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Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303 – 313

A micromechanics based model for predicting fatigue life of

composite laminates
Nagendra V. Akshantala a, Ramesh Talreja b,*
The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Akron, OH 44309 -3531, USA
School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 -0150, USA


The current practice, as well as the hitherto proposed models, for assessment of fatigue life of composite laminates rely largely
on experimental fatigue life data. In this paper, we propose a methodology for fatigue life prediction that utilizes a micromechan-
ics based evaluation of damage evolution in conjunction with a semi-empirical fatigue failure criterion. The specific case treated
is that of cross ply laminates under cyclic tension. The predicted results are compared with experimental data for several
glass/epoxy and carbon/epoxy laminates, and good agreement is found. Published by Elsevier Science S.A.

Keywords: Micromechanics; Fatigue life; Composite laminates

1. Introduction al. [10,11] included internal delaminations to explain

fatigue damage evolution but incorrectly assumed the
Damage in composites is not identical under quasi- delamination length as arbitrarily fixed under cycling.
static loading and under fatigue loading. During fa- We will discuss their work again in Section 6.4. The
tigue, for example, cross-ply laminates develop present approach uses a variational model to solve for
extensive internal delaminations [1] which are virtually the stress fields in a damaged laminate and subse-
absent under quasi-static loading except near the failure quently makes damage evolution predictions and
strains of the laminates [2]. Also, the quantitative dam- durability assessments for the laminate.
age behavior that develops under these loading situa-
tions are different. For example, the transverse crack
density in cross-ply laminates during fatigue is much 2. Stress analysis for a damaged laminate
higher than that obtained under quasi-static loading at
similar stress levels [3]. These differences in damage can A schematic of a cross-ply laminate of the type
be explained via a mechanistic model, only by including [0n /90m ]s is shown in Fig. 1. The laminate is initially
all the prevailing damage modes in the laminate. Such a undamaged. Due to the application of a tensile mem-
model will furnish realistic estimates of the stress fields brane force Nxx, transverse cracks develop in the 90°
within the damaged laminate and consequently accu- layer. As the laminate is cycled at this maximum load
rate damage evolution predictions can be made. level, internal delaminations initiated at the tips of the
For cross-ply laminates, which is the focus of this matrix cracks grow along the interface as shown in the
paper, the dominant damage modes under fatigue are, unit cell in Fig. 2. The thickness of the 90° layer is 2t1,
the transverse cracks forming in the 90° plies and that of the 0° layer is t2 and the total laminate thickness
internal delaminations at the 0/90 interface [1,4]. There is 2h. The unit cell has been divided into two regions.
are a few models in the literature that include both Region I is the delaminated part of the unit cell which
transverse cracks and internal delaminations in their includes both matrix cracks and internal delaminations.
analysis ([5–9]). However, these models do not attempt These damage modes are assumed to extend along the
to explain the damage evolution under fatigue. Diao et full width of the laminate. Region II is where the
interface is still perfectly bonded. The top and bottom
* Correspoding author. faces of the unit cell, x= 9 a and z 5 t1, and are the

0921-5093/00/$ - see front matter Publishe by Elsevier Science S.A.

PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 5 0 9 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 6 7 9 - 1
304 N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313

