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A. Previous Study

In this section, the researcher will give three reviews of previous thesis written by

the English scholars and an international journal were reviewed. From three

undergraduate thesis, the researcher used as a comparison for this study and as a

description about similarity and difference among them.

The first previous study is Characterization Of The Main Character In The Movie

“The Unborn” Based On Physiological, Sociological, And Psychological Dimension” by

Ni Putu Yefta Helen Jayantrina. This research tries to analyze how the author presenting

the characterization in two parts, that are: types of characterization and method of

characterization to present the main character. Besides, it also analyze terms of three

dimensions of the main character in physiological aspect, sociological aspect, and

psychological aspect. The data was collected through documentation method by watching

and taking note. The steps of collecting data were repeatedly and intensively watching

needed in order to comprehend the script of the movie while taking not the selected items

based on the related topic. Then, found out information about the character of the main

character which was concerned to characterization of the main character based on

extrinsic study like physiological, sociological, psychological dimension. The method

which is used for analyzing the data was descriptively and qualitatively1.

The second previous study is “An Analysis Of The Main Character Through

Ni Putu Yefta Helen Jayantrina, Characterization Of The Main Character In The Movie “The Unborn” Based On
Physiological, Sociological, And Psychological Dimension, thesis: Udayana Univeristy, 2016.
Feminism Approach In The Novel Lucia, Lucia By Adriana Trigani” By Nur Atiqah

Anggawasita. This research aims to know the characteristic of Lucia Sartori is described as

the main female character and how Lucia as a main character represents feminism values.

The writer uses a descriptive method with a feminism approach. The main character

and characterization are seen from the dialogues, behaviors, and attitude of Lucia Sartori in

the novel. Moreover, the writer uses feminism theory proposed by Soenarjati Djajanegara,

Sugihastuti, and Suharto to get the feminism values.

The writer analyzed the novel of Lucia, Lucia which was written by Adriana Trigiani.

It presents woman’s struggle to achieve equality. Lucia Sartori is the main character in this

story; she can prove that she can be as equal as other people can. She is able to have a good

education and work to earn her own money. So, she can manage her life independently.

Finally, the writer found out that Lucia Sartori is a character who represents feminism values

by being an independent, educated, decisive, and obstinate woman2.

The last previous study is “ Character Educational Values In The Novel Of Ranah

Tiga Warna By A. Fuadi” by Dwi, Hasanuddin WS., Ermanto. This research is conducted

base on background, that is, moral less of young generation until the generation should

have characters. Novel of Ranah Tiga Warna by A. Fuadi describes human who have

specific characteristics, such as character of education. The character is shown on speech,

behavior, and story of narrator on the novel. This research tends to qualitative approach

with content analysis method. The result of this study is five values of education

Nur Atiqah Anggawasita, An Analysis Of The Main Character Through Feminism Aproachn In The Novel Lucia,
Lucia By Adriana Trigani, thesis: Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, 2010.
character in the novel of Ranah Tiga Warna by A. Fuadi there are believing and praying

for God, truthiness, smartness, strongly, carefully3.

B. Novel as Literature

Based on Werren and wallex Literature is a kind of art, not science, because in

literature, many aspect of humanity are involved, and it usually reflects human aspiration

as on the great creativity and universal means of communication4.

According William Kenney Novel is generally regarded as containing about 45,000

words or more. Length novel allows expansive in space and time. Therefore, the main in

the community has become a favourite subject novelist. Society has both spatial and

temporal aspect. A society is obviously related to place, but one is in society changes and

develops with time5. Novel can be divided into two elements:

1. Intrinsic Elements of Novel

The intrinsic elements in a novel are element that directly contribute build the

story. The intrinsic elements are theme, setting, character, plot, point of view, style

and tone, and structure and technique.

a. Theme In fiction

theme is the reflection of human desire to make sense of

experience. Since it reflects so basic and universal a desire of humankind, it

is an important part of the basic and universal appeal of fiction.

