling
growth and development. In the process, I’ve become a completely
new human being living a created life, a life of my design, and a life
that I really love.
I declared my travels complete in the spring of 2019, and I
decided to return home to the U.S. I transferred my students to other
teachers, left my lesson plans to my colleagues, I said my goodbyes
and thank yous, and I chose Jacksonville, Florida as a new home
and a place for a new chapter in my life. Shortly after I returned and
got settled in, I adopted a beautiful dog named Caroline. She is my
buddy and my best friend. We travel a lot together discovering this
amazing country, and I continue to learn daily and to create daily,
thanks to Bobbie’s amazing program and her contribution to my life.
Thank you, Bobbie, for altering my existence in such a profound and
meaningful way. I wouldn’t be the person that I am today without
your generosity, love, and unconditional support.
With the deepest sense of gratitude and appreciation,
Alexander Larson


A couple years ago I organized a monthly businesswomen’s

luncheon to discuss our businesses and support each other. One of
the women that I invited told me about Kay and that she had written
a book and used the same publisher that I had used for my latest
book. I asked her to bring Kay to the luncheon, which she did.
Kay and I hit it off right away and decided to have lunch, just
the two of us. Kay was interested in learning more about Unlimited
Futures, and I was interested in learning more about her. Her book
about her very difficult childhood was a great book. The title is
Blemished but Not Broken. You can find it on Amazon.
It turns out that Kay, at the time, was working in a very unpleasant

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work environment. I, of course, told her that she could create her
ideal job.
She decided to go through the recorded Unlimited Futures Core
Course with weekly coaching calls. Kay was highly talented. I was
very impressed with all of her talents and abilities, but she seemed
to be mostly unaware of them. Kay clearly needed more awareness
of her own self-worth and more confidence.
Kay is in sales, and shortly after starting the course, her sales
began to increase. She completely outperformed all the other
salespeople in the company, yet she was afraid she might lose her
job if she actually stood up for herself. I told her she had nothing to
worry about—that the company couldn’t afford to fire her.
Her work situation was becoming more challenging for her daily,
but she had decided to create her ideal job. She did the Unlimited
Futures program on a daily basis and was working through the Seven
Steps in the Creative Process for creating her ideal job.
Kay had several job offers, but she wasn’t excited about them. I
told her that she didn’t need to settle for anything less than exactly
what she wanted.
Within a few months, Kay had attracted a couple opportunities
that were appealing, and she accepted the one that was perfect for
her. Shortly after starting her new job, here is what she told me:
“I am loving my new job. It was a shaky start, as I was still
carrying some baggage from my previous position, but I have put
that all behind me now.
“I am still working with the program every day, and my visions
are becoming realizations. I received abundance quite effortlessly in
the first two months of my new job.
“The possibilities are limitless, and opportunity abounds. I have
to pinch myself that I arrived in such a beautiful place. You would
love the décor, as it is very modern and up to date with beautiful
contemporary art everywhere.

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“I renewed my faith and know that all is well, and everything is

how it should be. After I started my new job, I had some anxiety and
concerns but decided to trust that I was where I was supposed to be,
and then the abundance arrived. I am so grateful!
“Not to boast, but my book received the gold medal for
nonfiction in the Independent Book Awards judged by England and
Stockholm readers for 2018. That was an exciting surprise. I have
been contacted by a New York publisher to redo the book but have
decided to forgo the offer for now.
“I just recently woke up in the middle of the night and had the
ideas for another book and quickly started writing the first chapter
of a book on ‘healing.’ I finally feel happy and comfortable and so
overjoyed to be released from the negative surroundings that I had
been in. I have cut the ‘subtractors’ from my life and moved on with
the ‘multipliers.’
“Thank you, Bobbie, for your help and guidance and listening
to me go on and on about those circumstances, as I was pretty
miserable. Thank you for your help through Unlimited Futures in
helping to realize that all is well and everything is as it should be.
Everyone has noticed a big difference in me. Again, thank you for
your support and belief in me and my potential. I know that life is
worth living, and I have a beautiful life ahead of me.”