matrix crack faces and are traction free and the delam- on the material system being analyzed, two different
ination length is taken as d. situations may arise,
The two regions of the unit cell will be analyzed and
the stress fields in the whole unit cell will be obtained. Case I:
−q B 0
The analysis procedure follows the principle of mini- 4
mum complementary energy. The analysis procedure is f1(j)= A1 cosh (aj) cos (bj)+ A2 sinh (aj) sin (bj)
discussed at length in [12]. For convenience, the proce- (3)
dure is briefly outlined below.
When a laminate is damaged, the stress fields are
perturbed from their undamaged states. Only axial
Case II:
−q ] 0
stresses exist in the undamaged cross-ply laminate. Due
to damage, the axial stresses are assumed to take the f1(j)= A1 cosh (aj)+A2 cosh (bj) (4)
following forms [13],
where p, q, a and b are constants depending on the
s L(1)
xx =s1 −s1f1(x) (1) material properties of the ply. j= x/t1 is the non-di-
mensionalized axial co-ordinate. A1 and A2 are ob-
s L(2)
xx =s2 −s2[f2(x) + A(x)·z]
tained using the continuity conditions at x= 9(a–d)
xx and s xx are the axial normal stresses in the
where s L(1) L(2)
The stress analysis of Region I is similar to that of
90 and 0° layers of the damaged laminate, respectively. Region II. Assuming the following forms for the axial
Eq. (1) indicate that the axial stresses are modified from perturbation stresses, an admissible stress system for
their undamaged values of s1 and s2 by the perturba- Region I is obtained.
tion stress terms. f1(x) and f2(x) are the as yet un-
known perturbation functions. Note that the normal xx = − s1c1(x)
s (1)
stress in the 90° layer is assumed to be constant through
s (2)
xx = − s2[c2(x)+ A*z] (5)
the thickness whereas it is assumed to vary linearly in
the 0° layer. Hashin [13] assumed a constant stress in where c1(x) and c2(x) are the perturbation functions
both layers whereas the analysis of Varna and Berglund and A* is a constant. Also, the condition of axial strain
incorporated a thickness dependence for the 0° layer continuity at the interface is satisfied only at the delam-
[14] and later for both the 90 and 0° layers [15]. They ination tip and not along the whole interface.
showed that Hashin’s result is correct for the limiting
case of t2/t1  1. For the present purposes, the above
2.1. Role of delamination
assumptions on thickness dependence provides good
results for the laminates under consideration [12].
Three different scenarios for a laminate under fatigue
Next, an admissible stress system is obtained by
were considered in [16] and their ability to explain the
satisfying the equilibrium equations and the traction
fatigue damage behavior were discussed. It was seen
boundary and interface conditions. Integrating the
that for a cross-ply laminate with only transverse
equilibrium equations and introducing Eq. (1) gives us
cracks, the laminate stresses do not change after a load
the following expressions for the perturbation stress
cycle. The laminate undergoes a reversible deformation
components in the damaged laminate.
and the stresses in the laminate at the end of the load
s (1)
xz = s1[f %1(x)·z +f1(x)]

excursion are the same as they were at the beginning.

s (1)
zz = − s1
1 %%
f (x)·z 2 +f %1(x)·z +g1(x)
n Some irreversibility must exist under fatigue that can
explain changes in the stress state within the laminate.
2 1

s (2)

xz = s2 f 2(x)·z+
A%(x) 2
z +f2(x)
n It was proposed that frictional sliding, at the interface,
between the 0 and 90° layers provides for this irre-

2 versible mechanism. Avoiding the complexities involved

s (2)
zz = − s2
1 %% 1
f 2(x)·z 2 + A¦(x)·z 3 +f %2(x)·z +g2(x)
n with frictional cracks between dissimilar materials, it
was assumed that the frictional process can be repre-
2 6 sented by a shear stress distribution along the interface.
A linear and a cubic shear stress distribution were
The arbitrary functions f1, f2, g1, g2 are obtained by compared to see if the fatigue behavior of the cross-ply
satisfying the traction boundary and interface condi- laminates could be predicted with any accuracy [12]. It
tions. Note that f2 can be expressed in terms of f1 was shown that the cubic shear stress distribution was
through force equilibrium in the loading direction. f1 is better than the linear distribution in predicting damage
obtained by the standard minimization of the comple- evolution and the mechanical properties of the lami-
mentary energy of the unit cell and solving the resulting nate. The admissible stress system for Region I for the
Euler–Lagrange differential equation [12]. Depending assumed cubic shear stress distribution are given below.
N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313 305

t  x− (a− d) d 
− (x − (a −d))3 +
n (6)
s1t1a 3 4 3 12

Fig. 3. Typical variation of the axial normal stress, sxx, with delami-
nation at a fixed crack density.

s (1)
xx = − s1c1(x)

xz = s1c%1(x)z
s (1)

zz = − s1c 1
s (1) %%  −

z 2 t1 t 21
−ht1 +

t 21
2 t2 2 2 2
s (2)
xx = − s2[c2(x)+ A*z]

s (2)
xz = c % (x)(h − z)
t2 1

s (2)
zz =
s1t1 %%
c 1(x)
h2  (7)
t2 2 2
With the admissible stress system, the complementary
Fig. 1. Schematic of a fatigue damaged cross-ply laminate. energy for Region I can be written and minimized as
before. Utilizing the traction continuity conditions be-
tween Region I and Region II and minimizing the
complementary energy, an expression for t, the shear
stress magnitude at the interface, is obtained [12].

