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Process Question

1. Why are Mountains important in the Bible?

These mountains we can see in the Bible which are the holy mountains such as Mt. Ararat, Mt.
Sinai, Mt. Moriah and Mt. Tabor represent as a place where God speak to His prophets and teach
them his words then later share it to other people by the chosen prophets. These holy mountains
are indeed importance for the prophets way back then as this place served as the mean to
communicate to God.

2. Why is Jerusalem known as the city of David and Temple Mount?

Jerusalem became known as the city of David as it was conquer by the King David of Israel. The
name ‘City of David’ was use for a very long time which lasted more than 3,000 years after his
death. It was also known as the Temple Mount as it is the holy site by the Jews where the first
temple was built during the reign of King David’s son Solomon.

3. What is the significance of the Temple Mount for Christianity?

This Temple Mount is known as a holy site that’s why it plays a huge role to the Christianity
wherein it carries both religious and historical significance for it. This site is known as the place
where Jesus visited and celebrated Jewish festivals as well as where He challenged those people
who abused their power inside the temple and connected to the corruption. According to the Mark
13 in the Bible, Jesus predicted that this Temple will be destroyed.

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