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1. Choose the correct preposition from the list below.

You may use the same

preposition more than once. Translate the sentences.


- Banishment/ Loss of citizenship

- Being banned from contacting certain people/ approaching certain people (= A restraining order)
- Being banned from holding public office/ certain jobs
- Blocking access to bank account(s)
- Capital punishment (= death penalty) - cмертна кара
- Community service - громадські роботи
- Compensation or other reparations to the victim(s)
- Compulsory counselling/ drug therapy/ psychiatric treatment/ anger management classes
- Corporal punishment (= Physical punishment) - тілесне покарання
- Electronic tagging / monitoring – застосування електронних засобі контролю щодо
підозрюваного / обвинуваченого
- Fine - штраф
- Forfeiture and сonfiscation - конфіскація
- Hard labour – каторга
- House arrest / home confinement / home detention – домашній арешт

- Imprisonment – позбавлення волі (кримінальне покарання, яке полягає в ізоляції

засудженого від суспільства та поміщенні його
до кримінально-виконавчої установи) - Informal warning
- Life imprisonment – довічне позбавлення волі (ув’язнення)
- Loss of welfare benefits/ public housing
- Official warning
- One night in a police station cell
- Permanent criminal record
- Prison sentence
- Serve a prison sentence – відбувати покарання у вигляді позбавлення волі
- Restriction of movements, e.g. curfew and/ or electronic tagging
- Stripping someone of a qualification, licence (e.g. teaching licence) or honour (e.g. a knighthood or
honorary MA)
- Suspended sentence - умовний вирок (умовне засудження / покарання)
- Suspension from job or education

- Bail – застава - вид запобіжного заходу (внесення на спеціальний рахунок, визначений у порядку,
затвердженому законом, підозрюваним, обвинуваченим коштів з метою забезпечення виконання
підозрюваним, обвинуваченим покладених на нього обов'язків, під умовою звернення внесених коштів у

дохід держави в разі невиконання цих обов'язків.

- Release/ remand on bail – звільнити з-під варти після внесення застави

- Put on probation - призначення пробації (умовного звільнення із наглядом)
(а court may order an offender to serve a term of probation, during which time the offender must meet certain
conditions, including reporting to a probation officer, remaining crime-free or attending treatment. The court can
impose probation as an alternative to jail term or after the offender has served a portion of a jail sentence. Failure to

follow the conditions of probation can result in the offender serving jail term.)

- Release on parole - умовно-дострокове звільнення від відбування покарання

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences using the vocabulary for types of punishment.

1. Суд Гонконгу дозволив вийти під заставу бізнесмену й критику китайської влади
Джиммі Лаю.
The Hong Kong court has allowed Jimmy Lai, a businessman and critic of the Chinese
government, to be released on bail.
2. Житель Іванич, перебуваючи під домашнім арештом, вчинив опір та наніс тілесні
ушкодження поліцейським.
Resident Ivanych, while under house arrest, resisted and inflicted bodily injuries on police
3. Суд на Львівщині засудив чоловіка до одного року умовного терміну через
несплату аліментів у сумі понад 20 тисяч гривень.
The court in the Lviv region sentenced a man to one year of probation for non-payment of
alimony in the amount of more than 20,000 UAH.
4. Ув'язнення на 5 років та конфіскація майна – вирок підприємцю за ухилення від
сплати податків.
Imprisonment for 5 years and confiscation of property - a sentence to the entrepreneur for tax evasion.

Exercise 3. Translate the article below into English.

Burglary season: how to secure your own property and housing

The holiday season and mass burglaries in Ukraine coincide. Thieves
they follow the owners and their apartments, leave marks on the doors, and then rob the house. One of
the reliable ways of protection, experts call the alarm or security, which can be public or private.

What can stop a burglar

Today you can protect your home thanks to qualified security. There are different ways to connect
housing to security: supervision, etc. It is thanks to such measures that you will be able to protect your
home from theft.
Are there any signs that the apartment is under the watchful eye of a robber
The most common label is a piece of paper and a match in the doorway. When you open the door and
see that a piece of paper or a match has fallen on the floor, it indicates that your home has been noticed
and monitored to see if you are at home.
Do robbers really use information from social networks
Of course, with the advent of technical progress, robbers are changing their approaches. Just look at
facebook and other social networks, where people are constantly spreading information about their
location. The only thing left for the thieves is to check the housing: are there people there, is it possible
to get there.
How to create the effect of "presence" in the house
The main advice is to be friends with neighbors.
In addition, if the burglar sees that the apartment or entrance is guarded, he will consider whether it is
really worth going there.
Where not to hide money
Criminals know where people often hide money: behind paintings, in teapots, in dishes - these are
common hiding places. It is best to take everything to the bank and store it there.

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