3. Damage evolution predictions

With the stress fields in the unit cell determined, the

maximum stress criterion is employed to predict dam-
age evolution. Such a criterion is justified for brittle
matrix composite systems such as epoxy based com-
posites. For example, it was shown by Talreja and
Akshantala [17] that for carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy
laminates, the energy criterion and the point failure
criterion gave almost identical results up to very high
crack densities.
To see if additional transverse cracks formed under
fatigue, delamination length was incremented and the
stresses in the laminate recalculated. Fig. 3 shows a
typical plot of the variation of the axial normal stress at
the midpoint of the unit cell, x =z= 0, with delamina-
tion length, at a fixed crack density of 0.65 crack/mm
for a [0/902]s AS-4/3501-6 laminate. The material prop-
erty data were taken from [4]. As shown, the stress
initially drops as for the case of traction free delamina-
tions but with further increase in delamination length,
the stress begins to increase. Once the stress reaches a
Fig. 2. Schematic of the unit cell for a fatigue damaged laminate. critical stress level, the 90° layer fails, forming a new
306 N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313

transverse crack. Thus, changes in crack density with h= h(smax,l, M, K) (11)

increasing delamination are obtained.
where M denotes the material properties of the lami-
nate and K denotes the geometry of the laminate, for
4. Damage evolution with cycles example, thickness of the cracking plies. Now, applying
the chain-rule of differentiation to the above relation,
Due to the difficulty in experimentally measuring d h (h d l
internal delamination lengths, predictions of crack den- = · (12)
d N (l d N
sity change with delamination length are of little practi-
cal use and corroboration of the predicted data with for constant smax, M and K. Because change in crack
experimental data is not possible. It is traditional and density is a discrete process, it is assumed that,
more convenient to plot damage evolution with respect (h Dh
to the number of load cycles elapsed. In order to extend 
(l Dl
the present model to make such predictions, a relation-
ship between delamination length and number of cycles and therefore,
is needed. Such a relationship is difficult to obtain d h Dh Dh d l
unless the physics of the actual irreversibility causing  = · (13)
d N DN Dl d N
delamination growth is known. Recourse is taken, in
general, to the so called power-law relations, to estab- Comparing Eqs. (8) and (13), it is observed that a
lish this relationship. These equations are empirical and power-law relation can be assumed for crack density
change with cycles. Thus,
are seen to work well for most fatigue crack propaga-
tion studies. d h Dh D( t n

In the present approach, the following growth-law is  =A (14)

d N DN l(

assumed for delaminations,
dl D( t m A and n can be obtained from experimental data of
=B (8) crack density change with cycles at any one fatigue
dN l(
stress level. When Eq. (14) is introduced into Eq. (13)
where, we obtain,
D( t = Dt/smax dl
D( t   n
Dt = tmax −tmin d N DN l(
Integrating Eq. (15) gives,
l( = l/t1

and where l =delamination length. li + 1
Dh 1
Ni = dl (16)
Integrating Eq. (8), the number of cycles it takes to li Dl (D( t)i n

go from crack density, hi to hi + 1 is obtained as, A

& l(

li + 1
1 Eq. (16) can be used to predict damage evolution
Ni = dl (9)
li D( t m with number of cycles at any fatigue stress level for a
l( particular laminate configuration. It is also possible to
where li and li + 1 are the initial delamination lengths at use the same constants, A and n, for more than one
crack densities hi and hi + 1, respectively. The total cross-ply laminate configuration. Liu and Nairn [18],
number of cycles going through all crack densities, p, for example, showed that the micro-crack density
till full delamination is reached is therefore, growth rate as a function of applied strain energy
release rate range, DG, for different cross-ply layups fall
N = % Ni (10) on a master curve. It seems likely that the same results
i=1 will apply even here.
Ideally, the above procedure should give the crack
density change with number of cycles. But since it is
difficult to measure delamination length and there is no 5. Generating a fatigue life diagram
available data that shows delamination growth with
cycles, the constants B and m can not be determined in The fatigue damage model presented so far has not
the usual method of fitting to such experimental data. included laminate failure. Laminate failure in cross-ply
To overcome this limitation, the following procedure is laminates is dictated by the failure of the 0° plies. An
used. The change in crack density in a laminate loaded approximate procedure is presented here that intro-
in fatigue at any given number of cycles can be written duces a criterion for laminate failure without delving
as, into the damage mechanisms of the 0° ply.
N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313 307