Marilynn participated in a teleseminar I did in conjunction with

Learning Strategies in 2018. She has since continued with two group
coaching programs. This is what Marilynn told me at the end of the
first course she did:
“I’ve come such a long way inside. I appreciate having developed
the ability to focus, as I sometimes laughed about being so easily
distracted before. It was a huge gain to me to learn the difference
between wanting something and choosing it. And even though I

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learned about yoga and meditation years ago, now I have a yoga
and meditation practice, where I can re-center, ask questions, and
get answers.
“It’s been interesting to me to see how my two goals have been
refined. And how I’ve been changing, gaining worth and importance
to myself, and allowing old issues to fall away.
“I’m different—a huge difference, like a sea change! I think
differently and feel differently. I can certainly say that this is the
best time, money, and effort I’ve ever invested in myself, and that
is a big statement for me. I have been actively working on myself
for a few decades, and this feels like the culminating experience for
me, as though everything I’ve ever done is now all tied together and
working in astonishing ways.
“One of the things I most appreciate is the seemingly constant
revelation of things to me. I’ve tried to write some of them down, so
I would remember, but in a way that doesn’t seem necessary, because
I’m incorporating them at the same time that I’m discovering them.
“Life now is gentle, harmonious, peaceful, loving, and easy! I
chose what to me were two huge goals, and I imagined them being
manifested by the end of this year. And in response, it feels like little
things clicking together, like pieces being put into place, or like a
chiropractor making an adjustment. I have little ahas all the time,
discovering and incorporating all the changes within myself so that
I can experience my two huge goals.
“One time during the yoga routine, as I was lying on my belly,
it occurred to me that I AM you, or the same as you, made out
of the same material and capable of the same understanding and
powerful manifestations. That was a very powerful understanding
for me, taking me out of the role of student, and showing me I was
completely capable of being responsible for myself. I’m very, very
grateful for the program you developed.”
After our two years of working together, Marilynn says, “I am a
totally different person from the one who started working with you
in 2018. My life has changed in every way. Out of all the things I

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

have learned, manifested, and experienced, the most important thing

and the thing I am most grateful for is that I am so very, very happy.”


In March 2018, I took the Unlimited Futures Core Course for

the first time. I decided to take this course because I received a
promotional email from Pete Bissonette of Learning Strategies
about this Unlimited Futures program. In this email, he said, “You
can create or change ANYTHING you want in your life using the
technique taught in this course.”
It sounded very enticing, because back then I desperately needed
to change my situation in all areas of my life.
I was right in the middle of Chapter 13 bankruptcy, dealing with
close to a $3 million debt from my failed real estate projects. I was
trying everything I could think of to get my life back in order, but
almost everything I tried fell short or took too much effort to get
done. Nothing was really working.
I had an online business that I had started in late 2014, but this
business was hardly making money. My relationship with my wife
and kids was not as close as it used to be, and they blamed me for it.
They said that I was the cause of this big mess, and I dragged them
into it.
My health was not so great either. About the same time as my
bankruptcy was starting in 2014, I developed an asthma condition. I
had to use a steroid inhaler twice a day to calm my allergic reaction.
My doctor couldn’t tell what was causing my allergy. So, I just kept
on inhaling steroids twice a day.
I was 20 pounds overweight, and to make my situation even
worse, my teeth were falling apart. One day I was eating a sandwich,
and when I took a big bite, a front upper bridge—which consists of
five teeth—came off. It left my mouth with the sandwich…. My
dentist told me that to bring my mouth back to normal, I needed six

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dental implants and nine crowns, and that would cost me $21,000,
he said.
When I started my Unlimited Futures Core Course, I listed seven
things I wanted to change in my life:
1) Fix my mouth by getting six dental implants and nine crowns.
2) Get my health back—find a cure for my allergy.
3) Lose 20 pounds and maintain my healthy weight.
4) Get out of the bankruptcy and become debt free.
5) Bring success to my online business and become financially
6) Be in a supportive and healthy relationship.
7) Pay off my mortgage and remodel my house.
Now, it has been two years since March 2018. I want to tell you
what I went through during those two years.
For the first few weeks of the Unlimited Futures Core Course, I
tried to learn how to do the energizers, but some exercises (bridge,
especially) were simply impossible for me to do. So I was kind of
observing it, tagging along—like a sport’s spectator, not a good
At first, I did the three sequential exercises once a day but not
every day. I skipped the weekly conference calls and listened to the
recordings later—not a good student.
One positive thing I noticed was, even though I was not a good
student, I felt refreshed and centered after doing the three sequential
exercises: breathing exercise, energizers, and meditation.
Around the fifth week, I decided to do the three sequential
exercises at least once a day, so I did. About ten days later, I noticed
some good changes happening with me. My weight dropped—I lost
five pounds without being on a diet or doing any special training.

