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 Expression of agreement is the expression which state that he/she agree with people’s
opinion (ekspresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan setuju dengan pendapat orang lain).
Expressing of agreement berarti mengekspresikan persetujuan.

Tomi : Our class is so dirty and trash is everywhere. W e won’t fell comfortable when
we’re learning.
Rian : Why don’t we sweep the floor and clean the class?
Tomi : Exactly,You are right. Let’s do it. (kalimat yang digaris bawahi termasuk ekspresi
agreement atau persetujuan)
Rian : Okay.

The following are the expression of agreement (persetujuan)

1. Strong Agreement (Sangat setuju)
- Exactly, you are right .
- Absolutely, he is right .
- I am with you
- No doubt about it.
- I agree with you.

2. Mild Agreement (Setuju tapi belum 100%)

- I suppose so.
- I agree but ....
- I agree.
- You might be right.

 Expression of disagreement is the expression which state that he/she doesn’t agree to the
people’s opinion. (ekpresi atau ungkapan yang menyatakan tidak setuju dengan pendapat
orang lain. Expressing of disagreement berarti mengekspresikan ketidaksetujuan.

Tomi : I think it will be nice to go hiking this holiday.
Rian : That’s not what I think. I want to go to the beach. (Kalimat yang digaris bawahi
termasuk ekspresi disagreement atau ketidaksetujuan)

The following are The expression of disagreement (Tidak setuju)

1. Strong disagreement (sangat tidak setuju)
- I am tottally disagree.
- I think you are wrong.
- No way!
- Of course not.
- That doesn’t make sense

2. Mild disagreement (Ungkapan tidak setuju secara halus)

- I agree, but not sure.
- I don’t agree ..
- I don’t really agree with you.
- I don’t think so.
- I am not sure about that.
- I don’t agree with you
- That’s not what I think


Choose the best answer!!

1. Ryan : The government plans to raisethe electricity bill next month.
Hani : .................. It will increase the amount of poor people.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ....
A. I agree with you
B. I totally disagree
C. I don’t disagree
D. I agree
E. You’re right
2. Fira : Don, I think we have to tell this problem to Mrs. Ani.
Dona : I am with you. Let’s go now!
The underlined sentence shows .......
A. Asking opinion
B. Giving opinion
C. Agreement
D. Disagreement
E. Suggestion
3. Jane : So, where will we go?
Rudy : How about beach?
Merry : .................. We have visited a lot of beach this year.
Jane : Lake? Toba lake sounds interesting.
A. That’s so true
B. I quite agree
C. I think so too
D. I don’t think so
E. You’re right
4. Dane : I think wasting rubbish in public area should be banned.
Zoe : ........... but it would be a very difficult thing to do.
A. No, I really disagree
B. I don’t know
C. I really can’t agree
D. Yes,I agree
E. No, way!
5. The following sentences are agreement expression, except .......
A. I agree with your opinion
B. You are right my friend!
C. That’s good idea.
D. I think so. I am with you.
E. I really can’t agree

NB : 1 soal berbobot 20 point jadi nilai maksimal 100.

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