For most polymer matrix composites, the fatigue of number of cycles to failure, hf. This is expressed
life diagram for a laminate can be categorized into as,
three regimes depending on the operative damage
hf = A(log Nf)+ B (17)
mechanisms inside the laminate. Fig. 4 shows a typi-
cal fatigue life diagram for a carbon/epoxy cross-ply where A and B are constants that should be obtained
laminate [19]. The progressive damage region, Region experimentally. The failure criterion is shown sche-
II, of the fatigue life diagram is indicative of multiple matically in Fig. 5. As seen from the fatigue life dia-
micro-structural damage initiation, their growth and gram in Fig. 4, the progressive damage region,
subsequent interaction before final failure of the lami- Region II, encompasses all applied strain levels be-
nate. Note that Region I and Region II in the tween the critical strain to failure and the fatigue
present case refer to the fatigue life diagram and not limit. This is reflected in the failure criterion of Fig.
to the unit cell of Fig. 2. The same notations are 5. Region II of the fatigue life diagram begins where
used to maintain consistency with the definitions Region I ends. Region I for most unidirectional
given in [19]. For cross-ply laminates, the sloping graphite/epoxy and glass/epoxy laminates extends up
scatter band is influenced mainly by the multiplication to 102 –103 cycles [19]. Also, since Region I for a
and interaction of transverse matrix cracks and inter- cross-ply laminate is dominated by 0° failure with
nal delaminations. Since our analysis can predict the matrix cracks and delaminations playing an inconse-
evolution of these damage modes, region II of the quential role, it will not be different from the unidi-
rectional case [17]. For the sake of illustration,
fatigue life diagram will be modeled here.
Region II is taken to start at 102 cycles. It should be
The failure criterion is based on the assumption
noted that this value is, in general, different for dif-
that the crack density that is achieved just before
ferent materials. Substituting this condition in Eq.
laminate failure hf, varies linearly with the logarithm (17) gives

hf = hc = 2A+ B (18)

where, hc is the maximum crack density that is ob-

tained under quasi-static loading.
Region II ends at the fatigue limit strain level. Be-
low this strain the laminate hypothetically has infinite
life. We will assume a run-out at 106 cycles. Substi-
tuting this value in Eq. (17) gives,

hf = hFPF = 6A+ B (19)

hFPF is the crack density that is obtained when the

laminate is cycled at the first-ply-failure strain for 106
cycles. This strain level is considered to be the fatigue
Fig. 4. Fatigue life diagram of a cross-ply laminate [19]. limit for cross-ply laminates [19]. Experimental results
however indicate a higher fatigue limit for carbon/
epoxy laminates [4,20] and in such cases hFPF is the
crack density at the experimental fatigue limit strain.
Solving for A and B from Eqs. (18) and (19),

 hFPF − hc n

 3hc − nNPF n (20)
Using Eq. (17), it is now a simple matter to gener-
ate a fatigue life diagram graphically. The lives at
which the straight line, Eq. (17), intersects the crack
density versus log number of cycles curves, obtained
in Section 4, are the failure lives at the corresponding
applied strain values. The applied strain at which the
desired crack density and fatigue cycles are reached
Fig. 5. An approximate failure criterion for laminate failure. can also be found numerically.
308 N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313

from experiments for a similar laminate configuration

[22]. Also, as seen from Fig. 7 the residual modulus
predictions using the cubic distribution for this lami-
nate is accurate [15]. Note that the last data point
corresponds to the case of full delamination. The linear
distribution, however, shows an increase in modulus
which is not seen for such a laminate configuration.
These results indicate that the cubic distribution pre-
dicts the laminate behavior better than the linear

Fig. 6. Crack density change with delamination length for [02/902]s

carbon/epoxy laminate at a maximum applied strain of 0.3% as given
by the assumed linear and cubic shear stress distributions in the
delaminated region.

Fig. 8. Transverse crack evolution with cycles for a [0/902]s carbon/

epoxy laminate at a maximum stress of 413.685 MPa and a stress
ratio of 0.1. Experimental data from [4].

Fig. 7. Longitudinal Young’s modulus variation with crack density

for a [02/902]s carbon/epoxy laminate.

6. Results and discussion

6.1. Damage e6olution with delamination

Fig. 6 shows transverse crack evolution for a [02/902]s

carbon/epoxy laminate with increasing delamination.
The material property data were taken from [21]. Both
the linear and cubic shear stress distributions were used
for the predictions. As shown in the figure, the linear
distribution predicts a higher crack density compared to
the cubic case. However, the final value of the crack Fig. 9. Transverse crack evolution with cycles for a [0/902]s carbon/
density (0.5 crack mm − 1) obtained using the cubic epoxy laminate at a maxium stress of 482.633 MPa and a stress ratio
distribution corresponds with the final crack density of 0.1. Experimental data from [4].
N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313 309

It should be noted that the fatigue damage model can

predict damage behavior correctly up to very large
number of cycles. Given the stress at which a laminate
is cycled, the model can predict the number of cycles it
would take to reach a particular damage level. There-
fore, the model can be extended to make durability
assessments for cross-ply laminates.