b. Setting

Dwi, Hasanuddin WS., Ermanto, Character Educational Values In The Novel Of Ranah Tiga Warna By A. Fuadi,
universitas negeri padang journal.
Wallek, Rene and Warren, Austin, Theory Of Literature, New York: A Harvest Book. 43
Kenney William, How To Analyze Fiction, Monarch Press, 1966, 105-106.
based on Kenney setting is refers to the point in time and space

which the events of the plots occur. Everything that happens somewhere at

some times. In the word setting is an elements of fiction which reveals to us

11 where and when an events take place. Often the setting in the work of

fictions is little more than reflection of a truth that things have to happen

somewhere. Setting in a place involved the actual geographical location,

including topography, scenery, even the details of a room’s interior. The

setting of a novel encompasses a number of different but linked elements:

1.) Time - day or night: summer or winter. The historical period (an actual


2.) Place inside or outside: country or city: real or specific.

3.) Social – the minor character who take little part in advancing the plot,

but whose presence contributes to the realism of the novel.

4.) Mood and atmosphere: dangerous, menacing, tense: relaxing: happy:

light hearted and so on.

c. Character

based on Kenney the character are expected to be natural or life

alike. Human being can live freely but the fictional character is never

entirely free because it is a part of an artistic whole and must always serve

the needs of that whole. In other words, character are the imaginary people

that writer creates, sometimes identifying with them, sometimes judging

them. Character in the novel or any kind of literature can be recognized

through connections or clues of their function and significant in the story.

It is governed and limited by the plot6.

d. Plot

According to Reaske plot is the tragic structure of tragedy has

frequently and consistently takes a dividing approach which separates the

events of the play into four large categories: rising actions, climax, falling

action, and catastrophe7. Plot divended 4 categories:

1.) Rising action Rising action is the entire first part of the play in

which the forces creating conflict are delineated, enlarged, and prepared

for some disaster. During the rising action, the basic conflict is

complicated by the introduction of related secondary conflicts, including

various obstacles that frustrates the protagonist attempt to reach his or her


2.) Climax When the hero makes a decision or makes some all

important discovery about either himself or someone else in the play, the

acts which interrupts everything else that is happening, is always referred

to as climax.

3.) Falling action Presented the way in which the hero is slowly over

powered and becomes increasingly helpless. The falling action does not

usually last as long as the rising action because there is inevitably such

intense emotionalism in the falling action.

Kenney William, How To Analyze Fiction, Monarch Press, 1966, 89
Russell Reaske Christopher, How To Analyze Drama,
4.) Catastrophe The catastrophe in the main action of the lay and is

often a death usually the death of the hero. It is always the logical results

of the rising and falling action. The catastrophe is the death which the

audience has expected for a long time.

e. Point Of View

based on Kenney Point of view is an angle from which a writer

tells a story. The first person point of view is natural and appropriate for a

prose fiction. In other words, point of view is the strength of the author. For

the writer’s relation to the world that he created in fiction is, after all similar

to God’s to His certain universe. That is, the writer is the main source of

being of very person, place, thing, and even in his work and is known to all

that there is to know about these creatures of the imagination8.

f. Style and Tone

The style and tone mean the texture of oral literature, how the

author uses the language. In short we mean author does everything with

words, including how to set words into larger units such as sentences. With

the tone, we mean the expression of attitude. In spoken language, tone of

voice is particularly revealing one and there by showing an attitude. In the

written language, including the language of fiction, the tone is a style that

expresses the quality of the author’s attitude towards the subject and read.

g. Structure and Technique

In structure and technique we learn how to analyze fiction based

on the ways of telling the story (descriptive or narrative), and how the
Kenney William, How To Analyze Fiction, Monarch Press, 1966, 83
character in the story are described through the dialogue. By description the

author gives the direct presentation of qualities of the person, place, or thing.

It is does not only cover the presentation of non-material qualities, as when

the author tells us directly of the moral nature of the character9.

2. The Extrinsic Aspects of Novel

According warex and wallen There are some external points are discussed

in study of literature. But setting and environment are more often discussed. Sometimes,

the extrinsic study only connects the literature to the social context and the previous

growth. In most cases, it becomes a causal explanation, professing to account for

literature, to explain it, and finally to reduce to its origins10.

a. Literature and Biography

Biography is only regarded that it is valuable if it gives any contribution to the

making of literary works. From a biography, we will not only know the genius, moral,

intellectual and emotional development of a man. Furthermore, we may learn the

psychology condition and his creative process11.

b. Literature and Psychology

There are four possible definitions about psychology of literature; psychological

study of the writer, as type and as individual, or the study of the creative process, or

the study of the psychological types and laws present within works of literature, or,

finally, the effects of literature upon its readers (audience psychology)12.

