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Exercise 6 1, 2. 10. John F. Kennedy was born into a well-to-do Massachusetts family in 1917. A. uneducated B. prosperous C. poor D. hungry In some countries, the disease burden could be prevented through environmental improvements. A. something to stiffer B. something enjoyable C. something sad D. something to entertain Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics. A. disciplined B. selective C. wholesale D. unconscious Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region. A. restrain B. stay unchanged C. remain unstable D. fluctuate There have been significant changes in women’s lives since the women's liberation movement. A. unimportant B. controlled C. political D. disagreeable | clearly remember talking to him in a chance meeting last summer. A. unplanned B. deliberate C. accidental D. unintentional I'm sorry, Madam. This is the fixed price and there is no discount. A. negotiable B. changeable C. unchanged D. discussed My little daughter would spend an inordinate amount of time in the shop, deciding exactly which comics she was going to buy. A. excessive B. limited C. required D. abundant The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war. A. happiness B. worry and sadness. C. pain and sorrow D. loss This kind of dress is becoming outmoded so you shouldn't dress it up at the party. A. realistic B. incompetent C. unattractive D. fashionable Exercise 7 1. What we need is a pragmatic approach to problem solving. A. realistic B. unconventional C. theoretical D. sensible 2. Names of people in the book were changed to preserve anonymity. A. conserve B. reveal C. cover D. presume 3. If you are at a loose end this weekend, | will show you round the city. A. free B. confident C. occupied D. reluctant 4, Because Jack defaulted on his loan, the bank took him to court. A. failed to pay B. paid in full C. had a bad personality ,,D. was paid much money 5. If you don't pay your rent, your landlord is going to kick you out! A. lend you some money B. play football with you C. give you a kick D. force you to stay 6. The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. A. busy B. exhausted C. uncomfortable _ D. free 7. Why not take the elevator? Climbing up the stairs will fatigue you. A. tire B. energize C. bore D. exhaust 8. The team worked hard to achieve their championship victory. A. achievement B. feast C. defeat D. score 9. Whatever the activity level, all types of hobbies can require high levels of expertise. A. incapable B. incompetence _C. expertness D. skillfulness 10. | could see the finish line and thought | was home and dry. A. homeless B. hopeful C. successful D. unsuccessful Exercise 8 1. “The shop assistant was totally bewildered by the customer's behaviors.” A. disgusted B. puzzled C. pleased D. upset 2. Education is desperately needed in many countries where a high percentage of the population is unable to read and write. A. wordy B. literate C. verbal D. learned 3. Experts hope that the vaccine will be mass-produced soon. A. produced in great number B. produced with high cost C. produced cheaply D. produced in small number 4. The dim lights made it hard to see, so Ben squinted to make out the stranger's face in the distance. A. faint B. muted C. strong D. weak 5. About 95 percent of all animals are invertebrates which can live anywhere, but most, like the starfish and crabs, live in the ocean. A. with ribs B. without ribs C. without backbones D. with backbones 6. It is imperative that they finish the task on time. A. unnecessary B. necessary C. suggested D. hoped 7. Day follows night and night follows day. The sequence is inevitable; it is certain to happen. A. avoidable B. satisfactory C. sufficient D. abnormal 8. The members of the committee were assembled quickly. A. advised B. informed C. dispersed D. consulted 9. Icannot understand why she did that. Her story really doesn't add up. A. is reasonable B. isn't a piece of cake C. doesn't make sense D. like two peas in a pot 10. Dissemination of information is frequently carried out via satellite through local or national TV networks. A. compilation B. condensing C. collection D. dispersal Exercise 9 ve 1. The jeweler reported that the diamonds were genuine. A. perfect B. real C. valuable D. imitations 2. My supply of confidence slowly dwindles as the deadline approaches. A. shifts B. grows C. emerges D. diminishes 3. His career in the illicit drug trade ended with the police raid this morning. A. elicited B. irregular C. secret D. legal 4. She performed all her duties conscientiously. She didn't give enough care to her work. A. insensitively B. irresponsibly C. liberally D. responsibly 5. My cousin tends to look on the bright side in any circumstance. A. be optimistic B. be pessimistic C. be confident D. be smart 6. | finti it hard to work at home because there are too many distractions. A. attentions B. unawareness __C. unconcern D. carelessness 7. We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours. A. uninterested B. unsure C. open D. slow 8. We changed the wording of the text to make it more comprehensible. A. sympathetic B. understandable C. misunderstood D. natural 9, The senator defended his opponent's policies in a televised speech. A. defeated B. supported C. attacked D. protected 10. He had never experienced such discourtesy towards the president as it occurred at the annual meeting in May. A. politeness B. rudeness C. measurement D. encouragement Exercise 10 1. The bank announced that it was to merge with another of the high street banks. A. associate B. separate C. cooperate D. assemble 2. He declined my invitation to my farewell party because he was busy at work. A. turned down B. accepted C. turned up D. made 3. The interviewer highly appreciated me as | was on time for the interview. A. punctual B. late C. in time D. precisely 4. He tended to advocate the return of capital punishment on the ground that it was vital to combating crimes. A. support B. approve of C. deny D. oppose 5. They appeared surprisingly pessimistic about their chances of winning. A. gloomy B. optimistic C. doubtful D. distrustful 6. We ought to keep these proposals secret from the chairman for the time being. A. revealed B. frequented C. accessible D. lively 7. They protested about the inhumane treatment of the prisoners. A. curious B. warm-hearted —_C. callous D. cold-blooded 8. She had a cozy little apartment in Boston. A. uncomfortable B. warm . dirty D. lazy 9. There has been insufficient rainfall over the past two years, and farmers are having trouble. A. adequate B. unsatisfactory _C. abundant D. dominant 10. Steven was stationed so long in Iraq that he often yearned to see his wife and children again. A. desired B. united C. longed D. disliked

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