6.3. Fatigue life diagram

An approximate way of generating a fatigue life

diagram was mentioned in Section 5. The procedure is
now applied to carbon/epoxy and glass/epoxy cross-ply
laminates. Fig. 11 shows a semi-log plot of change in
crack density with number of fatigue cycles for a [0/90]s
glass/epoxy laminate at various maximum strain values.
The failure criterion requires that the crack densities at
two strain limits be known. First, the maximum crack
Fig. 10. Transverse crack evolution with cycles for a [0/90]s glass/
density that is achieved under quasi-static loading, hc,
epoxy laminate at maximum stresses of 177.78 and 246.15 MPa and
a stress ratio of 0.1. Experimental data from [23].
at the critical failure strain, oc, is found from experimen-
tal data to be 2.5 cracks mm − 1 [15]. The laminate is
seen to fail at 100 cycles when cycled at this strain level.
6.2. Damage e6olution with cycles This is typical for unidirectional glass/epoxy laminates
and since laminate failure in this non-progressive dam-
Figs. 8 and 9 show experimental as well as theoretical age regime in cross-ply laminates is controlled by the 0°
predictions of transverse crack evolution with cycles for ply failure, the number of cycles to failure is taken to be
the same as that for the unidirectional ply [19]. The
a [0/902]s AS-4/3501-6 laminate. The material properties
other limit for strain is the fatigue limit which is taken
for this carbon/epoxy laminate were taken from [4].
as the first ply failure strain, oFPF, for many laminate
The power law constants, A and n in Eq. (14), were
configurations and material systems [19]. The first ply
obtained using the experimental data of change in crack
failure strain is 0.5% for this [0/90]s laminate [23]. The
density with cycles at a maximum stress of 344.74 MPa
crack density, hFPF, at 106 cycles when the laminate is
and at a stress ratio of 0.1 [4]. The constants were
cycled at oFPF is 0.8 cracks mm − 1. This value of crack
found to be, A= 1.6995 × 10 − 4 and n = 1.47. Using
density was obtained from the damage evolution pre-
these constants predictions of crack density change with
dictions of the model Section 6.2.
cycles were made for maximum applied stresses of With the final crack densities at these two strain
413.69 and 482.63 MPa as shown in Figs. 8 and 9, levels, the final crack density at any intermediate strain
respectively. The crack density predictions agree very level is assumed to vary linearly with log number of
well with the experimental data. To the authors’ knowl- cycles to failure. Though this assumed linearity in the
edge, the only available experimental data of damage failure criterion is only an approximation, it however
progression in fatigue for glass/epoxy cross-ply lami- reflects the experimentally observed phenomenon that
nates was performed by Highsmith and Reifsnider [23]. with decreasing maximum applied strain, lower crack
However, as they reported data at a single applied densities are obtained and longer lives are observed for
stress value of 207 MPa, no experimental verification of the laminate. When the failure line is super-imposed on
our model predictions could be made. The power law the crack density curves as shown in Fig. 11, the fatigue
constants, as obtained from the experimental data were, life diagram can be generated by graphically reading
A =7.5323×10 − 4 and n = 1.29. Fig. 10 shows predic- the values of the applied strain and the number of
tions of crack density evolution for a [0/90]s laminate at cycles to failure as given by the intersection of the
different maximum stress values of 177.78 and 246.15 straight line with the crack density curves. The fatigue
MPa. These stresses correspond to applied strains of life diagram for this laminate is shown in Fig. 12.
0.65 and 0.9%, respectively. Figs. 8 – 10 clearly indicate Experimental data for a 0/90 glass/epoxy laminate is
the phenomenon of saturation in crack density under also shown [20]. Approximate scatter bands are drawn
cycling. It is also observed that the saturation crack to illustrate that the experimental data fall within those
densities are different at different applied stress levels bands. It is seen that the model can predict the sloping
and that there is no unique saturation crack density for nature of the progressive damage regime of the fatigue
a laminate as claimed previously [1]. life diagram very well. This is the region where matrix
310 N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313

cracking and internal delaminations are the dominant failure criterion is also shown. Even though the first ply
damage modes under fatigue. A semi-log plot of trans- failure strain for this laminate is at 0.46%, the fatigue
verse crack evolution with cycles for a [0/902]s AS4/ limit is at 0.75% strain [4]. The crack density that is
3501-6 carbon/epoxy laminate is shown in Fig. 13. The obtained at 106 cycles at this strain level, hFPF, is seen
material property data was taken from [4]. The linear from experiments to be 1.6 crack mm − 1 [4]. It is noted

Fig. 11. Semi-log plot of change in crack density with cycles for a [0/90]s glass/epoxy laminate at different maximum strain levels.