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I got a postcard from a local dentist (a different dentist than the

one I was seeing) stating that he would do the dental implants and
accept payments. I went to see him, and we negotiated a payment
plan and started the treatment. Things were starting to improve. By
the end of the 12-week course, I didn’t need my allergy medication
any longer, so I stopped taking it.
I wanted to continue with this program beyond the 12 weeks
set for the Core Course, so I wrote an email to Bobbie asking her to
open a group coaching class. She agreed to do a new monthly group
coaching class by phone over 12 months. So, I continued with the
Things kept on improving, but I still wasn’t practicing the three
sequential exercises twice a day.
At the third month of group coaching calls, one of the participants
in the class said, “My life got so much better since I began practicing
the three sequential exercises twice a day,” so I followed her and
began doing them twice a day.
Around this time, I got an idea about a new line of products for
which I could apply for a patent. I called a patent attorney and asked
about applying. After reviewing my idea, he said it had a big chance
of being approved for a patent, but it would cost me over $20,000. I
didn’t have that kind of money. I was still going through my Chapter
13 bankruptcy.
My story is getting too long…. So, I’ll just summarize where I
am at now.
Two years since I took the Unlimited Futures Core Course for
the first time, here are the results:
1) I got all my dental implants in place. Now I am making
monthly payment to the dentist as we agreed. The remaining
balance I owe him is about $3,500.
2) I lost 20 pounds and am maintaining a healthy weight without
doing anything special.

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3) I am completely off the allergy medication—no more inhaling

4) I have successfully completed my Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and
my total debt now is around $75,000. I signed an agreement
with the creditor to pay it back on a monthly payment plan,
which I can totally handle.
5) My patent application has been accepted, and now it is in
“Patent Pending” status.
6) This month, March 2020, I will be launching my first
Crowdfunding campaign with the patent-pending product I
7) My relationship with my wife and kids is getting better. It is
not perfect, but getting much better.
I thank Bobbie Stevens from the bottom of my heart.
Imu Harada

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How do ordinary people accomplish

extraordinary things? Most of us think
of ourselves as ordinary people, but are
we ordinary or did we somehow become
I decided that I better check the meaning of each of these words.
This is what I found in the dictionary.
ORDINARY – of common or everyday occurrence – customary
– usual – average
EXTRAORDINARY – Being beyond or out of the common
order, course, or method – Far exceeding the usual – exceptional
– remarkable
It seems that when we start questioning—daring to challenge
other people’s beliefs and asking questions of ourselves—we cease
to be ordinary. We simply are no longer average. The majority of
people to date just follow the leader. They buy what they have
been told and experience the result of that, which means they never
discover that they are creating their own experiences or that they
have the potential to create whatever they choose.
Our questioning leads us to discover how we create our own
experiences and the potential we each have within ourselves to
create whatever we choose. A new life of discovery begins, and we
no longer function the way we did in the past. We are no longer the

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usual or average person, and our accomplishments are not everyday

What we accomplish far exceeds the usual. Our accomplishments
become exceptional.
Yet, it all seems so natural. Our new way of functioning is the
most natural thing in the world. What has happened is that we have
discovered who we are. We have just let go of what was unreal.
What we had experienced in the past was that the stress and the
limited beliefs that we had accepted had blocked our awareness of
who we are—and the power we have to create whatever we choose.
We live in a stressful world, and the stress of just living our lives
builds up in our nervous systems. Unless we have a way of releasing
that stress, it affects our perception and our ability to think clearly.
Since it affects our awareness, we are unaware of what happens.
First, most people are unaware that their beliefs are creating their
experiences. Even though it is a scientific fact and has been written
about throughout history, few people are aware of this.
Our beliefs guide our thoughts and feelings, which are where
we focus our attention. This guides our actions, which produce our
If we never take the time to stop and evaluate our lives—question
if the things we have believed are indeed producing the results that
were promised—our lives become more and more mechanical.
All the people you have read about in this book did the same
thing I did. They started questioning. They started looking for
something more or better. They got off the hamster wheel or merry-
go-round that keeps us always moving, but never getting anywhere
different. Some did this by choice and others were prompted to take
this step by circumstances in their lives.
We are all creating whatever we are experiencing, and we all
have the potential to consciously create whatever we choose, but
what happens is determined by where we are focusing our attention.

