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Five Brothers, One Mother

By: Jomean E. Belgira

The story opened with the introduction of what the speaker was doing andwhere he was. The speaker
and his family moved in to their new house depicting that thehouse is greatly unfinished yet which
seems to be bruisingly clear on their first night.Having no electricity yet and Fivemosquitoes that keeps
bugging them through the night.
The work on the house would continue but after 8 years it remained
unfinished. Only the interior of the house such as the kitchen, Boy’s room, and guest
room, which were always cleaned by
the speaker’s mother, were done but the exterior
remained unpainted leaving it with still the same cement grey as the day they moved in.


As the speaker and his siblings grew older and drifted farther and farther away
from their mother’s grasp, defining their own lives outside of the house, the speaker’s
mother must have felt that she was losing her sons and daughter to their friends, jobs,loves
forces beyond her control.
The speaker’s mother
might figure that food, and a clean place to stay,was what her daughter and sons needed from her. So
for the last ten years she becamemore attentive on her cooking and fussier on her meals wherein she
even asks her sonsand daughter if they will be there for lunch or dinner so he knows how much to cook.


The speaker’s family still having their gettogether every specialoccasion such as Christmas and New Year
which makes their mother happy. The speakerand his fellow siblings also keep trying their best to come
over to the house every Sundayand have a lunch together in order to not deprive their mother of what
she does best.

Cinco Hermanos Subdivision, Marikina
reflective & sentimental


The Speaker
The Speaker’s Mother
The Speaker’s Father
The Five Brothers
Titius, The Fourth


The point of view used in the story is the first person, because the writer use the word "our" and "we" in
the first paragraph of the story,the writer's name is exie abola, he also became part of the story because
he expressed his feelings in other way.


The symbols of house is a mother.


The Essence of Home

Mother’s Love and Fear of Letting Her Sons and Daughters Go.

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