C. Theory of character

Ibid, 84
Wallek, Rene and Warren, Austin, Theory Of Literature, New York: A Harvest Book. 66
Ibid, 67
Ibid, 67
Based on Kenney in his book “ how to analyze fiction” character is part of an

artistic which has essential nature and values of an individual figure or the inside of

human personality who participate in the action of the story13. Then, according Trigan

stated that there are three types of character in the story based on the function and


a. Main character

Main character is the character who takes an important role in the story. The main

character determines where the story will go and she or he always becomes the

central character in the story.

b. Secondary character

Secondary character is the character that gives the influence to the main character

and plays the important roles in the story. The secondary character helps the main

character by forming the theme in the story.

c. Supporting character

Supporting character is the character which is created to improve the description of

the main character in the story.

Then, based on wallek and waller character can be divided based on the functional and

role as following14:

a. Main character is the character

which has important role that mostly related to the other character in the story. The

main character is as a central character because that plays is very important role

beside the other in the story. Main character is categorized important one and appears

Kenney William, How To Analyze Fiction, Monarch Press, 1966
Wallek, Rene and Warren, Austin, Theory Of Literature, New York: A Harvest Book. 68
continually, so that it seems dominate almost the whole part of the story. In the other

words main character are involved in the greatest part of the relative descriptions

more than other character15.

b. Secondary character

Secondary character is mostly affects the main character also has a position in a story

and gives much influence to the main character.

c. Supporting characters

Supporting characters are characters that have function to support the main character.

However, it may take an important part in the story but incidentally it acts as a


D. Theory of Characterization

Based on Kenney Characterization is the process and the way of describing or

portraying human characters in a story, because an individual presents himself through

speech and action which could be recognized through those instruments17. Then, based on

Di Yanni characterization is the means by which the authors reveal and present character.

Besides, characterization in literature is the presentation of attitudes and behavior of

imaginary person in order to make the reader to feel incredible in such fictional forms as

drama, narrative poetry, short story, and novel..

D. Synopsis of animal Farm

Animal Farm is a satire against the totalitarianism of the Soviet Union which is

packaged in a story about the rebellion of farm animals. The principles of Animalism

Ibid, 70
Ibid, 70
Kenney William, How To Analyze Fiction, Monarch Press, 1966
discussed in this book are allegorical of the principles of Communism that raged in

World War II at that time. Even so, the political issues raised in this book are still

relevant to the current situation, where the abuse of position and power always exists in

the midst of human life.

Starting from a feeling of being restrained and exploited, rebellion against humans was

carried out under the leadership of two intelligent pigs named Snowball and Napoleon.

The animals on the farm are moved in a spirit of freedom for the common welfare of all

animals. With all efforts, the rebellion was finally successful and human power was

overthrown. The farm that was originally called Manor Farm was changed to Animal


However, Snowball and Napoleon's democratic principles did not last long. Being

at the top of Animal Farm's leadership is full of temptations for throne and power. The

dualism of Snowball and Napoleon's leadership began to clash. Each side trying to get rid

of each other. Until finally, with a well-planned strategy and politics of pitting, Napoleon

managed to get rid of Snowball and became the highest leader on the farm.

A life of luxury and comfort is getting the pigs intoxicated. Slowly but surely, the

pigs started to become higher class. Break their promise of the equality of all animals.

They sleep on mattresses, drink milk, and eat eggs under the guise of compensating for

the very hard work of leading. In fact, at the beginning of the rebellion they rejected a

lifestyle like humans and exploitation of livestock.

Animals work day and night for the enjoyment of a certain class. However, fed by

propaganda of mutual struggle and mutual support. They forget that their current
tribulation is not that different from before the rebellion. But they are convinced by

Animal Farm's leaders that this is the freedom they have fought for, and this life is the

best they have ever had.

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