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We get opportunities to awaken to who we are and the power we

have to create, and if we take those opportunities, we make some
great discoveries. If we do not take those opportunities, nature gives
us a nudge or what we could call a wake-up call. Those calls get
louder and louder until they get our attention.
This is the reason we are here in what I call Earth School. We are
here to grow and discover how life works.
The lessons here in Earth School come in the form of challenges,
and regardless of who we are or how much we have grown, we still
get challenges as long as we are here. The difference is in our ability
to handle the challenges.

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Everyone you have read about in this book has overcome

challenges in accomplishing the extraordinary things they have
accomplished. The exciting thing is that, given the tools and
techniques of the Unlimited Futures programs, they have developed
their ability to overcome the challenges. They also know that if
they continue working with the process on a daily basis, keeping
themselves strong, they will always be able to handle any challenge
that comes up.
I will share with you a challenge that we faced at one point. Many
other people have had similar challenges. That is the experience of
losing all your material possessions.
Remember I told you about the fabulous house we created in
Minnesota? Everything was going great. We were living in this
beautiful house on the lake and teaching our courses there. We had
a staff of 12 people, and we had courses going morning, afternoon
and evening. We had proven that we had discovered something
very valuable for people, and we wanted to make this knowledge
available to people around the world.
People were so excited about what they had experienced with the
program, they wanted to help expand it. We needed to raise money
to do that, so we sold stock in the company to the loyal people who
wanted to help move this forward. We raised some money and were

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

A woman in one of the classes told us that she was working

with someone who represented an investor who was investing in
companies that were making a contribution to mankind. She was
sure he would be interested in investing in our company.
We met with this person; his name was Michael Clifford. He
told us that he represented an investor that lived in San Francisco
that would be most interested in the expansion of Executive Futures,
the name of our company at that time.
He told us that he would like to invest $1 million in the company
to be paid to us as needed and would really like to own all of the
outstanding stock. We called a meeting of our stockholders, and he
asked if any of them would sell their stock. None of them wanted
to sell, but he said his investor would still invest a million dollars.
We did all the paperwork and presented it to our attorney and the
bankers. They talked with Michael, and he provided them with
stock certificate numbers and everything they needed to approve
Then the bank decided they wanted us to put up our house as
collateral. We decided that would be alright since the house appraised
for $1 million, and that was the amount they were going to give us.
So even if we lost it, we could still expand the business.
The bank gave us a small amount of money—I don’t remember
how much. The investor was supposed to come to Minneapolis but
somehow never made it. There was always some excuse why he
couldn’t make it. We kept trying to meet with the investor but to no
Some months later there was an earthquake in San Francisco,
and Michael told us that the investor was meditating, and a beam fell
on his head and killed him.
After that we found out Michael was a pathological liar, and this
investor was just a figment of his imagination. He never existed. It
turns out that Michael was working with several companies telling
the same story, and a company he was working with in Arizona
discovered this.

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We couldn’t believe that Dean and I, both psychologists, and our