Fig. 12. Fatigue life diagram for a [0/90]s glass/epoxy laminate. Experimental fatigue life data from [20].
N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313 311

Fig. 13. Semi-log plot of change in crack density with cycles for a [0/902]s carbon/epoxy laminate at different maximum strain levels.

Fig. 14. Fatigue life diagram for a [0/902]s carbon/epoxy laminate. Experimental fatigue life data from [4].

from Fig. 13 that the model predicts the same hFPF. The 6.4. Inadequacy of the stress-life approach
saturation crack density before failure, hc is 1.8 cracks
mm − 1 and the failure regime extends up to 40 cycles A few researchers have tried to use the S–N curve of
[4]. Fig. 14 shows the fatigue life diagram for this the 90° layer to predict the fatigue life of composite
laminate. The model predictions are seen to agree fairly laminates. Diao et al. [10,11] employed the concept of
well with experimental data. critical and non-critical elements [24] and assumed that
312 N.V. Akshantala, R. Talreja / Materials Science and Engineering A285 (2000) 303–313

the residual strength degradation of the critical element life curves for laminates, the present approach
controls the final failure. The non-critical elements only developed a progressive damage model. Thus, not only
serve to transfer stress to the critical elements. Thus, a the fatigue lives of laminates could be predicted but
stress redistribution factor was introduced which deter- also, the damage sustained by them at any intermediate
mines the stress that is transferred from the 90° layer number of cycles. This is especially attractive for struc-
(the non-critical element) to the 0° layer (the critical tural applications because inspection intervals can be
element). In determining the stress redistribution factor decided based on the model predictions and also the
under fatigue loading, the S – N curve of the 90° ply was number of inspections can be significantly reduced.
employed. Also, the authors predict transverse cracks Though not entirely free of empiricism, the model keeps
evolution with number of cycles using this S – N curve. the empirical constants to a minimum. Stochastic mod-
Fig. 15 shows a plot of the axial normal stress at the els can be incorporated into the model for predicting
midpoint between two transverse cracks, assuming no damage evolution and in determining the scatter band
delamination, in the 90° layer of a [0/902]s cross-ply of the fatigue life diagram to obtain improved fatigue
laminate. The applied stress on the laminate is 344.74 life predictions.
MPa and the stresses were calculated using Hashin’s The stress fields in a damaged cross-ply laminate
variational method [13]. It is seen that as the crack were obtained for a cross-ply laminate with both trans-
density increases, the axial normal stress decreases. At a verse cracks and internal delaminations.
crack density of 1.5 cracks mm − 1, which is the final The model was extended to make damage evolution
crack density for the laminate when cycled at this predictions with fatigue cycles. A power-law relation-
maximum stress level [4], the axial normal stress is ship was employed for this purpose. The resulting crack
24.4% of the static strength of the 90° ply. This is well density changes with cycles were seen to agree well with
below the fatigue limit of a 90° lamina [4]. In addition, experimental data.
if traction free delaminations are assumed to exist at Finally, a fatigue failure criterion for a laminate was
the interface [11], the axial stresses should drop even discussed. The laminate fatigue life predictions were
further [16]. Hence, the S – N curve of the 90° layer can presented via fatigue life diagrams and it was seen that
not fully explain the fatigue damage behavior of the the model can predict the progressive failure regime of
laminate. the laminate with fair accuracy.

7. Conclusions
The paper presented was able to predict with fair
[1] K.L. Reifsnider, R.D. Jamison, Inter. J. Fatigue 4 (4) (1982)
accuracy the fatigue lives of cross-ply composite lami- 187 – 197.
nates. Instead of relying exclusively on empirical stress- [2] J.W. Lee, I.M. Daniel, G. Yaniv, in: P.A. Lagace (Ed.), Com-
posite Materials: Fatigue and Fracture, vol. 2, American Society
for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1989, pp. 19–28.
[3] Boniface, L., Smith, P.A., Ogin, S.L., Bader, M.G., Proceedings
of the 2nd European Conference on Composite Materials, Vol.
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