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Robbery: robo, atraco, estafa. Fraud: fraude, estafa, engaño.

Theft: robo, atraco, hurto, Bribery: soborno, coima,
pillaje. mordida.
Burglary: robo, asalto, hurto. Murder: asesinar, matar.
Mugging: atraco, asalto. Arson: incendio provocado.
Shoplifting: hurto, robo. Vandalism: vandalismo.
Smuggling: contrabando. Looting: saqueo, pillaje.
Kidnapping: secuestro, rapto. Terrorism: Terrorismo.

If (si condicional) 2nd conditional Imaginary situations

If I were you, I´d study for the exam.
I would study
If My mom went out to the party, I´d watch TV all night long.
I would watch
would accept

wouldn´t take
didn´t want
´d /would accept

might go
didn´t offer
wouldn´t take

didn´t like ´d/would come

1. If someone offered you a lob in the USA would you accept it?
2. I wouldn't take the job if my family didn't want me to.
3. If the pay were really good, I´d/would probably accept the job.
4. I might go even if the money wasn't very good.
5. If they didn't offer me full medical insurance, I wouldn't take
the job.
6. If I got there and I didn't like it, I'd/would come straight home.

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