attorneys and bankers all believed him and bought into the story. He
had a partner in his business, and was living with a woman, and they
had a child together, and even they didn’t know. Later he came over
and apologized. There was nothing to do but accept his apology.
But, “I am sorry” didn’t work for saving our house or the
business. We lost everything. I was sure I would be able to save it,
but I wasn’t. The bank foreclosed on the house, and we had to put
our beautiful furniture in storage and move into a rented apartment.
We had to dissolve the company, Executive Futures, Inc. We and
everyone who had invested lost everything.
Fortunately, we knew that we had created the house and the
business, and we still knew how to create. We would just have to
start over. We founded Unlimited Futures, LLC, and started our
courses in the party room of the apartment building where we were
We started a facilitator training program and just started over.
Shortly thereafter, we moved to Florida. We found a beautiful
furnished condo on the Gulf of Mexico that we could rent for the
same price we were paying for a 2-bedroom apartment just off the
highway in Plymouth, Minnesota.
Again, we started over with the Seven Steps in the Creative
Process—we started by saying, “We are here…. What do we want
They were starting a new condo building next door to where
we were renting. We decided we would create a condo in the new
building right on the Gulf of Mexico. It is spacious and mostly glass
overlooking the Gulf, with wonderful sunsets. This is where I live
today. It is so much more appropriate for my life now. Dean also got
to live here for 13 years and loved it.
For many years I wondered and asked what I did wrong—why
we had this experience. In writing this book, I knew I should share
this experience. But I wondered what I should say about why this

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Then I got a very clear message. It said, “You didn’t do anything
wrong. It was just what you needed to experience to teach you, so
you can share with others, that the power is not in the money or
possessions—it is in us.” And nothing can take it away.
I share this with you so you can understand that I am no different
from you. I just discovered that we all have the potential to create
whatever we choose, and I developed that potential and have been
creating wonderful things for myself and sharing this knowledge
with everyone I can ever since.
All the people you have read about in this book have also
developed their potential to create what they chose to create.
They all started as ordinary people living ordinary lives, but
through working with this process, they became extraordinary
people living extraordinary lives.
Are you ready to develop your potential to become an
extraordinary person living the life you choose?
I hope this book has been helpful and that you will choose not
to live your life without discovering who you really are and the
power you have deep within yourself to create the life you choose
for yourself.
If you would like some help, you can find us at

Dean and I in our condo on the Gulf.

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We (the collective we) are going through the biggest transforma-

tion the world has ever seen. The result of this transformation will
be a more advanced species of humanity, which will create a totally
different world from the one we find ourselves in today.
This advanced species will discover and develop their ability to
create whatever they chose.
This new world will be created by people who understand that
we are all connected and what affects any of us affects all of us.
There is an understanding that we are all creators. We are all Love,
Intelligence, and Energy. All is Love so all of creation is created
from Love.
Einstein said: “The world is nothing more and nothing less than
the collective thoughts of all the people.”


In the past we have been functioning under false beliefs about

the world and how it works. As a result of those beliefs we have
created fear, anger, war, injustice, competition, shame, guilt, rivalry,
and other forms of suffering.
The time has come to create a new experience. It is time to
create the kind of world we all want to live in. I believe this new
world will be one of peace, beauty, wisdom, and opportunity for all.
It will be a world governed by love instead of fear.

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

There are some people around the world who are functioning
from this more advanced level of functioning now, and you can be
one of them if you are not already.
I invite you to join me and the extraordinary people you have
read about in this book in creating the kind of world you want for
yourself and make your special contribution to creating the kind of
world you want for humankind.


If you would like to start developing your potential to create

whatever you chose, you could start with my latest course
Unlimited Futures: Unlimited Abundance which I originally
presented as a live virtual seminar. You can learn more by going to

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Unlimited Futures: How to Understand the Life You Have and

Create the Life You Want by Bobbie Stevens, PhD
Making Sense of the Chaos: A Call to Action by Bobbie Stevens,
Mind to Matter: The astonishing science of how your brain
creates matter by Dawson Church
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the
Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desires: Harnessing the Infinite
Power of Coincidence by Deepak Chopra
A New Republic of the Heart: An Ethos for Revolutionaries by
Terry Patten
You Are the Universe: Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why it
Matters by Deepak Chopra
Meta Human: Unleashing Your Infinite Potential by Deepak
Quantum Shift in the Global Brain: How the New Scientific
Reality Can Change Us and Our World by Ervin Laszlo
The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe by
Lynne McTaggart
The Science of Self-Empowerment: Awakening the New Human
Story by Gregg Braden

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How Ordinary People Accomplish Extraordinary Things

Thrive: The Third Metrix to Redefining Success and Creating a

Life of Well-Being, Wisdom and Wonder by Arianna Huffington

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